
Punisher of the Damned

Jesse was the black sheep of his family. In a world full of people that have evolved to have superpowers, Jesse is in a minority of people that didnt awaken one. His family cast him aside to an apartment where he lives alone and attends college. He's looked down on by his peers in school and often bullied. Everything came to a close when he tried to help someone only to be assaulted and left for dead. Except at the moment of his death he stood before a throne of bones, with the scariest yet most beautiful women he ever saw. "Do you want to live a better life? Are you willing to grasp this opportunity with both hands...?" That sultry and seductive voice that could lead any man to walk willingly to death, echoed in his ears like a siren song. "Become a Punisher in my name, and send the wicked to my embrace... In return you will be granted the powers of your position and can use them however you see fit." "I... ACCEPT!"

Sir_Stronghold · 都市
16 Chs


I had decided today was the day. I was going to pop my murder cherry and kill Henry today. I needed to get stronger and I needed to do it quickly.

I wasn't going to waste time anymore. I knew who it was, where he works, where he lives and have a general idea of his strength. After all if he works at a bank and preys on weak women he couldn't be that strong.

I got off at the bus stop near the bank my target works at. Grace popped up and followed me around ever since I left the campus.

Across from the bank there was a coffee shop where I sipped a coffee and watched the bank. The closing time would be in an hour and Henry doesnt have his own car. He takes a bus to and from work.

Most people use public transportation in our city as cars are rather expensive nowadays and driving outside city limits was dangerous. So most people use busses, cabs, or the light rail to get around the city, and flew or took trains when traveling out of town. The railways were usually safe to use for travel between city as the rail companies employ talented soldiers.

After an hour of waiting and drinking two coffees, employees from the bank began leaving. I found my target saying goodbye to his work buddies and then leave on foot to the bus stop. I followed him until he got there and then sat on the bench next to him.

I didn't look at him and just waited. There were a few other people waiting there as well so I did nothing at this time.

The bus arrived and everyone boarded it. I sat a few seats behind Henry and when he got off I planned to follow him.

The bus took a route through the city to the east, and we eventually got off near the slums. As we departed the bus I purposely walked in the opposite direction and then walked into an alley and waited.

A shadow soon appeared next to me. It was Grace. I decided to make use of her and let her get her revenge with her own hands, by helping me keep an eye on his movements.

"Grace. I want you keep a close eye on him while I run around and try to get in front of him. After that, I'll assassinate him as I walk by him with a dark spike."

After that, Grace flew into the air and moved toward Henry and began following him. He was just walking in one direction, occasionally taking glances at his surroundings. The direction he is walking toward is a red light area and a place where many debauched things happen.

Luckily I was able to run around and cut him off from a block ahead. It left me panting heavily but I should be fine before Henry and I collide.

After a minute of walking I saw Grace come toward me. She stopped in front of me and began pointing anxiously behind her indicating the target went off course.

I followed her to an alleyway and decided this might be a good chance to get him as it's a secluded alley. It wasn't quite the plan I had in mind but that's fine.

I started stalking my way forward and passed a dumpster on my way through the alley, but a voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Looking for me?" asked a skinny man with a black hoodie over his head. I slowly turned around to meet the eyes of the person I was trying to kill.

'I'm still a rookie at this huh...' I felt kinda dejected because I thought I had everything planned out and it turns out I have a lot to learn.

"I saw you the other night at the bar, and then today you've been following me. My power is a minor form of total recall. I never forget a face."

'An enhancer type power but it strengthens memory?... He...hehehe, so his power is not combat related? This should be easy. I'll start with a taunt...'

"You sound so proud of your memory, but you forgot one other time we crossed paths..."

Henry scoffed, he was proud of his memory. He was a very meticulous person almost to the point of obsession. "Oh yeah? When?"

I just smiled. I took a step forward and he raised his guard. Then I spoke. "The other night you abused a girl in the bushes and killed her, and then you met me. We had fun. Dont you remember?"

Henry froze. Of course he remembers this night. With his memory power he can relive any of his fun acts at any time he wishes. He doesnt need to be the kind of serial killer that takes mementos because those times are saved perfectly in his mind.

"There's no way..." He realised there was only one person he met after that, it was dark and he didn't get a good look at his face. His second meal, a young man. But he smashed his skull to bits! There's no way! He had never heard of a power that could save someone from that. After thinking all this he became a little terrified of the boy in front of him.

He didn't like the feeling of losing control of any situation. He reached down into his pant leg and removed a revolver from an ankle holster. "Fuck off, freak!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Three shots, two in the chest and one in the head. My body was a gruesome mess, almost like splatter art from a modern painter.

Henry approached me with the gun still pointed at me. He kicked my leg to check for a response despite a giant hole in my chest and head.

He reached down to check my pockets when he jumped in fright and shot the last three rounds in rapid succession. Darkness oozed out of my body and collected my pieces as usual. The wounds healed as if time was flowing in reverse.

click, click, click, click

Henry was on his ass dryfiring the gun due to his shock. I slowly rose and he began trying to scramble away.

But I was completely enraged.

"AGAIN?! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I charged at him at full speed and pushed my palm right in the middle of his back while we both ran. I wasn't even nervous about killing my first person at this time.


Henry groaned as a razor sharp barbed needle pierced his back, skewering his heart, and protruding from his chest. I slowly pulled the barbed needle out and large chunks of meat and blood came out. I made sure he felt every second of this forced penetration.

My eyes flashed black for a moment as he slumped to the ground but they quickly reverted back to my normal color.

As his body hit the ground, I flipped him over revealing his last expression which was of fear and pain. Grace stood next to me and began stomping her foot on his corpse even though her corporeal form can't actually touch him.

After she was done venting, I held my hand toward his body as a red misty orb rose out of his body. The dark tendril on my hand responded by reaching out and grabbing it. The orb was absorbed by the tendril which then it became fat with its meal. It slithered its way back into my palm and I could have sworn I heard a burp as it disappeared.

'My mind must be playing tricks on me...'

Just as I was thinking about what would happen, my body started getting hot and uncomfortable. I quickly pulled the body of Henry behind the dumpster and covered it with trash bags. I then ran through the alley and hid behind a building between two wooden fences.


I couldn't help but to quietly scream from pain. Darkness erupted from my body and formed a cocoon around me and I curled into a fetal position.

My consciousness faded and then I was pulled into my sea of darkness. I blinked my eyes and found I wasn't alone standing on the dark waters. Henry stood in front of me with his back turned. Next to me was Grace, but she wasn't a shadow and neither was Henry. They were both pale with a white glow but their bodies were defined alot more than just a silhouette. However Henry had a red halo above his head whereas Grace had a white one.

"Where am I?" I heard Henry mutter.

"Your on your way to hell."

He spun around quickly with wide eyes. "Its you!?"

He growled remembering the humiliation he felt from feeling fear and having to run away. He lunged at me me and tried to punch me but an invisible force stopped his punch and threw him back. The force he was thrown with caused him to bounce and crash against the waters of darkness.

The waves began carrying him back toward me but a rough voice interrupted. "Serves you right Human. Trying to attack the domain master in his own domain. What a stupid ant!"

"Who... the fuck..." I turned my head and was about to question whoever appeared in my space but what I was met with was a huge black dog! Its eyes had a dangerous glint to them that filled me with fear. It stood 2 meters tall and its fur was pure black, the darkest shade of black that pulls on your soul as you look at it. His fangs protruded and it sort of looks like he's grinning at me but because of his razor sharp teeth, it just made me nervous.

If you like the story, leave a review. I know I'm not that good at writing so all advice is welcome.

Sir_Strongholdcreators' thoughts