
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · 漫画同人
42 Chs

Keeping an eye out and apology.

Issei on:

Okay, this may not have been the best day possible, but at least there was pizza for dinner, so that's a win, right? Who am I kidding, this day was terrible.....not only did I fail to apologize to Asia and my friends, but I made my media situation worse and I even got shot, this day was TERRIBLE! After returning home, I had to try hard for Rias not to find out my secret and for her not to notice that I was shot, luckily the painkillers reduced the pain a lot, but during dinner I still had a hard time lifting my right arm, I just hope she didn't notice. Now she and I are washing our dishes in the kitchen sink and during this time we haven't said anything and this silence is killing me.

Rias: Issei, can I ask you something? -Says Rias breaking the silence.

-May I, what is it? -I ask, putting the last plate away.

She dries her hands and then turns to me.

Rias: Why have you been so distant recently? Ignoring your friends and even Asia who offered to help you with your studies, why have you been acting like this?" she asks me. -She asks me.

I feel a huge weight fall on my conscience when I remember these vacillations of mine and then looked away, leaned against the sink and took a deep breath before answering.

-"Being quite honest? Even I don't know why.... what I wanted to do today after class was to apologize to them and Asia, but I couldn't do it in the end. -I say with regret.

Rias: So..... do you want to apologize to her?

-Yes... but I couldn't today, I thought about calling or texting her but I heard she doesn't have a cell phone.

Rias: Yeah, she told us that when I asked if we could exchange our numbers, apparently her dad won't let her.

Her father doesn't let her have a cell phone? That's strange, usually all parents give cell phones to their children at this age.

-In that case I'll talk to her tomorrow. -I say drying my hands and leaving the kitchen.

Laughs: Where are you going? -She asks.

-To the bedroom, why? -I answer, stopping walking.

Rias: Ha ! It's just that...I thought we could... watch a movie together. -She says embarrassed.

A movie? Together? My heart races and my face turns red.

Laughs: As friends! That's right! Friends! It's just that my brother and I always used to do this on Wednesdays, but lately he hasn't had time and I thought we could do it... as friends ! -She explains embarrassed.

-As friends ? Yeah.....ok..... I guess it's okay. -I say more relieved.

Phew..... almost die of the heart.

You laugh: Good...in that case let's go to the movie theater.

-Does this house have a movie theater?

Rias: Yes, my brother loves to watch movies on a movie screen, so he had a movie room made with a projector and everything.


We then went to the movie theater and just getting there, I saw that Sirzechs was not kidding, it was really a movie theater with seats and a movie screen. These rich people have money to do everything. In the end Rias and I chose a comedy movie to watch, Everybody Panic, a comedy movie that we relatively liked. We then sat down one armchair away from each other and started watching the movie. We laughed like two kids and had a lot of fun, the pain in my shoulder didn't even seem to exist anymore and all I was thinking at the moment was how Rias was a girl, beautiful, funny, smart and owner of a sweet and kind personality.....more what am I thinking about ?!!

Issei off:

Author on:

Rias knew that she would have to keep an eye on Issei from today on and because of that she had the idea of inviting him to see a movie, all with the intention of watching him, but it turned out that she ended up forgetting that goal and really started to have fun like before, especially at the time when she watched movies with her older brother. The two had a lot of fun watching movies that night, so much so that they ended up sleeping in the movie theater and Sirzechs when he got home saw the two sleeping leaning against each other. Even though he thought it was cute, he couldn't let them both sleep in the movie room like that, so he first picked up his sister and carried her to his room and then went back to get Issei, but by the time he tried to put him on his lap, Sirzechs noticed that Issei's hands had stuck to the chair, making the task of getting him to his room even more difficult. It took a while, but Sirzechs managed to get Issei to his room and put her in his bed, then he also went to his room and went to sleep and the next day Issei and Rias when they saw that they were in their room wondered if it had all been a dream, but soon the two fell and they realized that they had been sleeping in the cinema room and Sirzechs had brought them to their rooms, but Issei discovered this in a somewhat painful way, as his shoulder still hurt from the bullet wound. The pain was so bad that Issei had to swallow it so no one would hear and with great difficulty he could take a shower, change the bandages and see that the wound was almost gone, but it still hurt. Issei then changed his clothes, put his suit in his backpack, took an antibiotic and a painkiller and then he went downstairs to have breakfast with Rias and Sirzechs, who watches his sister and Issei with a little smile as they both look away blushing. Right after breakfast, Issei and Rias walked to school and just getting there, Issei immediately went to his two friends, Matsuda and Motohama.

Issei: Matsuda ! Motohama ! -Issei shouted, running to his two friends.

Motohama: Issei? Good morning, what a surprise to see you. -Motohama said, surprised to see Issei coming towards them.

Issei: Good morning, I wanted to talk to you about something very important. -Issei said as he approached.

Matsuda: Really? And what would that be? Are you going to ignore us again even though we're your best friends? -Matsuda asked angrily.

Issei then bowed to the surprise of the two and then said.

Issei: I'm sorry!

Matsuda and Motohama's eyes widened in surprise at Issei's attitude.

Issei: I'm sorry for not being a good friend, I know I haven't been paying attention to you and I'm sorry, I promise I'll get better, so please forgive me.

Matsuda and Motohama then looked at each other and then said.

Motohama: Hey, chill out man, no need to do all that, we're not mad at you.

Matsuda: Yeah man, just..... try not to disappear so much.

Issei: Okay, I promise. -Issei said, smiling.

The three then hugged and walked together to school, talking about some adult movies and games that Motohama and Matsuda bought and they even invited Issei to their house, which he readily accepted. Everyone went to their classrooms and got ready for another day of school, but when the bell rang and Asia emerged in the classroom late, Issei's smile disappears.

Asia: Sorry I'm late. -Asia walked into the room wearing a long pink coat and covering her face partially with her hair.

Teacher: No problem Miss Argento, class hasn't even started yet, you can sit down. -Said the teacher calmly.

Asia then shook her head and walked quickly to her desk and sat down. Obviously everyone there noticed Asia's strange behavior, as well as her long clothes, unusual things at this time of year, but Issei in particular was the one who found Asia's behavior the most strange, during the whole class he kept looking at her and during that time, she kept massaging her arms without stopping, in addition to keeping her head down most of the time and not smiling, which was not common for Asia. When the break bell rang, Asia quickly got up and ran out of the classroom and Issei seeing this went after her.

Issei: Hey, Asia, wait up! -Issei said going after her.

She didn't say a single word and kept going forward and Issei followed right behind.

Issei: Hey! Asia ! Wait a minute, I just want to apologize for yesterday! -Issei said walking after her.

She continued to ignore him and keep going, but there was a time when Issei managed to catch up.

Issei: Asia, wait a minute. -Issei grabbed Asia's arm, making her stop walking.

But the moment she did that, Asia's hair swung and revealed for a second her face and that was enough for Issei to open her eyes wide.

Issei: Asia, what happened to you? -Issei asked worriedly.

Asia: It was nothing.....-Asia replied with a sad tone.

Issei then let go of Asia's arm and she walked away into the crowd, leaving Issei with a dumbfounded face standing in the middle of the hallway.


Akeno, Koneko and Rias were having lunch together in the cafeteria while chatting, everything was going normally, but when Asia showed up everything changed.

Rias: Hey! Asia, over here! Come have lunch with us! -Rias said, signaling to Asia.

However, Asia simply turned her face and walked away without even greeting Rias, which left the three very confused.

Akeno: Hey, what happened to Asia, yesterday she was so smiley. -Akeno asked.

Katase: Didn't you hear? -Katase said going to the table of the three along with Murayama.

Koneko: We didn't hear about what? What happened? -Koneko asked.

Murayama: Asia's mom is in the hospital after she fell down the stairs and hit her head, she's in a coma and the doctors don't know if he'll wake up. Murayama explained, making the three of them stare wide-eyed and dumbfounded.

Rias: Oh my God... poor thing.

Akeno: God..... she must be in a lot of pain.

Koneko: I lost my mother when I was very young, so I know what she must be feeling in part.

They all felt so sorry for Asia and while they were thinking of ways to comfort and help their friend, Issei had just arrived at the cafeteria and was looking for Asia, but to no avail.

Issei: Damn Asia, where are you? -Issei asked looking for her in the crowd.

He looked for Asia everywhere, but as he did not find her, he decided to go to Rias and the others.

Katase: Hi look there, here comes the pervert. -Katase said seeing Issei approaching.

Murayama: I don't know how you can live in the same house as him Rias.

Issei: Hi girls, have you seen Asia by any chance? -Issei asked.

Rias: I think she went to the girls' restroom. -Rias replied.

Issei: Okay, thanks. -Issei replied, heading in the same direction.

Seeing this Murayama and katase stepped in front of him and held out their arms.

Katase: Stay away from her you pervert, we won't let you near her!

Murayama: That's right!

Issei: Listen here, I don't have time for this, get out of the way I need to talk to her. -Issei said with a serious look.

Rias: Issei! Can you wait for her to come out of the bathroom to talk to her? She's going through a difficult time, her mother had an accident and is in the hospital and in a coma. -Said Rias getting up.

Issei: What?

Koneko: Look, it seems like you don't even care about her life, you're the worst.

Issei was confused by that news, but it helped him get a better sense of the whole story.

Issei: Listen, I'm not trying to apologize to her for yesterday or spy on her, I'm trying to find out what actually happened to her.

Katase: What are you talking about? You already know the whole story, her mother is in a coma in the hospital.

Issei: Is that so? -Issei asked.

Rias: What do you mean by that?

Issei then turned to Rias and with a serious look replied.

Issei: She's got a black eye and her arms are clearly bruised, I don't think it was a domestic accident that left her like that, but rather domestic assault