
Pokemon: Team Rocket's Uprising

Jax Skyborne only wanted one thing, to become the strongest pokemon trainer in the world. But when he's thrown into a world with Team Rocket on the rise, he bit more than he could chew. Join our protagonist on his adventure to become the best and save his world.

Halvoc · 漫画同人
100 Chs

Chapter 59

After everyone was finished with their meal, Count Freiders asked Jax to stay behind while the rest of the family cleared out. As she was leaving, Evelyn stared daggers into Jax and then threw over a piece of paper over to him before disappearing through the doors.

Metsys who was more comfortable by Jax's side just stayed seated down and continue to eat the desserts that the staff kept bringing. Finding the gluttonous girl comical, Count Freiders didn't mind her behavior and looked towards the child of two of his most important friends. Although they've lost contact over the years, the things that he experienced with them in the past wasn't something the Count could ever forget.

"I know you have a lot of questions about your father. Leon already told me what happened in his office the day you won the annual Battle Competition. Before I tell you anything about Oscar, I must disclose that I won't be sharing everything out of consideration for my two friends, your parents." Not expecting the Count to be so direct but appreciating that the Count was still willing to entertain his inquiries, Jax just nodded and waited for the Count to tell what he could.

"I wasn't really close with your father or mother back at the academy. The first time I really even communicated with them was on our first mission together. As you heard from Leon, we were tasked to infiltrate a Team Rocket base but then things went very wrong. We don't know how but at some point, your mother's identity was exposed, and she was captured. The rest of the team abandoned your mother but like Leon and your father, we were all smitten by her. I was the first to act to go rescue her thinking I would appear like the knight in shining armor saving the damsel in distress."

Looking at the Count's smile, Jax could see how much he had cared for his mother at one point. He didn't know how to feel about finding out that two of his mother's ex-suitors were now a world renown Champion who was hailed as the strongest of this century while the other was a count of a behemoth known as the Borden Empire. If his mother chose his father over these two, his father must have been an even more amazing man and trainer. Listen to the rest of the Count's story, Jax couldn't believe his ears.

"By the time Leon arrived at the scene, the only thing left was charred land and a crater the size of this empire where the Team Rocket base used to be. What he doesn't know was that I arrived before him and saw how that came to be. Riding on top of his Charizard, Zennon, Oscar single-handedly went into the base, killed every Team Rocket elite, and came back out with your mother in his arms. I don't know what he did but as Zennon was flying into the sky, he suddenly flashed in an arrive of colors before coming out and looking different. He now had a horn between his previous two with small wings coming from the back of his hands. With what I can only assume to be an Inferno, Zennon blew the base up before the trio flew off."

Hearing Count Freiders recount of the events from that day, Jax was dumbfounded. He had scoured all the archives at the Pokemon Academy's library and even searched on the web but there was no mention about anything to do with mega-evolution! It was already surprising enough that the random Metagross he meta out in the wild was able to do it but hearing that his father and his pokemon were able to mega-evolve as well had Jax's heart pounding! Even if the Count didn't know what had happened, there was no way Jax wouldn't. Mega Charizard Y! While not as popular as X, Mega Charizard Y boosted a regular Charizard's SP ATK to a whole new level! If it had to be rated in terms of star level, it would definitely be at least seven or even either stars!

The Count wrapped up his story there but as the two still had more to talk about, they moved to the Count's study room and finished their conversation there. While Jax came here to hear more about his father, his original goal was to meet this person the Count claims could teach him more about his psychic powers. Going over the schedule for the next day, the Count could only apologize ahead of time. The person whom he will be introducing Jax too is rather eccentric and does things at her own pace. If she likes Jax, she could consider teaching him for as long as he liked. If she didn't like Jax, he would have just wasted his time flying here today. Finishing up the conversation, the two headed off to their respective room and called it a night.

The next morning, Jax woke up early to do his morning routine and bathe before meeting the person who may or may not become his teacher. Jax didn't know exactly who he would be meeting today but from the conversation with the Count yesterday, the person whom he would be meeting was a woman. Out of all the psychic women he knew, only one came to mind that could really help him develop his abilities. Feeling excited, Jax made sure to thoroughly wash himself and dress to impress!

Metsys was already washed up and in the dining room eating away at the feast of a breakfast laid out at the table from last night. The rest of the Count's family had also joined them, and Evelyn was still blatantly glaring at Jax. With so much to process yesterday, he completely forgot about the note she threw him. Now, it was probably thrown away after the maids washed his clothes. 'Oh well, if it's important, she'll just come and tell me herself.'

Finally, it was time to meet who he thinks he'll be meeting. Riding through a residential area of the empire, the chauffer stepped out and pulled open Jax's door. Scanning the building in front of him, he noticed that it was a rather large building that had many floors. A similar building from his previous life, Jax compared the building in front of his to a skyscraper. Just as Jax was walking up the steps, the doors opened by themselves. 'Interesting. I can already tell this is going to be fun.'

Jax noticed that someone or something had used psychic abilities to open to door for him, that's why he was so excited about what was to come next. In the games, every time a certain psychic-type gym leader showed up, their gym would have a set number of puzzles that the trainer had to solve before they could make their way to challenge the gym leader.

As if on cue, as Jax stepped through the doors, they closed by themselves and what greeted Jax left him even more intrigued. Standing by another door stood an Alakazam who seemed not only power due to its advance levels but also from the amount of psychic power Jax could feel emanating off of its body. "Human child, to meet my master, you will have to pass each floor until you reach the top. There are a total of 10 floors and each harder than the next. I wish you luck child of silver." Heck yeah! Here we go!