
Psycopath throught Multiverse:Anime

It is about a Psycopath if given a chace what he will do to the world that he will visit. Genre:Psycopath,Villain,R18,Rape maybe if needed,Gore,Reincarnated. ------------ This is my first story. Please point out the mistakes that i have made at the end of of the chapter. And please tell if i should continue writing more chapters.

Xezor1322M · 奇幻
35 Chs


After they left, Alex used [Warp Gate] to open a entry portal in front of him and a exit portal somewhere and went throught the portal.

Alex had appeared in Kumogakure inside the Raikage's Office as Alex had gotten information from his copy Darui that the chunin exam will soon be held in Konoha and all the great village will participate.

Darui gave this information by using [Telepath] so Alex is here to disguise himself as a guard of the Raikage to infiltrate Konoha. Today they will be leaving for konoha as the chunin exam's participants have already been sent a week ago and they will conduct the finals a few days after all the five kages of there respect villages arrive at Konoha to see the pogress of there village's participants in the finals.

After Alex arrived and discussed with Darui his clone, Alex changed into Atsui and used [Double] to make one copy of Atsui while again changing into Shito, a special jonin the real Darui was protected by before getting killed by Alex, Alex used [Double] to make a copy of Shito and after making one copies of Atsui and Shito, Alex changed into Samui and they started there journey to Konoha.

They could have gone to Konoha using [Warp Gate] by using Darui's memories or A's memories but it will be very suspicious so it was of the charts so they had to travel the old fashion way.

Two Day Later...

Alex and his copies could have reached Konoha in hours if they used any quirk but they just ran. In this two days while Alex was traveling his copies came to give him the marbles of the Slugs that they had killed in Shikkotsu Forest and surprisingly very few of them came back when the reason was asked the copies told that while they were fighting the Slug and the Slug Sage, Tsunade Senju and Shizune showed up and started fighting but the copies didn't want to kill them as they were ordered to only kill the Slugs so the copies had captured them while having some casualties.

Alex hearing the news was shocked as Tsunade ans Shizune should not have been there but relived that they was captured, if Tsunade or Shizune were able to escape and tell Konoha about this then there will be no chance to be hidden for long as Sasuke with his Rennigan will be back of him and may even ruin his plans.

While contemplating, Alex took all the marbles from the copies and stored the marble of Tsunade Senju and Shizune using [Storage] while putting the marbles that are compressed of Slugs ans Slug Sage inside his mouth while using [Predator] to absorb them getting there memories, knowledge, chakra and Nature release ans those he already has will be strengthened.

Alex felt that his chakra reserves had risen. After absorbing the Slugs, Alex ordered the copies that he was going to Konoha with to continue ans they followed the orders and continued while Alex used [Dimension] to go inside the his Dimension but before going in the Dimension Alex told the clones that brought him the marbles to dissapear.

After arriving in the Dimension, Alex saw that he was in the place all his clones were training Sage Mode of different kinds, Alex made more clones using [Shadow Clone Technique] and ordered them to master and improve [Sage Mode: Slug] and they followed and started working.

Alex then went outside using Dimension and used [Warp Gate] to appear near the copies going to Konoha and continued with there journey.

They could have used transports like blimps but it was better for them to go by foot as they will not be under watch.

Few Hours Later...

Alex and the copies were finally able to reach Konha but it was night. Alex's copy Darui and the other copies, were told by Kakashi as the previous Hokage to take some rest. Beacuse Naruto the new Hokage is busy wirking and will be able to meet them tomorrow morning.

The clone of Darui talked to Kakashi and extracted the informtaion that all the other Kages of the Great Villages are already here and they all were waiting for the Raikage to arrive and the Finals of Chunin Exam will be held day after tomorrow.

While Alex copies were talking, Alex disguised as Samui was looking around the village while they were being escorted by Kakashi to there Living Quaters.

After a while of walking, Samui and his copies finally reached the place where they will be living and they were being showed around by Kakashi.

While Kakashi was showing around the building Samui was using [Hightened Sense] with [Search] to see if anyone is spying and suprising no one was spying on them. Samui guessed that it must be the work of Naruto as he didn't want the other Kages of the villages to feel uncomfortable so he told the Anbu's to not spy on them, Samui had already gussed this but it was always better to check.

After a few minutes, Kakashi was done showing and was about to leave but Samui used [Telepath] and ordered the Darui to distract Kakashi and Darui did as ordered while Samui used [Acid Spit] on Kakashi who was shocked by the attack got hit in the eye blinding him. Kakashi tried to escape but Samui used [Fibre Master] to bind his legs and hands making him fall and Samui killed him using [Blade] without wasting time.

But it turned it to smoke, Samui realised it was just a clone but was sure Kakashi was hiding somewhere. Samui was about to used [Search] but the copy of Darui used [Telepath] and informed her that Kakashi on a tree as the copies were using [Search] to not Kakashi escape and any other person come, Samui knew that Kakashi dosen't know that she has found him but Samui took the chance and used [Warp Gate] to open a entry portal in front of herself and a exit portal behind Kakashi.

After making the portal, Samui inserted her hand and used [Overhaul] on the otherside of the portal touching Kakashi and killing him in the process.

Kakashi was able to feel that he was in danger but was not able to react in time causing his death.

After killing Kakashi, Samui used [Predator] to absorb Kakashi and getting all his memories, Knowledge, chakra and Nature Release and those he alredy have will be strengthened.

Alex disgusted as Samui quickly changed into Kakashi and ordered his copies to go inside and take some rest.

After a few minutes 20 Anbu's came and sarround Kakashi while kneeling infront of him.

Kakashi asked "Why are you all here?" With worry as Alex now disguised as Kakashi didn't expect Anbu's to come here.

Hearing this one of the Anbu told "Lord Seventh told us to check on you Lord Sixth as he felt that you are in danger".

Kakashi while laughing told "No need to worry, i was having a spar. You can all take a rest from duty today". Hearing this the Anbu's nodded and dissapeared.

After the Anbu's left, Kakashi started going towards Naruto's house and reached Naruto's house after a few minutes of jumping from roof to roof of houses.

Alex disguised as Kakashi was standing in front of Naruto's house while thinking 'Right now Naruto is not here, it's the best time to work my plan'. Kakashi went near the door and pressed the bell beside the door and after few minutes a woman opened the door.

The woman has featureless white eyes, dark blue hair cut in a bob-style reaching till her shoulders. She is wearing white long-sleevless dress with a V-neck, white pants and sandals. She is none other than Hinata Uzumaki, Naruto Uzumaki's wife and the mother of Baruto Uzumaki and Himawari Uzumaki.

Hinata seeing Kakashi asked

"Kakashi-sama, why are you here you may know that Naruto is not here and still working" Hinata said in a little shock to see Kakashi here at night.

Kakashi used [Mind Break] on Hinata without wasting time and Hinata's eyes turned like the previous woman's it was used upon and heart shaped appeared on the both the eyes of the pupils.

Kakashi didn't have to use a lot of stamina infact it was only 3-4% of his stamina which was quite low but Kakashi didn't care and ordered "Who are you? And What can you do for me?" as he wanted to test of the quirk worked.

Hinata jolted for sometimes took and suddenly the jolting went away like it was never there and she answered "I am your Slave Master, I will do anything to please you"

Hearing this Kakashi wasn't satisfied so he ordered Hinata "I ordered you, kill you daughter Himawari Uzumaki with a kunai".

Hearing this Hinata didn't hesitate and rushed towards her daughter room with a kunai and with a smooth move was about to cut her daughter's throat to kill her but she was not able to move her kunai anywhere near her daughter throat as it was stuck in the air. Kakashi had used [Object Attraction] to stop the kunai from slitting Himawari's throat.

Kakashi who was standing behind Hinata said to her using [Telepath] "Don't worry, I did it to the kunai. Forget the order i recently gave you".

Hinata who was shocked, put back the kunai and looked at Kakashi for any new order.

Kakashi told her to come outside the room and when she came outside Himawari's room, Kakashi ordered her "Mix this tablets in Naruto's foods" while giving her very very-small tablets that can't be seen with normal eyes.

You may ask, does the tablets contain posion, then yes poison to slow the digestive system a lot but its not the main reason for the tablet, those tablets were individually touched by Kakashi using [Landmine] combined  so Kakashi can make them blast at anytime he wants. There were a total of 30 very-small tablets which could be very lethal of it's blasted at the right time.

After giving the order, Kakashi went to the second floor inside Baruto's room.

Kakashi saw that Baruto was soudly sleeping without a care, Alex used [Creation] to make a small glass piece and used [Glass Manipulation] to slit Baruto's throat killing him in the process.

After killing Baruto, Kakashi quickly used [Predator] and absorbed Baruto getting all his memories, knowledge, chakra, Kekkai Genkai and Nature Release and those he already has will be strengthened.

After absorbing Baruto, Kakashi used [Storage] to store the [Shinobi Gauntlet] that baruto used to cheat in the Chunin Exam.

Kakashi changed his appearance to Baruto and used [Double] to make a copy of himself. After making a copy Alex changed back to Kakashi while ordering his copy of Baruto to do as the original Baruto was going to do in the Chunin Exam without any fail.

After ordering Baruto, Kakashi left the room and went downstairs to see Hinata kneeling while waiting for him in front of the door. Kakashi told her "I want you to succeed in the mission i have given you in anyway possible".

Hinata nodded and said " You don't have to worry Master, I will succeed in the mission you have given me".

Kakashi hearing this didn't reply and left Naruto's house and used [Dimension] to go inside his dimension.

Kakashi changed back to Alex, as he appeared in the place where his shadow clone are training all types of Sage Mode.

Alex used [Telepath] to ask if they were  successful in fully mastering and improving the Sage Mode's.

The one of the copies hearing this in his mind informed the original using [Telepath]  saying "We were able master all the Sage Modes, so all of them can be used better than Hashirama can use his Sage Mode. But we were not able to try all the Sage Mode's together so if you are going to use it be careful".

Alex didn't want to hearing anything more and told them to disperse, turning all the Shadow Clones to smoke.

After the Clones dissapeared, Alex got all there memories and experiences that they have gathered using Sage Mode.

Alex taking a deep breadth used [Sage Mode: Toad] and in less than a second violet pigmentation appeared around Alex's eyes, not only that Alex could feel his physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability enhancing as well as his ninjutsu and taijutsu become more powerful.

After getting used to the Sage Mode of the Toad, Alex used [Sage Mode: Snake] and in less than a second black pigmentation appeared around the violet pigmentation that was caused by Sage Mode of the Toad.

The Sage Mode of the Snake also increased flexibility, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability not onlt that. Ninjutsu and taijutsu become more powerful as well.

After getting used to the two Sage Mode, Alex used [Sage Mode: Slug] and in less than a second white pigmentation appeared around the black pigmentation that was caused by Sage Mode of the Snake, the white pigmentation reached from the eye to his ears. It looked better than Alex imagined but while he was thinking he felt a lot of pain in his heart so he used [Rasengan] combined with a lot of Natural Energy and threw it on the ground making a very huge crator.

Alex used a attack to release the Natural Energy as he could die because of storing to much Natural Energy. Because of Jugo's Kekkai Genkai, the more Sage Mode's are being used by Alex the faster and more Natural Enery Alex would absorb and if he doesn't waste the Natural Energy he would dies as his body is not ready to take a lot of Natural Energy and currently Alex has three Sage Mode's being used so Alex's Natural Energy will be replenished faster than it can be used.

Like the Toad and the Snake, The Slug also increased the Stamina, Durability, Physical attack as well as Taijutsu.

It is not strong as the other two Sage Mode's of Toad and Snake but with the combination of the three Sage Mode it could be comparable to [Tailed Beast Sage Mode] of Naruto.

But it's still weaker than Six Paths Sage Mode, that is currently used by Naruto Uzumaki so it would be very troublesome to fight with Naruto without using dirty tactics.

After contemplating and testing the Three Sage Modes for sometime, Alex got out of it and felt a big difference. Alex didn't think it for a long time and used [Shadow Clone Technique] to make 50 copies of himself.

Alex divided 20 clones and ordered them to understand Jogan so that it can be used in a fight and other 30 clones to use [Eight Gates] and open as many as possible.

Telling this Alex went...