
Pokemon: The New World

A youth from modern day Earth wakes up to find himself on the planet Aquamarine. Having crossed over to a parallel world into a teen with the same name he finds out that Pokemon exist in this world. Moreover it has only been a little over a century since Pokemon were discovered and many things about them are unknown to the world. Join Faust Williamson as he explores this dangerous world and slowly creates a legend of the Greatest Pokemon Master. This is the repost of my book Pokemon: The Beginning. I made an error earlier and posted it as an original novel. I'll be updating both the books simultaneously, please feel free to read it wherever you want to.

true_dmg · 游戏衍生
26 Chs

Chapter 12 Plotted Against and the First Battle

"So the contact has been able to confirm a major overhaul in the entire experiment?", a finely dressed middle-aged man confirmed what he had just heard.

The man seated opposite him nodded and hesitated a bit before speaking.

"Could they have discovered what the Professor is currently working to prove?"

The well-dressed man didn't speak immediately. Picking up the glass filled in with the amber coloured liquid he twirled it for a bit before setting it down again.

"Hasn't she been able to confirm the contents of the experiment?"

"Actually therein lies the problem. She was able to access all the details about the experiment such as their method. But the point of the experiment is what is puzzling. Seven groups are to carry out their tasks which mainly include training. Ross is being exceptionally tight-lipped about this and even a few trainers we approached merely mentioned their role being training of the Eevees. Now they have been taken away into rifts for a kind of a secluded training session. And even before you ask, we have no idea about the rifts because they are personal rifts belonging to the Ross family."

"So basically we don't know the content of their experiments and probably won't know it before the experiment either fails or succeeds? That's what you're saying Amos", the finely dressed man surmised.

"That is correct. May I speak freely?", asked Amos in an unsure tone.

Seeing the gesture of approval, Amos continued, "Is there even a need to be concerned? I mean the probability of them realising the existence of another evolution type is narrow. Moreover, the condition for the evolution is very specific. I am always in favour of leaving nothing up to chance but is it really worth the risk of exposing ourselves?"

"I understand you may think we are overreacting but the faintest possibility of such a development existing is…dangerous. The professor needs about a year to complete everything. We will wait and watch. Don't act on anything yet. You are right that we cannot expose ourselves by acting directly. The boy from Applegrove. He is heading back in two days correct?"

Amos nodded.

"Don't act now. There is a mandatory rift exploration carried out by Alliance affiliated trainer schools for the graduating batches. Since our contact has made clear that the boy intends to complete high school, he will participate. Try to make use of that, accidents in rifts are not uncommon."

Amos nodded solemnly and stood up from his chair.

Unaware of the insidious undercurrents, Faust was leisurely lying front sunbathing on the beach. Wimpod was playing with Dreepy trying to tackle it but he simply passed through its body every time he tried. Eevee had comfortably settled on top of Faust's back and was sleeping.

Dreepy had turned out to be quite a laidback and chill Pokemon. When he had caught it back in the breeding house, the Pokeball had shaken once. Even Eevee's Pokeball had gone through the entire process of three shakes. 

Returning home he had introduced Dreepy to his other two Pokemon and they had taken to each other very well. Wimpod had mostly been curious about the Lingering Pokemon while Eevee had tried playing with it only to realise that Dreepy preferred snoozing while lingering in one place rather than bouncing about all over. 

For all the faults that the breeder lady had so harshly highlighted, Dreepy seemed to be okay with training. Faust had asked him to display all his moves on his own and found out that all moves Dreepy knew were decently executed. In fact, Dreepy's double team was surprisingly very well executed. Having found no trouble commanding Dreepy except when it wanted to snooze, Faust started training by pairing it up with Wimpod.

Faust had started training Wimpod in using Aquajet. At first, Wimpod couldn't even surround itself in water and could only manifest a blue energy that would disperse on a single contact. But slowly he had managed to conjure water to cover its body. Now, what remained was to increase the quantity of water and the duration of use. 

Faust had also realised the issue of control, Wimpod could barely control the direction after shooting out using Aqua Jet. This could become a huge problem in battles and Faust had come up with the idea to use Metal Claw to pivot and execute sharp turns to change direction, slow down or stop. The biggest problem was that at the speed when Aqua Jet was used, Wimpod couldn't use its claws to stop or pivot, turn or swerve. There was a very real risk of actually tearing out the claw, so Faust simply had the idea to reinforce the claw using Harden or Metal Claw. Harden would be a waste of time and energy because it worked on the entire body so the feasible option was using Metal Claw selectively on the claws.

But this was easier said than done. Using two moves simultaneously was not an impossibility, but it was extremely difficult. So Faust paired Dreepy with Wimpod to train the latter's use of two moves at once. Dreepy also benefited from this as he trained his evasiveness. Dreepy was not a very tanky Pokemon, so the best strategy was to use its speed to evade and wear out the opponent. Using this training method, he was able to train Dreepy and Wimpod at once effectively.

Eevee meanwhile trained with Faust in increasing her move proficiency. She was able to fire rapid bursts of Swift with an okay accuracy at Faust who randomly ran around holding up a round metal plate. He had somehow managed to turn himself into moving target practice for Eevee. 

Faust had encountered another problem. His daily item redemption supplies especially of the minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc were running low. His Pokemon consumed a large amount but his system wasn't able to keep up with the demand. In the past two months, he had given up on very attractive items such as Love Balls, Heavy Balls, Quick Candies, Jaw Fossil and so on just to choose more mineral supplements. Now he was actually considering cashing in more benefits granted to him because of the research and order loads of mineral supplements. But on second thought he dismissed the idea, the supplements would stop working after a while and Faust had estimated that it would happen in another two months.

Faust ended his sunbathing session late in the afternoon. He had to meet up with Professor Ross in the evening because he was going back to Applegrove Town tomorrow. Thinking of this he suddenly had a headache, Kyle would not let him rest unless he explained everything in detail. Moreover, there would be the Mayor and his entourage. Keeping things under wraps would be relatively difficult. Pushing the thoughts of the tiring day that was to follow out of his mind, he changed into his researcher outfit and went to meet Professor Ross.

Unlike the first time, he had come to the SimuDome facility, this time the grassy plains were empty. Looking on from the observation deck, Faust saw Professor Ross in the middle of the field sitting on the grass leaning against a grey Ninetales with bluish coloured tail ends. 

'A shiny Ninetales.'

Faust stepped out of the elevator onto the grassy plains. Walking towards Professor Ross and the Ninetales he used the identifier to check the details of the Ninetales.

[Pokemon: Ninetales(Shiny)(♀)

Ability: Flash Fire

Type: Fire

Aptitude: Green

Strength: Mid Elite(Lvl. 61)

Moves: Ember, Tackle, Disable, Confuse Ray, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Incinerate, Will-o-Wisp, Inferno, Hypnosis, Flame Charge, Solar Beam(TM), Rest(TM), Protect(TM), Mystical Fire(TM), Flare Blitz(TM)]

The Ninetales was definitely strong. Apparently, it had been raised as a pure damage dealing powerhouse. Seeing him observe her Pokemon, Professor Ross spoke.

"She's beautiful, isn't she? But being an Alt can be difficult. When I found her in a rift as a Vulpix, she had been forced out of her family because of her unique appearance."

Faust heard the word Alt and instinctively said, "By Alt, you mean Shiny right?"

Professor Ross looked at him in confusion before smiling in realisation, "Shiny huh? That somehow sounds more appropriate than the word Alt."

As if thinking of something Professor Ross fell silent. After a while, she said, "You know sometimes I really want to just get inside your head and see how you actually come up with such fitting names and innovative ideas."

Faust just sighed and began to bullshit again, "I have told you a hundred times now it's all about the observation. A Shiny basically implies an entity that stands out from the rest of its species."

"I know and I believe you. But it's just amazing how you come up with it. Your observational skills are terrifying. I think I made the correct decision when I acted instantaneously on recruiting you. I apologise for my enthusiasm and underhanded manoeuvring to tie you permanently to the RL. Nevertheless, if I have an opportunity to tie you permanently to RL in the future I will take it."

"But that's not why I wanted to speak with you. It's about you leaving for Applegrove Town tomorrow. I believe your involvement with the research has attracted unwanted attention. While I have remained extremely cautious about the whole experiment and your involvement in it, I cannot control a situation completely. You will probably encounter some trouble or other when you are out of here. RL is influential enough to control the situation on its own turf, outside it not so much. So I have decided to send an Elite trainer with you to Applegrove."

Faust immediately refused, "Nope there's no need, I can take care of myself. Besides having someone monitoring me even if it's for my own protection is kinda unsettling."

"Faust...the situation doesn't leave room for any refusal. It would be dangerous and stupid to refuse. It's only for protection, the trainer won't bother you with anything and you won't even know they are there."

"Still no. Can't sleep at night knowing someone is observing me or my surroundings."

They went back and forth quite a few times, neither of them ready to comply with the other person's demand. Faust suddenly had an idea.

"Professor Ross I have an idea. See you're basically concerned that I am not strong enough. How about this? My three Intermediate stage Pokemon against your Ninetales. If I last a second over ten minutes with at least one of my Pokemon not fainting, I will have my way and you won't send a bodyguard for me. If I lose, you can have your way and do as you like."

Faust wasn't against the idea of having an Elite rank bodyguard but the extra set of eyes observing him would magnify chances of his greatest secret getting out. Moreover, although he trusted Professor Ross to an extent, he didn't trust her blindly. The bodyguard would be reporting anything fishy to Professor Ross and what could be fishier than Faust pulling out something strange and amazing every other day.

Professor Ross thought for a moment and brought out a tablet. Typing something on it, she handed it to Faust and said, "Sign it first."

Faust looked through what she had written and was dumbfounded. It was a betting agreement that listed out the conditions he had mentioned. He looked up at Professor Faust with a questioning look on his face.

"Don't look at me like that. You're a shameless person. What's the assurance that when you lose you will follow my arrangements? Better have a legally enforceable document than a verbal agreement."

Faust just chuckled awkwardly and signed. He was confident enough to last over five minutes at least. Well, at least eighty per cent confident. As for the last five minutes, he would just scatter all his three Pokemon around the field. One Ninetales could only go after one Pokemon."

Professor Ross and Faust walked away from each other to create a large space between them for the battle. The Ninetales stood in front of Professor Ross, all the earlier lethargy replaced by a ferocious eagerness to battle.

Faust called out Wimpod, Eevee and Dreepy. Gathering them around he said, "Hey guys, we got ourselves a team battle. Now, this is probably going to be tough for your first battle and we won't win but luckily we don't have to defeat the other side to win. The objective is to remain conscious for ten minutes. You guys just need to follow my instructions. Follow them to the tee, this will be rich battle experience. Also, you're to dodge all attacks made on you if I don't command you otherwise."

His Pokemon gave out cries of acknowledgement and turned to face the Ninetales. 

"We will both count to three, at three the battle will begin", said Professor Ross and tapping on her tablet, a timer projection 

Faust nodded.


"Ninetales finish it at once use Inferno!"

As soon as Professor Ross' voice fell, Ninetales began gathering Fire energy in its mouth before letting it out straight towards the three Pokemon. But Faust's Pokemon had already acted on his command.

"Wimpod use Aqua Jet to the left side, Dreepy grab onto Wimpod. Eevee quick attack towards the right."

Wimpod shot out towards the left in a stream of water with Dreepy clinging onto it's back. Eevee was slower and barely managed to evade the terrifying inferno. 

"Ninetales, the two of them are together. They won't be able to change directions, use inferno just a little bit ahead in their path." 

Professor Ross wanted to take out two Pokemon at once and made the most appropriate decision. But just as she thought it was over, she heard Faust call out, "Wimpod pivot under the inferno towards Ninetales!" 

Before she could understand what was going to happen, she suddenly saw Wimpod's claws glowing in a white light which it plunged into the ground to make a sharp turn towards Ninetales under the blazing inferno. 

"Dreepy Sucker punch, aim for the ears and Wimpod ram into the neck! Eevee, Rain Dance!"

"Ninetales dodge and use flamethrower!"

But Ninetales wasn't fast enough. It was still in the process of switching from Inferno to Flamethrower when Dreepy's sucker punch and Wimpod's Aqua Jet connected almost simultaneously with the Ninetales's ear and neck respectively. 

"Wimpod, Aqua Jet outta there now! Dreepy hitch a ride!" 

Faust had aimed for the weaker areas to disorient the Ninetales and it worked. The Ninetales couldn't recover in time and both Wimpod and Dreepy managed to getaway.

"Ninetales shake it off and use disable."

'Fuck! I forgot about that. I need to interrupt it. Damn it.'

"Eevee quick attack now!"

The Ninetales' eyes glowed blue. A set of blue rings emanated from its body like ripples heading towards Wimpod. But before they could connect, the rings dissipated. Eevee had successfully interrupted the move but was now in a very disadvantageous position.

"Use Flamethrower."

Eevee couldn't dodge the attack and took it at full force. Just as the flames and dust cleared, Faust saw Eevee barely able to stand looking at the Ninetales with a ferocious determination in her eyes. Eevee's skin was bright red in places and the red areas were occasionally throbbing.

'She's been afflicted by burn!' Faust identified the condition of Eevee and felt a pain in his heart. But he quickly ordered, "Eevee use facade with all your remaining power!"

Eevee grit her teeth in pain as yellow energy enshrouded her body and she leapt towards the Ninetales. The attack connected and surprisingly Ninetales was knocked down sideways but immediately recovered. Eevee having exhausted all her energy fell down unconscious. Faust immediately recalled Eevee and looked at the battlefield. Wimpod and Dreepy were about two hundred metres away from the Ninetales. He looked at the timer projection and it showed 5:54. A little over four minutes had passed. 

Faust had underestimated the ability of an Elite Pokemon. After seeing Eevee being burnt like that he didn't really want to see his other Pokemon suffer like that. While having a bodyguard would make it difficult and annoyingly inconvenient, he didn't think it was worth having his Pokemon suffer. He made the decision and recalled Dreepy and Wimpod.

"I forfeit. You can do as you like, but I would prefer privacy wherever and whenever possible."

Professor Ross looked at the slight disappointment on Faust's face as he turned away from her and began walking towards the elevator.

She didn't say anything and watched him leave. When Faust had left she turned to face her Ninetales and crouched down to examine the ugly bruise that had formed at the spot Eevee had struck using Facade.

'What a monster. Barely a trainer and yet able to knock an Elite rank off its feet. Able to cultivate a Wimpod to battle...Faust Williamson, you truly are unique.'

She sighed and used a potion on the Ninetales' bruise.

Recalling her Ninetales, Professor Ross left the grassy field thinking of the battle she had just fought.