
Quality Check System

Chen feng transmigrated to cultivation world to be a syst.. emloye... Chen Feng "i understand overlord and other title since there is a lot of hater but what do you mean lowest wage giver you know people fight just to take the job i offer". [17 ,September 2034 you payed for programmer to make for you a game you paid a total of 134 thousand dollar] Chen Feng "that was a lot you know I was planning in paying them 50K or something ah i still regret it". System 'and you say you are not black hearted' Chen Feng thought 'i give them a lot why does the system talk about that is h...'. [ you gained from this game a total of 33 billion dollar] [which is roughly 250 thousand times what you give them] Chen Feng " oh ..." ... follow Chen Feng as he try mark his own way Chen Feng "system what level of energy are my technique now?". system "i told you before i'm not a quality checker i'm a shop system"

Arconic · 奇幻
18 Chs

Chapter 17 (news spread wide)

'what realm one need to open a gate in the space'

after returning back to same Inn , Chen Feng said

"i told you how to do your works and from now on you go there every day at 9 AM okay?"

"then are you not going to come tomor..."

Chen Feng cut her off saying

"When I ask you a question answer the same question okay"


"good time to talk is time to talk , time to work is to work "

after saying that Chen Feng disappeared but a ring was left in his place

seeing this Ling Shi bended down and took the ring to see what is inside.

"what is this 100 stone ..no wait there is a note"

the note says 'although you got your salary deducted to the next 2 year but , you can take this stone for cultivation as a bonus to keep working hard' and a happy smile.

reading this Ling Shi smiled and said to herself.

"yes i know it ,no one can let such a beautiful girl work without giving anything"

"or did he send this as an apologies for looking at me .. mmm that's right" 

"since you're sincere i will forgive you ".

then she started smiling smugly , thinking that she was alone.

behind here Chen Feng looked at her laughing and then he left while his though is way different from what she think.

' it's still work even in this world'

yes , Chen Feng did that before he come his way like that.

'wait until some employ mistakes and deduct his salary for some time'

'and if he continue his work he give this employ something called bonus'

thats make the employ thinking that although the company deducted his salary they still give him money which make him fell valued , in which it will make him work at 200% and his since of inspiration.

this thing indeed happened into real life because to achieve inspiration you just have to let your brain that you want to the best you could and you will come out with hidden potential.

"as i always believe no human have no talent it's just he hasn't discovered it yet"


"discovered it but lack some condition to fully activate it"

"this condition may be anything like simple comment on something he did or someone just say what you will do is right , or some discouraging people its all depend"

"so always believe you have a talent , you just haven't met the catalyst for activating it yet"


after Chen Feng though about his past he looked around his courtyard and sighed.

"i need to upgrade to lvl 7"

"although the resources that i get from the sect is a lot but.."

"the more i reach higher level it will be harder since every level is 10 times"

"lets start when the time come i will go look for more resources"

with that Chen Feng took out his spatial ring and started doing some word while training.


at the where the purple race gathered 

a man siting in a throne and 2 people sitting into 2 side chairs

  they're siting with no one talking , as if they're waited for something.

5 minute later a sound was heard outside ,then 2 elder come in with hurried footsteps

after seeing the man on the throne they bowed to show to respect before sitting in the othe 2 Chairs.

"now that we all gathered , tell me what needed us stop all our advance?"

the man in the throne asked in annoyed tone.

hearing this the four old man siting in the chair trembled.

"Tell the lord about what did you see in heaven burial sect".

"hearing this the two people who just came with a fear on their face looked at each other before one of them said

"when we were on our way to Heaven burial to understand the depth of their sect but..."

"we find that these isn't simple as it seems "

"how so"

"do they have a nirvana expert?"with that he released his aura

suppressed by his aura the man that was talking said " i don't know sir"

"what do you mean you don't know , explain yourself"with a shout he looked at him.

"when we got there to a nearby city trying to understand the situation"

"a terrifying aura come from the Heaven Burial sect direction that made all energy tremble"

"we don't know if that aura belong to a expert or a treasure i wanted to go and check but.."

"but all my senses tells me not to do that if i wanted live"

The man in throne was surprised a little and said

"even that won't Change our plane to the extent of turning back to our home"

"if that was your only reason the be prepared to be punished"

hearing this the man continued hurridly and said

"the thing that make us go back is a shop owner in Crystal"

"shop Owner?"

"yes, but it's not like any shop owner he is unique in his way and sell a white energy stone that look like the one produced in our home planet and he sells it in millions".

"what"the man in the throne standed up while shouting letting more of his aura getting out"

the man continued and said

"we though that there may some mine he chanced upon or something so we though we should know about it from him"

the other man continued with a deep fear in his eyes and said

"but 11 black robed people come to cause trouble to him in the shop "

"trying to take his clerk , and they attacked since he refused"

"but the moment they attacked a thin membrane appeared and all their attack was nuffield"

"at first we didn't think much of that since we can do that too but it's about what he did when he killed them"

with that he stopped talking and took a deep breath before saying in fear 

"he snapped his finger and all the 10 people died and turned into nothingness "

"since they were only a skin refining stage we could also do that but "

"when some one die there soul got taken into the netherworld to recintrate but there just disappeared"

"and when the last man was dying the shop owner said' dying after crossing punishment lvl 5 mean True Death which mean no resentreation"

hearing this the man in the throne didn't speak and though for a while and asked

"do you know anything about him?"


"he comes every morning at 9 and leave 5"

"he takes preorder"

"as long as you never offend any of his rules he won't care about you"

"i didn't mean that I mean a Name"

hearing this the two of them shouted up for a moment before saying

"I heard that He come from very terrifying Sect"

"which sect is it"

"it's Called"

"Quality Over All Company"