
Primordial Demon Emperor Defy the Heavens

The primordial era had yet to be decided, and the chaos had just begun. In the endless grey void, there was no way to judge the time and space. Within it, a purple ray of light flickered with a mysterious aura! Li Tai, who was this purple ray of light, had been drifting in the endless chaos for countless years. As for why he shouted "The Great Dao is unfair", it was because he had been ignored for too long … Li Tai was originally an ordinary office worker in the Rabbit Country. Once again, he was overworked and died suddenly. He was reborn after death, and the reason was unknown!

Junayed_Ahmed_07 · 玄幻
115 Chs


As soon as Taichu finished speaking, Yun Shang, who had been waiting impatiently, quickly pulled her sister forward.

"Haha!" Taichu laughed.

Even the few people at the side revealed a smile.

"Master, what treasures have you given me?" Yun Shang asked.

Taichu smiled and took out a few treasures. He said to Yun Ni, "This is the 'Raiment of Creation' that I made. It's a superior-grade postnatal treasure. I'll give it to you.

Taichu continued, "This is the superior-grade postnatal treasure, the Black Water Sword, which I obtained after killing Black Water Patriarch. I'll give it to you as well."

"Thank you, Master." Yun Ni took the treasures. She was just as excited as her sister.

Taichu had two more treasures. Yun Shang knew at a glance that they were hers.

"You're lively and active. I'll give you twelve Sea Serpent Origin Pearls for defense. They're top-grade postnatal treasures, which can be used for both offense and defense. They can also be used to trap enemies. They're rare treasures."

Then he added, "This is the Fire Spirit Hairpin of Creation, which I made with the Sun Star. It contains the True Fire of the Sun and is very powerful. I hope you'll use it with caution. It's also a superior-grade postnatal treasure."

"Thank you, Master." Yun Shang took the two treasures happily, like a child who had received candy.

All six of his disciples had been given treasures.

Seeing Qing Ming and Fuhai, Taichu pondered for a while and said, "Alright, alright."

"Fuhai, come forward."

"Fuhai pays his respects to Taichu's Boundless Taoist Priests!"

Taichu said, "Let's not talk about the past. I'll remember your recent contributions. It's rare to repent and be saved. This is the superior-grade postnatal treasure, the Nine Dragons Whip, which I obtained by luck. It's an offensive treasure and can't be underestimated. I'll give it to you for self-defense."

Taichu gave the Nine Dragons Whip he had obtained to Daoist Fu Hai.

"Thank you, Dao Venerable, for bestowing me with this treasure. This subordinate will definitely …" Ocean Overflow was extremely excited. This was a high-grade innate spiritual treasure! He didn't think that Absolute Beginning would bestow it upon him.

"Step back, Qing Ming!" Taichu ordered Daoist Fu Hai to step back then called Daoist Qing Ming over.

"Qing Ming greets the Taichu Wuliang Taoist Priests."

The Taichu nodded and said, "You and Fuhai should be rewarded for your contributions. You are the manifestation of the Nether Spiritual Fire. I shall bestow upon you the Li Fire Fan. This treasure is an upper-grade innate spiritual treasure with both offense and defense. I obtained it from killing Daoist Li Fire. I hope you can use it well."

After Qing Ming heard this, he knelt down and said, "This subordinate thanks the Taoist Priests for bestowing this treasure. This subordinate will not disappoint the Taoist Priests."


Previously, the Taichu bestowed Fu Hen with 12 Lotus Thrones. This time, all the treasures with owners were bestowed to his subordinates. However, the Taichu looted the Kunwu Dynasty and obtained more than 10 spirit treasures along the way.

Even though the best was only a middle-grade Connate Numinous treasure.

"Taoist Priests!" Fu Hen didn't think that there would be a treasure of his own.

"For all these years, you have governed Carefree Island well and I am very pleased with you. Before this, I bestowed upon you the 12th grade World Cleansing White Lotus. Now, I shall bestow upon you the Primeval Hammer. This is a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, the highest of all middle-grade spirit treasures. It is no less than a high-grade innate spiritual treasure. I obtained it by a stroke of luck.

"Fu Hen thanks the Taoist Priests for bestowing this treasure upon me."

Fu Hen received the Primeval Hammer. He found that he liked it far too much. This was the type of weapon that he loved.

As the Taichu saw that the nine people had obtained a treasure, he was able to put down a burden on his mind.

His originally wealthy family now only had several spirit treasures and supreme treasures left for his own use. Only the top innate spiritual treasure, the Godflame Record, wasn't bestowed upon others.

In addition, there were also four 12th grade White Lotus Flowers left.

As for the 10 plus spirit treasures with the highest being a middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Taichu didn't care too much about them.

"Boulder, Ethereal, Purple Jade, Nirvana, Yun Shang, and the rest of you have all obtained postnatal spirit treasures that I personally refined. They are the most suitable spirit treasures for you. In addition, these five spirit treasures have been engraved with the Good Fortune Laws and have the ability to constantly evolve. The five of you must carefully refine them. If you can properly refine them, then these five spirit treasures will become supreme treasures for you to achieve your dao."

Taichu feared that the five of them didn't know the advantages of the spirit treasures he refined, so he had no choice but to remind them.

As he thought, Yun Shang earnestly looked over her Good Fortune Flame Spirit Hairpin.

"We obey Teacher's orders."

After the five of them heard Taichu's words, they didn't dare to be careless. They all swore to properly refine this treasure.

"Mm!" Taichu nodded. He said, "This time, I summoned you here because there is another matter I must instruct you on."

Taichu waved his hand and the Bell of Chaos floated above the dao field's massive platform.

"When I traveled through the wilderness, I collected many creatures. Some of them have high and some of them have low cultivation, and their temperament has yet to be tested. Among them, there are 58 Golden Immortals of the bear clan. "

After that, Taichu said to Hou Hen, "Hou Hen, take these 56 Golden Immortals of the bear clan to Carefree Island and observe them for a while."

"Yes, Taoist Priests!" Hou Hen expressed his understanding.

Taichu waved his hand and the Bell of Chaos began to spin.

This was the first time the nine of them had seen a postnatal spirit treasure. They were mesmerized by the Bell of Chaos' mysterious and vast aura.


56 bear clan masters appeared out of thin air. Some of them had taken human form, while others maintained their bear clan forms.

"Roar! We're out! We're out! "

Tyrant Bear, who had suddenly been teleported out, roared.

"Shut up!" The current leader of the bear clan, Sky Bear, roared.

When Sky Bear saw Taichu, he knelt down and said, "The bear clan greets Taichu's Boundless Taoist Priests."

"We greet Taichu's Boundless Taoist Priests." The bear clan masters finally understood what was going on.

This group of fellows was not as smart as the others.

"Ah, so ugly!" This was Yun Shang's first time seeing the bear clan. He couldn't help but mutter as he looked at their appearances.

Taichu laughed at this, but the bear clan masters were dumbfounded. How were they ugly? This was called domineering!

However, they didn't dare to say anything. If they could stand beside Taichu, they wouldn't dare to say anything even if they were given a hundred times more courage.

"I won't bother with your previous actions. I've also heard your conversation in the Bell of Chaos. Therefore, I'll give you a chance. Follow me and protect Carefree Island for a calamity. After that, you can leave or stay as you wish. Do you understand? "

The bear clan masters were a bit embarrassed. It turned out that the Taoist Priests knew about their conversation. Luckily, they hadn't said anything bad about the Taoist Priests.

"We will obey the will of the Taoist Priests." Sky Bear replied.

Tyrant Bear said, "Taoist Priests, we don't need a calamity to decide. We've decided to follow the Taoist Priests."

"Yes, Taoist Priests, we've already discussed this."

"Whoever doesn't listen to the Taoist Priests, we'll kill them."

"That's right!"

The bear clan masters said.

Suddenly, Taichu felt a headache coming on. Was it the right decision to look for these fellows?

"All of you, shut up! Whatever the Taoist Priests say is the truth! What are you shouting for?!" Sky Bear roared.

He was the smartest of the bunch. He knew that they weren't essential to the Taoist Priests. It wasn't that the Taoist Priests begged them to stay, but that they begged the Taoist Priests to take them in. This fellow was great. Why didn't his clansmen grow any brains?

"Alright, alright. All of you, perform well. We'll talk after you withdraw." Taichu waved his hand.

It wasn't worthwhile to get angry at a bunch of idiots. That would only anger him to death.

As Daoist Blue Deep and Daoist Sea Cover saw this, they were both dumbfounded. They thought to themselves, 'You're so stupid, yet you haven't been beaten to death by the Taoist Priests?