
Yuki’s Origin

Yuki was in the van, awaiting for his excitement to move into his new town. The truck was a little due to the town being in the forest. Something was vibrating in Yuki's pocket, He gets his phone out and gets notifications from his friends from Johto, sending him farewell messages and telling him good luck. He smiled softly and wiped his eyes as he was about to cry again. Since he cried in front of his friends when he told them he was moving to hoenn

As the truck stops, the trucks garage door opens and Yuki jumps out. This was littleroot it was a small town around a large forest. A machoke walked out of the house, going in the truck to get more boxes to get out more furniture. Yuki walks inside the house, in awe. The place was bigger than their home in johto. Yuki's mother just got done talking to the man that owned the machokes that were helping Yuki and his mother move. "Hey, Yuki do you like the place?"

Yuki smiled "I love the place, can i go check out my room?" Yuki's mother smiled softly "Sure sweetie, when you're done, you should meet everyone else around town" Yuki gave her a thumbs up "Yeah, I will!" He goes up in his room to check it out. The room had a bed in the corner, a desk on the other side, and a matt with pillows in the other. It was a small but Yuki liked it. He had a large smile on my face.

Later, He went to go to the other neighbor's house. He knocked on the door and a middle aged woman opened the door. "Hello, you must be the new neighbors, I saw you guys move in right next to us"

Yuki smiled "Mhm, I did" She opened the door for him, and Yuki walked in. "My daughter is upstairs is you want to see her" Yuki nodded and he goes upstairs, Haruka. She putting a bow, getting ready to see the professor. "Oh hello!" She said seeing Yuki walk up the stairs. Yuki looked at her, blushing a bit. Since he's never been friends with a girl. "H-Hi, Who are you?" She said, awkwardly. "I'm Yuki, I just moved here" Haruka smiled "Oh welcome to Littleroot town!" Yuki nodded and just couldn't help but smile at her awkwardness. "Well, I gotta help out my father, with pokemon stuff. You wanna come?" Haruka said walking closer to Yuki.

Yuki nodded and they both went out into the forest, where her father. But, suddenly he was getting chased by a Poochyena. "Help, someone please!" He had bite marks all over his leg and blood coming out of it. He notices Yuki and Haruka walking towards the area "Haruka and you kid help me, Grab my bag and use my Pokémon"

Yuki and Haruka immediately went into the bag, looking for any pokeballs in his bag. They grab out one pokeball each and they throw it. A mudkip and a torchic come out in front of the poochyena, Haruka smiled. "alright, Torchic use scratch!" Torchic runs to the Poochyena and scratches it, Having a small cut on his face. Yuki looked at Mudkip, trying to think a move it would have. "Uhh use pound!" The mudkip ran at the Poochyena's face with it's tail. The Poochyena gets smacked down to the ground and faints.

The professor smiled and looked at them "Thank you so much!" He said breathing heavily. "You kid" He says pointing at Yuki "What's your name?"

"Uhhh Yuki" He replied.

"Alright you too, come with me" The professor said, walking them both to the lab. Yuki and Haruka were at the lab talking with The Professor. "As you both for saving me, here are your pokeballs and pokedex" Yuki smiled happily "Thank you!" He said taking them and Haruka also as happy as well. "Thank you daddy!" She said, hugging him. The Professor smiled. "C'mon Yuki let's go!" She said grabbing his hand and running out the lab, excited. "Woaaah!" Yuki said running along with her, This was the beginning of their journey.