
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · 奇幻
56 Chs

Chapter 39: Deja Vu, and Sand of Time.

"Chibaku Tensei!"

Madara raised his hand and threw several dark matters that emit gravitational force, toward the sky. Those dark matters then pulled with it the surrounding ground towards the sky, and transformed into several gargantuan meteorites. Madara then pulled down his hand and those meteorites rained down not only towards Zokuto, but towards the surrounding area.

Seeing this, Zokuto turned serious.

"Missle Bijuu Dama!"

Zokuto created several chakra hands from his Six Path Sage Power. He then used those hands to create a bijuu dama and shoot those meteorites with it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Within a minutes, those meteorites got shot by those bijuu damas and turned into a dense earth dust. Zokuto then checked his surrounding to find where did Madara go. Suddenly, he felt something unsettling coming from the sky.

"Infinite Tsukuyomi!"

Madara who floated up on the sky manages to spot the moon. After that he moves closer to that big shining ball and activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi. In that instant, his Rinnegan eyes is reflected on the moon. The moon then turned into a big shiny Rinnegan eyes, that cast a genjutsu toward the shinobi world.

"This is bad. Perfect Susanoo!"

Zokuto hurriedly activated his Susanoo and covered himself with it.The Susanoo color took a dark blue shade that it reflected the light illumination from the moon, and prevented Zokuto from getting influenced by the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

While Zokuto was safe from the genjutsu illumination, the rest of the shinobi are not as lucky as him. Everyone else were entered a dream state that they felt so real. Their dream is showing them something that they desired in their life. This caused them to feel so excited that they did not even think that they are inside a genjutsu. They are not even aware that some tree roots are upon them, and from that root, a paper like sheets comes out. Those sheets wrapped them and pulled them up, dangling on the roots.

After sometimes, the genjutsu ended. Zokuto then diactivated his Susanoo and looked around him. On his surrounding were the roots of the God Tree.

"Sigh. This will be troublesome. How should I reverse this genjutsu?" wondered Zokuto.

"Deity-san, you can use the Six Path Yin Yang Power to reverse the effect of this Infinite Tsukuyomi." said Hagoromo.

"Eh!? You are still here?" said Zokuto, a bit startled by this guy.

"I will teach you the seal on reversing this genjutsu." Hagoromo then taught Zokuto the hand seal and the way he should use the Yin and Yang power to reverse the tsukuyomi.

Zokuto with the help of his system instantly learned those technique. He then tried to perform the technique, but got interrupted by Madara.

"Chibaku Tensei."

Madara bombarded Zokuto with meteor missle, causing Zokuto to not able to perform the reversing technique. He was forced to use bijuu damas to contend against those gargantuan missle.

"It look like Madara's power is getting greater and greater." said Zokuto, looking at Madara, who have a small root connected to him. This root constantly supply him with the chakra gathered from all over the place that illuminated by the Infinite Tsukuyomi.


"Summoning Jutsu!"

Madara's Limbo now increased to ten. After that he summoned many summon beasts. Adding to that, a crack appeared on the God Tree, and from that crack, thousands of White Zetsus come out and surrounded Zokuto. Madara smiled when he looked at his troop, and looked at Zokuto, saying "Now kid, enjoy my feast for you. Attack!"

He then signalled all his troop to gang up on Zokuto. The moment Madara signalled the attack, the whole zetsus used barrage of attack to bombards Zokuto. Fire, water, wind, lightning, and earth jutsus, all type of elemental jutsus were thrown towards Zokuto. Those summoned beasts also expelled all types of elemental attacks towards the young sage. As for those ten limbo and Madara, they looked at Zokuto with a flash of enjoyment in their eyes.

"So, you won't give me any chance to reverse your technique huh." murmured Zokuto. "Well, all these minion of yours is only adding to a cannon fodder here."

Zokuto then vanished, and all those attacks hit nothing, but empty air. Up on the sky Zokuto appeared and floated on the sky. "I could use many of my ninjutsu to wipe these troop of yours but I'm afraid that you will keep spamming them out right?" said Zokuto to Madara.

"Hahaha. You could say that." laughed Madara. The limbo behind him is increasing in number; from ten to twenty. This shows how much chakra that he got from the God Tree. Seeing this, Zokuto furrowed his brows.

" Are you trying to sap the energy of the whole planet?"

"That exactly what I'm trying to do. When there is no more chakra in this world, no one will be able to use practice ninjutsu. This way, there is no longer a need for a ninjas to exist, as chakra is no longer accessible for ninjas to practice any ninjutsu. Besides, all those people is now content to live in their dream. In fact, they will not want to wake up ever again from those blissful dream that they desired so much in their life. All of this is thanks to me activating the Infinite Tsukuyomi, and absorbing all those chakra energy. Now, the world should regards me as their savior." said Madara.

"You ambition really high. Unfortunately, this dream of yours is not good for me." sighed Zokuto. "Although I don't really care about your ambition, but this is impacting even me. Your cause is a danger to me. So, let me show you something that I'm capable to do."


Zokuto's eye then changed from Mangekyou into the ringed Rinnegan. On each of his eyes, six tomoe is arranged in horizontal line with blue dot-like pupil in the middle.

"I don't have so many Rinnegan abilities like yours. I only have two of them. Let me tell you beforehand. My first ability can only be activated once. Activating my first ability will cause my right eye to turn blind." said Zokuto. He then added, "Let me show you my first ability. Have you ever experienced a deja vu? A moment where you got into a state that you already experienced before? This is what my first ability is."


"Rinne Release: Deja Vu!"

Zokuto looked at Madara and casted his Rinnegan ability with Madara as the main target. Suddenly, the whole world turned very bright that Madara was forced to close his eyes. The brightness then turned into deep darkness for several ticking seconds. An instant later, light slowly appeared and the whole world was bright again. When Madara opened his eyes, he can now see his surrounding.

However, something really big changes. All of the surrounding zetsus are gone. His limbos gone, summoned beasts also gone, and even the God Tree is also gone. What appeared infront of him is the mountain graveyard that have not yet been bombarded by his Chibaku Tensei. Not too far from him was Zokuto who just kicked Black Zetsu, and send him away from the unconscious Obito. This situation was when Black Zetsu tried to take Obito's right eye, and kill him, but did not manages to do so as Zokuto appeared and prevented him to do so.

One thing different is that when Madara looked at Zokuto carefully, he saw that Zokuto's right eye already turned white shade, showing that it is already blind.

"Ah. So, this is your closest Deja Vu. I was thinking to have you get a deja vu on your early year, when you are still fighting Hashirama, but it seems to be too hard for my Rinnegan ability to acomplish that. Well, this ia already good enough for me." said Zokuto, rubbing his blind eyes.

"What? What did you do? Did you just turned back the time?" said Madara in fright. If this is Zokuto's ability, then this is no longer just a simple Rinnegan eye ability.

"Actually, I did not turn back time. If time was turned back, with the Deja Vu effect, all people will remember the experience of looking at the moon and got affected by the Infinite Tsukuyomi. However, in this state, only the two of us could remember that experience.

With the Deja Vu, I just brought mine and your soul into a time loop. The time loop is at a random occasion, anyway in the past. However, it seems like we were not able to go beyond this past. Maybe this is one of those only state that we both exist. If we were brought to your early age where I am not born yet, then my soul will have to enter another vassal, other than my own body." explained Zokuto.

Hearing that, Madara's eyes flashed with interest. This ability is akin to turning back time. With this ability, they can go back to the time when they could do something benefitting to them. However, this eye ability seems to be one off use only.

"Now then, let me show you my second ability. Have you ever thought of travelling into the future?"

"STOP!!!" Shouted Madara in fright. Now, he was sure that Zokuto's ability is really f@#king absolutely dangerous. That is an ability that almost manipulating the time itself. He already experienced warped back in time. Sending him into the future will not be something he wanted for now.

"Rinne Release: Sand of Time!"

One of the six tomoe in Zokuto's left eye faded, and a timespace instantly cocooned Madara and Black Zetsu together. The timespace then shrunk down, turning smaller and smaller in just a minutes time. Before long, the timespace ceased to exist.

"When you come out of this timespace, you will be in the future nine years from now." was the last voice Madara heard before they vanished completely.

After the two disappeared in the timespace, Zokuto then sighed. While his Rinnegan ability managed to send both Madara and Black Zetsu into the future, this ability also affected him. He aged twice the time he used to send his target into the future. Now, Zokuto is already a twenty five years old man.

"Now, I am left with five tomoe chance, and also aged several years. Well, this is not so bad. I am now an adult."