
ch 5 [ schemes ]

another shocking thing was got a colony of 4 baby feebas ( 2 Male 2 females) inside the small lake of the compound of the steel and stone family which is connected to ocean with a small underwater lane. he quickly caught them . he gifted 3 of them them to his wife and kept 1 for himself. he also did his weird experiments on them and made Glacia train them in short he will get 4 milotic in future in his villa ( damm leach leaching of his wife)

and on his 14th birthday he even got a baby eevee of his aunts and uncles flareon & jolteon.

and another thing was William finally found an metal coat for his onix due to help from sliph co-operation branch( tan told glacia about it and she ordered & sended it using her connections& large amounts of money) . Got it as a gift .which made it evolve into a steelix . it is now the leader of all the onixs in the mountains. an king tier pokemon.

small 8 year old Steven got his first pokemon a beldum. tan was weirdly looking at that beldum for long time ( as it will be a fucking champion class pokemon with powers borderline legendary level when it mega evolves )

his sister 4 years old gwen was strangely almost all the Time with wurmple herd in the family facility.

his mom and aunt Emma being the resident breeder.

his father and uncle Richard being being running & developing Devon co-operation. they even started to invest in making technological projects.

In short everything was progressing well.

glacia was also doing well beside once she scared the hell out of him by pranking him by saying him that she is pregnant. and another thing is she fucks him energy less whenever he gets chance. the cause of that being she came to know that tan is a high class pervert who will go fucking other girl/lady beside her if he is left unattended .

and not that tan could complain for getting too much sex . as she got hourglass figure with with atleast D cup boobs with a perfect tight pussy in his cock shape & other things included as bonus etc .and damm she got some drive . also like a high class possessive yandare.

due to all this tan had had the decision to start his journey in hoenn greater forest routes to airport then to kanto and various places . will try to avoid hoenn as much as he can as glacia will be fucking elite 4 of future hoenn .

and another shocking news was blue , professor oak's son is the new champion of kanto with 1 champion class blastoise . and also a terrorist organization named team Rocket started to wreck havoc in kanto and Jhoto.

and after training his 2 beldums for long time they have finally reached there full potential as beldum. so he made them merge into a metang which was larger than average size like his shiny metang . which made that he have 2 metang . and also his shing metang reached king class . which made him a king class trainer only short of 1 three star gym badge .


one day while he was doing his usual exploration 50 km away from his home into the wild on top of his huge shiny metang he came across a stiff cliff . only to notice 2 small blue dinosaur like creature were continuously falling and jumping from the cliff. only to become unconscious after few attempts.

Only then it clicked into his mind that it is pseudo fucking legendary salamence's pre evolved form fucking bagon's .and its 2 on top of that .

he quickly caught them.

then for few minutes he searched the area only to find another bagon sleeping.

so in total in one trip he got 3 bagon with 1 Male and 2 females. but he didnt take them to steel & stone clan facilities. rather he took them to his villa .

after cooling down 3 enraged bagon with the help of glacia he made them accept him as there trainer and made arrangements for them .

he went home after that but not before fucking glacia unconscious in there bedroom


[[ 1 YEAR LATER ]][ TAN 15 GLACIA 21]

yup tan fucked up but thankfully only his uncle Richard found out that he is the fucking mysteries boss of silph co-operation who own 75% of the rapidly developing buissness behemoth and he have a fucking emperor class or B class trainer wife with a personal large facility of a villa.

he was exposed only due to his carelessness of leaving a fucking condom on his table in his room . thank gods/arceus whatever for small mercy that Richard didn't tell anyone before coming to him .

but only to get extorted out of some rare pokemon stones , metal coats and psychic stones . and

when tan said -" uncle have some mercy plssss*trying puppy eyes jutsu( pun intended ) *" .

he only got a single response- " shoo shoo... I know u have atleast hundreds of millions of pokedollar. dont be miser help us poor people . hehehehehe "

'poor my ass . I fucking know u guys are worth millions each .*whin* there goes my saved pocket money . cant ask from glacia also to spare me or cut me some slack on money . as beside those i have spend my rest of the money in wannabe evil organizations. hehehe so much scientific data . but * groan * now I am pennyless *sniff**sniff* . cant ask for more money also otherwise glacia will go yandare again *sigh* curse my luck'

and next day the first thing in morning he saw a family gathering of William, Richard, Rose , Emma, Steven , Gwen and him .

his shameless of a uncle said that an old wealthy friend of his have sended them this pokemon resources as gifts for the families behind the emerging Devon co-operation.

yup William's and Richard's ryhdons ( evolved after some time of William's one )evolved to rypherior with the necessary process done by the family using the gained resources.

in short the ryhorn herd now expanded in massive proportion with a rypherior as leader and some newly evolved ryhdon which evolved under the rypherior's help as its additional help .which means William now have 2 king class pokemon. with help of them he somehow was able to get a 3 star gym badge from mossdeep city gym . making him the only king class or C class trainer in the the family with rest of them being top advanced class respectively. Rose ( see got her king class metang ), Richard ( got a king class metang and rypherior) and Emma ( king class flareon)also tried there luck only to get defeated . but with there lineup there were one of the top family of the region.

next significant thing was tan getting his pokemon trainer lisence based on his qualification as basic level breeder . making him a novice trainer.

got teased ( abused?) by glacia for that a lot as she was constantly flaunting her rank infront of him and comparing her rank to his . well it only stopped when tan grabbed glacia and fucked her up ( pun? ) .

next thing was according to tan's family he only had a shiny metang, 2 vibrava and 1 eevee . so they decided to buy him a starter of higher class rather than ones breed by them . as tan clearly doesn't use steel or rock type pokemons . as they couldn't choose properly they just bought the deluxe class league starter pack from pokemon centre which will contain 1 top class breeded pokemon from a random top facility of the world and some 5 extra top class pokeballs with some top class potions( most of those were invention of tan )

and by his good luck ( had glacia do the manipulation) he was able to get a female ralts to match glacia's recently hatched Male ralt .

glacia plans to make it into her ice type team by making it learn some ice type moves like ice punches etc beside it's normal skill set .

another fun topic was that blue , professor oak's son was only able to retain his position as champion of kanto league for 1 year before his rival red ketchum with his sole champion level charizard .

another fun fact that he found was red was going to marry a childhood friend of his named delia in 2 years accordingto his declaration in his engagement. so from this and all he given information he collected ash would be born about 5 years later which will result in starting the cannon plot after 20 years in total . with various seed level characters of various leagues like lance , bruno , cynthia , Steven, Wallace, diantha , juniper, sycamore , archie , maxie , guzma , colress ,cyrus etc . in total which equals to the the top of the next generations of pokemon world . in total he can manipulate all he want to achieve his goal of reaching the ultimate stage of transcendence the behemoth class or EX class . the class very few achieved or exists in present time .

see the link of glacia's photo that is valid for this fiction in the auxiliary volume. I am saying it again others are invalid ???‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ the image other than given are almost all are garbage.....

Rahitcreators' thoughts