
ch 8 [ Reappearance ]

That day a frightening thing occurred behemoth class beings from all over the world issued a ordered a list and demanded the whole world that they dont give a fuck but if any of the terrorists attacks affects the listed the given locations in the list somehow then all the behemoths will together ensure the related terrorist organization and accomplishs will be razed to ground .

but that to common people came as an notice from central pokemon league. and the all powerful only few champion class beings according to mass population will raze the terrorists with elite four trainers which according to normal people are the only elite level trainers and the gym leaders the few emperor level trainers according to mass population.

but the warming of being chased by behemoth even sended shivered down tan's spine who is the main culprit behind all of them .

one of those protected places was kanto's pallet town which mean professor oak finally became a behemoth level trainer and red ketchum due to the stress of civil war could even marry delia .

on the other hand those places marked by the listed became some sort of hotspot for people shifting .

Like for example the blackthorn city which was rapidly expanding and developing due to being one of the cities on the list courtesy of the old man who with elaire, lance and little Clair playing with baby draco and stacy in the compound with some of the older dragon types in home .

from all things considered the civil war was reaching its finale as according to pokemon plot he knew the war ended with the kanto-jhoto forming into a single league body and birth of first artificial legendary pokemon mewtwo.

the peace signing between two leagues will be done in few days according to news channels and kanto-jhoto will be in truce .

so it was finally time for some action besides just being a researcher , berry farming , fucking claire , playing with his babies , training blackthorn style marital arts from old geezer which he fused with his neo-karate to make it even deadlier and training pokemons .

its finally time for some action .

"Hahahahaha ....*smack* ..."

why is he feeling a sense of deja vu . only to see his wife elaire being the one this time who clearly was annoyed at that as due to his villainous way of laughing the babies who were playing with the blackthorn main family was crying. as a result as expected he could beaten black and blue by her to which old man sighed at the weird habit of his son-in-law and lance,Clair & dragon type pokemons were laughing their ass of rolling here and there seeing which the babies stopped crying and started to clapping cutely.

well later tan got compensated by elaire with a extra passionate sex session and tan also recovered quickly with his monstrous recovery speed.

but all this left tan with the thought "*agh* curse my life *sigh**"

But during all this time a new explosive news took the whole world to amusement, shock , anticipation etc .

'the weird rivalry between two enigmas of science fox and potion master' - as it was dubbed by media . to that tan could only laugh helplessly in amusement

but behind it there was definitely causes .

as his damages done by fox was always mostly neutralized by influence of his identity as tan steel the genius God of potions as the public dubbed him . as due to invented potions and machines with donated money etc he was stabilizing the lives of millions of people affected by the terrorist attacks and plans done by fox .

hell from news he even learnt that the central pokemon league declared tan steel as one of rare SS class scientist and declared if the hidden potion master( tan ) gets harmed anyhow by any terrorist organizations then league will ensure every means possible to ask help from old monsters worldwide to take revenge for that . which pretty much scared all those who had the evil intentions .

from the respective of people worldwide as fox was wreak hovocing in kanto-jhoto, potion master was hidden somewhere in the closed mainland for 3 years hidden from all developing new types of potions and machines for general peoples welfare .

in short like fox was worshipped in some places of underworld as God , now even tan steel was worshipped in some places of world as God of mercy , potions etc .

It went so far that some fanatic worshippers of tan steel were camping in mossdeep city to just meet tan steel their God once .

In short yup beside his identity as tobi blackthorn which is a little less popular his other two identities were now synonymous to word living legends .

And his actions as legend was further affirmed by an incident which occurred few month ago which shocked the whole world to core and could be said that event was a historical event putting aside everything . that day redefined the definition of madness. ,

{{ 4 months ago }}

It was only 3 months after the world was recovering from the tragedy of entei which was done by mistake of the legendary pokemon , burning the whole city while fighting the team rocket and their attempt to catch entei .

it was the beautiful cerulean city hosting the peace conference to finally settle the civil war and stop team Rocket & hopefully fox for once and for all .

Almost all behemoth class beings, champion class trainers and elite level trainer of both side attended .

heck even his old geezer of a father-in-law also attended.

notable people like professor oak , blue oak , red ketchum , David waterflower etc all attended.

the conference location was on the tallest building of the city , the sliph co-operation hotel's rooftop beside the ocean .

Security, ranger and news helicopters were circling the roof to capture & share this historical moment with rest of the world .

It was expected to be the moment the civil war would end but it remained nothing but a dream of all .

Everything was going well and the kanto-jhoto ambassadors were about to sign the peace treaty .

the ambassadors were about to sign the documents only for a massive explosion to be heard. an explosion so loud that even loudards loudest screams can even match it's even one-fourth intensity . only to hear the deafening screech of to loud sound next moment.

even one was literally shaken . Even the champion class trainers were even struggling to stand while rest of the people feel to ground besides the two behemoths class beings professor and dragon master .

which came ss weird for normal population who was oblivious to existence of behemoth class and everything related to it , as they were thinking how the hell 2 old men were standing while frowning as rest of the people including the regional champions of kanto & jhoto fell . Now to general people it was shocking to a massive level as according to them the only champion class beings are league champions who are thought to be the pinnacle of world. hell they were wrong but it was hidden from mass people to not create public panic and make society unstable but that scheme of league was bound to be failed that day as world for the first time came in contact of 2 behemoth class beings that day and much more .

while the whole world was watching the scene from the televisions, screens etc the media camera finally found the source of the noise . it was the sound of landing of a massive machine escorted by various large helicopters like aircrafts with large R symbols . the machine was huge and unique. also it had a large hole in middle.

only as peoples were confused they heard a mature childlike over excited voice ,

?????-" Hello *testing mic* hello . *ahem* ok *huff* now I am ready...."

while the mass people were thinking who this oddly familiar voice is from , the media camera finally found the source being an handsome man . he had ,

white shoes and silky white pants of top class luxurious styles. a pure white shirt on top with a black boa silk long tie with a silverish white coat and silverish gray overcoat . the cuffs of the overcoat had 2 metallic silverish platinum round cuffs with some dragonish designs. he had a slightly long spiky metallic silver smooth hair . Around 6 feet with an athletic figure. seeing them finally reaching up he smiled slightly in graceful way . he was wearing a mask of a fox

a figure fimilar to almost all the people all over world . he was standing in a helicopter facing the camera smilingly and said ,

"Neh Neh it been long time dont you think so ? SO HOW ARE YOU WORLD? "

he said the last part with a large grin .

while releasing his silverish white energy field which now have metallic lusters to it .


sorting out my mess . sorry for late chapters .

Rahitcreators' thoughts