
Pokemon: ultimate evaluation

it will be a harem and wish-fulfillment story. there will be smut chapters, so be ready. I will make the plot as enjoyable as possible. the cover here is not my but you get the first member right. ------------- I do not own Pokémon besides my own OC.

Sun_And_Soul · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chap 3 : And Story Begins ??

Somewhere In the East of the Mount Coronet range, The Sinnoh region.

In the thick green forest in the front of the waterfall black-haired 10-year-old kid is standing while looking around.

[Kid's POV]

Ohh! Fuck, It's Not a dream?

I've literally been awake less than ten seconds and already my mood turned into Awestruck. For one, I freaking woke up in front of a beautiful waterfall and a small pond. Thankfully I think it was not a dream as I have the egg incubator in my hand?

Secondly, My body feels weak, and some weird feelings I have?

"Uh, it's somewhat cold here, so where am I ? "the kid said while hugging the egg incubator.

Taking a look around me all I can see is a waterfall that creates a stream, well alongside a wide expanse of grassy terrain and a ton of trees. long dirt road littered with small puddles here and there with rough terrain. I think that is a way out of here.

"Ahh, my mind fills dizzy?" I wondered out loud. I walked up to the pond to wash my face with water.

It ain't my looks for sure. Thank god that I did not transmigrate as some fatty pig.

I'm at the best average looking with a normal body with some fat from not doing exercise, a five out of ten if there ever was one done review for my look. Maybe a six if I brought some people with money for it which I am not going to do for it.

Speaking of looks though, what the hell? dark black hair with radiant blue eyes.

Maybe it's the anime world why colorful eyes are needed with messy hair which I have no complaints about as I look handsome but if I looked down and grimaced, maybe I should not have asked to become a kid?

It's pokemon worlds as everyone starts their journey around the age of 10, which is weird and somewhat irresponsible for a parent to do this to their kid.

And I asked thinking this but maybe I should have asked to become pokemon champion or master from start.

...Well, anyway it is already in the past. but am really shorter than before. I've always been tall among people around my age at 19.

I'm wearing a white t-shirt with a black jacket and matching loose black pants. A pair of boots and gloves as it is cold here. the t-shirt has a Pokeball design on the front.

After washing my face, I hear sweet voices.

"Shellos.. Shellos..Shellos "

Near the pond, I can see blue and green slug-like pokemon.

"It's Real pokemon! Wow, which is it? "

I worked close to it with still some distance to it.

It has slug-like bodies. Like a real sea slug, it has mantles covering the top halves of its body. also have black oval-shaped eyes, tiny noses, wide yellow lips, and yellow outlines around his eyes and mantles.

the underside is green and the mantle is blue. The shell has two flap-like protrusions, resembling cerata. These protrusions are lined with yellow. On its head are two white-tipped tentacles resembling rhinophores that extend away from its face.

It looked in my direction and smiled at me I think.

"Shallos... Sha..Llos"

It surprises me by extending his neck to incredible lengths. out of surprise, I walked back but I fell into the pond while hugging the egg.

"Ahh! I am half wet now." thank god it was shallow here and did not happen anything to the egg.

"Wooperrr... W..Wooperr "

A laughing voice of armless blue axolotl type pokemon comes from behind. Its head is large compared to its body, and it has small, round, black eyes.

"Yeah, laugh all you want but you miss a chance to join me by laughing at me", I said with irritation.

Ahh!, I sound like a team rocket clown. Let's get out of here.

After coming out of the pond, and looking at the dirt road I Still have no idea which way should i go.

Should I go west or east?

"Okey, let's go to the west first look around to find a city or town"

A half-hour later.

"Ahh! When will I be out of this forest, my boots and socks are wet from earlier!"

*bushes shaking*

"Rhydon! "

Pokémon with a large, gray, bipedal with features similar to both dinosaurs and rhinoceroses appear.

"I know who is it, It's Rhydon!"

Rhydon was the first Pokémon ever created or designed. It did not see in my direction and continued walking on its path.

" It should be safe if I have pokemon to fight other threats, Maybe if I have Pokeball I should catch it."

Riffling through my pockets, I come to find some small round things. Is it Pokeball?

As Rhydon was leaving, without looking what it is. like the game, I curve throw it on its back.

"Rhydon ?"


Both of over eyes met in confusion. I quickly looked in my pocket to see what it was.

"It's candy !!!"


" Oh NO it's attacking"

Annoyed Rhydon First Used Rock Slide. Some Big Rock Come out of Nowhere above me.

I quickly backed away. but for his next attack, I had no time to see and react to it as the dust that was created from the previous move is blocking my view.

"Rhydonnn!" he uses Rock Blast.

As I had the feeling that something is coming in front. I quickly hug the egg incubator tightly and turn my back on it.


Laying on the ground, I passed out.


Some time ago, pokemon center in snowpoint city.

"Why did you call me? anyway, I want to tell you that I beat the gym leader here at snowpoint city gym and got an Icicle Badge, grandmother!" blond teen and her pokemon can be seen talking to her grandmother at the phone booth.

She showed her all seven gym badges to her.

"Whoo! That's excellent, you are only one badge away from Collecting all, Cynthia, my dear I am really Proud of you. Do your best !" a proud voice comes from another side of the call.

"It's Nothing, Just Wait and we will win the Sinnoh League and Become New Champion! right Gible. ", the blond devil said excitedly.

"Gible!" her pokemon also said excitedly while extending her up.

A small primarily blue-colored pokemon look like a dragon and shark as it has sharp teeth, on top of its head is a dorsal fin and two horns that are like jet engines.

Gible is in her hug so can see the screen. she is her first partner from start.

"Oh, Gible! How are you? Is she taking good care of her and all of you ?" her grandmother asked knowing her granddaughter well.

"Gible gib.."

"Of course, I took care of them and they are all good pokemon ! also why did you call me at this time? "Cynthia did not what to hear that now.

"Right, do you know your uncle, Carson? The one who works at Mount Coronet on pokemon there" caroline, her grandmother said in a gloomy voice.

"Yeah, So What happened?" Cynthia also can see sad expressions.

"There was an earthquake near the mountain tunnels they were working and they are missing since then. the whole team of 10 people that working under Carson.it happened two days ago, I get to know this now."

"I hope nothing bad happens to them and that quiet kid also must be worried," Cynthia remembers his uncle's family when they come to meet them.

"Yeah, That why I call you. we need to go there, I am busy with some work so I will be late. can you go there as it is not good for a 10-year-old kid alone without relatives? "

"Okey, I am at snowpoint city so I need to go to lilypad Town First, from there where should I go?"

"yes, Correct. from there you should go to the crystal pokemon research facility that is in the south on way to lucario kingdom."

"Okey, bye. Take care of yourself grandmother." Cynthia said to caroline.

"Gible... Gible!"

"Goodbye. Cynthia and Gible, take care of yourself too."

both said goodbye and ended the call.

"Let's go we will find uncle and look after cousin. Gible !"



author -

Well, everyone thanks for your support!

I am finishing the final year of my college and starting my job...huh.

Anyway, I will try to make two Chapters a week.

So please Stick together with me.


Here are The Questions For Story.

How Should Story Go First,

1. MC joins School

-> School romance, First Shinnoh Than Alola, School Battle League Like Soul Land

2. MC Start Journey

-> Like Anime

also, again tell me which pokemon should be good for mc and its harem.

have some good ideas about the story. tell me.

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