
Raemondo Renn- Student of Madara and Lucifer [Hiatus]

A boy was dropped from another world to our earth. Who exactly is he? Is he some magical and a supreme being? or just a normal person? Read it to find it out as the boy discover who he is through his hardships, pain, and his journey See him getting trained under Lucifer and Madara Uchiha. See him visiting different worlds of magical beings and strange concepts. See him make friends from the world of Naruto and Fairy tail If u think that the power level from naruto and Dragon ball Z is high that u have seen nothing The MC would be OP, but if you guys have seen my previous work then u would know that I would make it as realistic as possible. The MC would fail a lot and progress through rigorous training. Hope u guys would enjoy this new story of mine.

TheSilverPrince · 漫画同人
13 Chs

It was a Pleasure to Burn

A/N: Hey guys, long time no see. I would now be starting this novel.

I have created a pat-reon account for this novel and the link for the pat-reon is


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The pat-reon consists of up to 15 advanced chapters. Give it a try

The novels would be updated on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. This was done as I will now be writing my advanced chapters for Pokemon and the Pokemon chapters would be updated on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively. The pokemon chapters would be updated later as I am currently writing advanced chapters for it



After 3 years,

Everything seemed normal on the blue planet…. At first. But something was not normal in Playsafe childcare, especially to a little kid with silver hair.

It was early in the morning and the room was brightly lit with the rays of the sun. A beautiful lady was standing near the bed and inspecting the burnt marks on the bedsheet with a troubled face.

Axel was not a normal kid by any means. Alison knew that the moment she had held the baby. What she had not expected, was the issues that followed.

A normal child would start to crawl after 9 months, walk and talk after a year and start to read after 4 years. Axel started to crawl after a week, walk and talk after 3 months and start to read after 6 months.

This was a sharp contrast compared to other kids.

[A/N: Let me remind the viewers that, it is not a reincarnation novel where the MC already knows what he is doing. Our protagonist is different. He was talented from the start.]

"Axel!!! Come here at once" shouted Alison with all strength.

"Coming," said a young voice and a small kid with silver hair, a dragon ring on his right index finger popped out.

"What is this?" asked Alison pointing to the burnt marks on the bedsheet. "How many times have I told you to control your anger?"

"Sorry. It's just that those kids don't let me live in peace" said Axel with his head down. "What happened now?" "There was a demon next to Mike. I was just trying to warn him." Shouted Axel.

A deep sigh came from Alison. Axel seemed to have the quality to burn things when he could not control his anger. This had happened many times. But since the letter said to take care of him personally, Alison has been hiding these incidents. More ever, Alison was much closer to Axel than any other kids.

But since she has been hiding it, Alison has been personally taking care of the repair cost, which had affected her savings a lot. But she could not just lash on to Axel as it would not be appropriate.

Since Axel was a special kid with high intelligence, he didn't get along with other kids. Axel had also been complaining that he has been seeing ghosts and zombies all around the place. At first, Alison just let this matter off thinking that it was just some kid's imagination. But now, this was going out of hand.

'He could start to read after 6 months, could burn things and could see ghosts, zombies, and demons. Is there anything normal with this kid?' Alison thought. Alison had thought that Axel may be mentally unhealthy, but when she saw Axel create a wisp of fire from his hand she knew that Axel had some superpowers.

Alison had heard of many rumors of these superpowers, who liked to call themselves mutants. But there were only rumors. The government had not yet confirmed it but there were many unexplainable incidents going around the world right now.

Alison then came to the conclusion that Axel may also be one of those mutants. How very wrong she was… (would be revealed in future chapters)

Axel POV

Axel was sitting on a long chair, near the playground. The children were playing on the field, running and laughing. Yet Axel was not included in any of these. It was not like he didn't want to. But nobody wanted to be friends with him. It was because of his disease.

He could see large humanoid creatures with horns, humans with rotten flesh and transparent animals, and humans with an evil smile. They were scary. Axel thought it to be a normal occurrence but later realized that only he could see them.

But after some time, He was not scared. Cause these creatures did nothing to harm him. The zombies and the spirits didn't even show any reaction to his existence. And the humans with horns would just smile at the encounter. Axel had noticed that some of them even gave a light bow when crossing down the hall. It was awkward but he knew he was safe.

Due to this, his friends started to call him a maniac, crazy, cracked, and cuckoo. Nobody wanted to be friends with him as none of them wanted to be crazy like him. And him being overly talented also didn't help as the kids started to think that he was taken over by a demon.

Miss. Alison had told him that he was just special but he didn't want to be special anymore. Watching the ridicule and fearful faces of his past friends were not soothing in the least.

Today, Mike had gone overboard. His past friends were always 2-3 years older than him. Mike was 6 years old. Normally they would just ridicule him and speak behind his back. But today Mike had raised his hand into a fist to hit Axel with no apparent reason. The man with horns was just passing by when he saw it. His face immediately changed to anger as he was ready to strike Mike to defend Axel.

Seeing such a scene Axel shouted at the horn man to stop it. And the rest was history.

So he had decided to run from the orphanage tomorrow. This would be his last day. He had everything planned. He would steal some money and food, find a thing called a job, earn money and live happily ever after. He would also keep his paranormal secret hidden from the world so he could make new friends. He has been planning this thing for over 2 days. He was confident to succeed.

He was just sitting on this chair, imagining how he would remember this place…. He would not. But he would be miss Alison as she was like an elder sister.

As he was seeing his past friends play, he noticed a peculiar boy. The boy seemed to be around 10 years old. He had black hair, a beautiful face, a long dagger in his left hand and a ring on his index finger which seems blurry. The boy's attire was somewhere from the fantasy novel with black shoes, black pants and a black t-shirt with a red jacket and a black dagger.

What was interesting was, none of the children seemed to notice him as if he didn't exist. He came near Axel and stood silently. His smile contradicted the aura he manifested. He gave an aura of a grim reaper. Axel felt as if death was staring right back at him. Axel had never felt like this before. As if all the emotions had been sucked inside him and only the emotion of fear had remained.

"Who are you?" asked Axel.

"Isn't it polite to introduce yourself first?"

"My name is Axel Blaze" said Axel

"They call me the lightbringer"

"'Lightbringer'? that is an odd name," said Axel

The boy started to laugh softly and then said "Hahaha!!, Call me Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar" with a devilish smile.

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-The Silver Prince

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