
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · 奇幻
118 Chs

Jackson Vs The twins & Fenrir

On the other side, Jackson stood facing Luna and Solana, as Fenrir walked in and joined them. Jackson took in a deep gulp as he felt all three of them were all in basic red rank. Normally an intermediate red ranked being can defeat over ten basic red rankers but Jackson felt this might be one of the hardest battles of his entire life.

He immediately shifted into his combat form, becoming a three-meter werewolf with pupils looking like the crescent moon. He howled and dashed forward as the twins and Fenrir were already in combat form they were prepared.

Jackson wanted to eliminate them one by one, not giving them enough time to gang up against him. He appeared in front of Fenrir with a slash, Fenrir was surprised by the speed but immediately took defense precautions. His fur tightened up and as Jackson slashed with his claw, sparks flew. Fenrir was sent tumbling but got up almost immediately with slash marks on its fur. The wound was not deep, in fact it was barely a wound, more of a scratch.

The twins appeared above and below Jackson's eye level and slashed but Jackson managed to block their attacks. He was pushed back by about 2 meters with no injuries whatsoever. He chuckled but before he could say anything, he was sent flying.

Standing at his previous spot was Fenrir with a cheeky grin that looked almost human. As he was a mystical beast, he had near human intelligence. This was his way of revenge. Jackson got up and was met with a giant fireball heading his way.

Fenrir had sent a fireball in the direction of Jackson, his face paled as elements that had fire were a big weakness for him and his clansmen. He immediately attacked with an energy projection. He slashed sending out an ice/lunar based attack in the shape of claw marks. It collided with the fire ball and they both canceled out, but that was not the end.

They kept on attacking Jackson, not even giving him time to breathe. They punched from above, they kicked from below, they sent attribute attacks flying from everywhere. If Jackson turned his head to the left, he'd receive a slap from the right, when he tried to block from the right, he'd receive a punch from the left.

Jackson felt like crying. This was not fair to him.

'Why are these three so unfair?? What did I do to deserve this?' He wept silently in his mind till he looked in the direction of Roarke and instantly felt better as Roarke was also getting a thrashing.

'Okay. It's enough' He frowned and then howled.

A moon appeared from nowhere and shone upon him. It was not the actual moon, but a projection of it. This skill was called the Lunar curse.

It allowed a wolf clansman to increase his strength by tenfold for just 10 minutes but he loses all reasoning, attacking both allies and foes. The Sunmanes had a similar skill called Shining glory but it only increased their strength by sevenfold while they maintained their reasoning.

The twins tried to end the fight quickly by going the for his neck, but their hands were caught by Jackson who was now jacked like he had been amped up on bane's venom. He smirked and slammed both girls down.

They yelled in pain. He was about to stomp on them but he was slashed at by Fenrir who snarled at Jackson and dashed forward. There was an exchange of slashes in seconds and they separated. Both parties were injured, with differing levels of injuries.

Fenrir had a long gash from his back all the way to his abdomen while Jackson had deep marks on his arms but he was practically still fine.

Fenrir still stood his ground against Jackson as both of them still faced themselves. The twins got up and saw Fenrir's wound and became livid. Once again, this man had hurt someone they loved.

A miniature sun appeared above Luna's head while a miniature moon appeared above Solana. Licht saw this and gave a gentle 'ohhh' sound. He was about to heal Fenrir but he decided to watch this spectacle the twins were creating. Even Roarke, Regallas and Sloane paused their battle as they watched.

The sun and the moon started to spin around themselves till it combined and created a yin-yang symbol and the twins below them had also miraculously fused. They were massive, about 4 metres and were shining in a golden color; they had 4 arms and 4 eyes which were also shining golden, their physique changed from wolf to lion till it settled on a mix of the two, oddly enough they were floating over a meter above the ground.

Licht had a big look of surprise on his face as this was the first time he had seen this in his long life, same with the others. Roarke now had a look of fear and was about unveiling his secret weapon but then the twins spoke.

It was angelic, their voices overlapped as they stared at Jackson

"Once again, you have hurt someone we hold dear. Face the retribution of the yin-yang"

They stretched their right hand forward and said "Have you ever felt flames so cold they burn??"

A blue flame formed at the tip of their fingers and rapidly increased. Jackson instincts told him that if he did not kill the twins now, he would die. So he immediately dashed forward and bit down but the space which he bit at was empty. The fused twins were now five meters away and the blue flame ball was now the size of a beach ball.

"Frostbite" The flame was like a missile. It was fast and even when Jackson tried to dodge, it followed him. Before he knew it, the flame was in front of him and he was engulfed in the fire.

He yelled in pain "Please make it stop! I beg of you! I'm sorry!!"

His body burnt like he was being chomped on. All the spectators had pale faces as this was the leader of one of the strongest clans in the empire but now he was crying in pain and was going to die soon.

All of a sudden, it was quiet. The only thing left in the spot where Jackson was were just ashes that soon flew into the wind and that was the end.

The twins turned around to attack Roarke but they split into two, falling. It seemed that attack tired them out. Licht appeared as he caught them both. He patted their heads and also healed Fenrir.