
Pokemon: Mischief

I'm crazy in the eyes of everyone but i lower it to blend with the sheep pack. I die because of my adventure but i did not regret it because it's the one that gave my life a meaning the one that makes my blood boil and reveal my true self, being close to death. Now that i am once again reborn and this time unchain by the civilization, let's make the world roll.

Maku_Mark · 漫画同人
4 Chs


Mark's Pokemon

| Name: Houndour (A)

| Gender: Female

| Level: 10

| Ability: Flash Fire

| Potential: 4 Stars

| Moves: Thunder Fang (Egg) • Sucker Punch • Howl • Fire Fang • Ember

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Inside the forest of the Island of Misery where a river can be seen, flowing calmly with different kinds of pokemon around it drinking some water.

Pidgeys flying in the air, some Oddish in the grown basking in sunlight, Mankeys swinging from a tree to another, and Magikarp along with Feebas swimming around.

On a tree close to it a two shadow can be seen one resembling a person while another is resembling a dog.

Who is none other than Mark and Houndour looking at the training dummys in the ground and also their Potentials to catch some that can maybe join his team.

Most of the Pidgeys are 1-star some are 2-stars but it doesn't worth shit in his eyes while the Odish potential is also only in the range of Pidgeys but surprisingly there are actually decent Mankeys, Febas, and Magikarp.

While most of the Magikarp are 1-star, As they say there is always an oddball among the group a black sheep.

A 4-Star Magikarp on the deepest part of the river Mark can't even see its shadow if not for the status system showing everything he would miss that treasure.

| Name: Magikarp (S,S)

| Gender: Female

| Level: 16

| Ability: Rattled

| Potential: 4-Star

| Moves: Dragon Dance • Splash • Tackle

"It's really impressive having a dragon dance as a Magikarp means that it also has a strong parent, it's even shiny giving me a big shock as for how i guess it was shiny? the S in its name ofcourse. Mark thought while thinking of a way to lure the Magikarp up

"But what about the other S? it can't be what i think it is right because having a pokemon that is like that would be hard for others... but im not like others so screw them even back in Earth i tame so many dangerous beast and even if they didn't have a kind feeling with me they have loyalty which i would drill in this little guy before he evolve if he was what i think he was. Mark thought while looking at the part of the river the status was shown.

"But since it's in the deepest part and I can't approach it without a water pokemon i would just battle the pokemon here for now and think of a plan after Houndour reach lvl 15 and catch some pokemon with potential to sell for Merits" Mark thought looking once again in the exp farm in the river.

"Lets go Houndour it's time to make you stronger using these weakling, just take note on those little guys with leaf on their head they can release annoying powder that can affect you as for those monkeys you can easily defeat them they are only muscle brain"

Mark said looking at Houndour before both of them leap out of the tree suprising the pokemon making some timid one run away as they landed.

Some of the bold Oddish immediately use moves to attack, Vines shoot out on their little body heading towards Houndour.

"Dont let it hit you burn them into ashes, Houndour use ember" Mark commanded to Houndour

Houndour open his mouth releasing many tiny fires toward the vines burning it before it eeven touch him.

" Good job, Now let's end this use Howl follow by a fire fang"


Houndour howl towards the Oddish releasing a red and violet aura flinching the Oddish and lowering its defense.

After the howl Houndours mouth burst in flame and he started running towards the Oddish biting them one after another fainting them.

"Nice job buddy" Mark praise Houndour but before they could celebrate at the level up Houndour received

A fast shadow suddenly hit Houndour in the face sending it flying towards a tree with Houndours body hitting it.

"Houndour!! are you okay" Mark shouted while looking at the smoke


Houndour came out bruised but still strong enough to fight he howl towards Mark signalling that he's fine before looking at the pokemon that hit it with anger.

"Okay now let's see who's the b*tch who interrupt our celebration and give him something nice" Mark said looking at the place where Houndour was sent flying to see a monkey

| Name: Mankey

| Gender: Male

| Level: 15

| Ability: Defiant

| Potential: 3-Stars

| Move: Close Combat (Egg) • Focus Energy • Leer • Low Kick • Seismic Toss • Fury Swipes

The Mankey laugh at them while pointing its finger before it started running towards the deep part of the jungle.

"Oh no you don't, Come Houndour lets follow that b*tch and murder him for making fun of us" Mark said full of anger on his mind as he run after tha Mankey forgetting the fainted Oddish free of catch and the treasure magicarp at the bottom of the river

Houndour soon follow overtaking Mark in following the Mankey clearly angry at the sneak attack in receive at it's first win

They follow the Mankey heading deeper and deeper into the forest before finally catching up to it.

Wasting no time Mark immediately order for the attack

"Gotcha now b*tch, Houndour use thunder fang" this time instead of fire, lightning started gathering in Houndours mouth before biting the leg of the exhausted Mankey.

The thunder paralyzed Mankey making it unable to move with constant spark appearing around it's body

"Can't run now aren't we? finish it Houndour ember at his face"

Houndour open its mouth spewing fire towards the monkey fainting it.

Throwing a pokeball towards the Mankey capturing it Mark finally started looking around him

"This monkey really take us far away to that river huh nevermind I'll comeback later let's see what's in this area first" Mark said while looking around

The place around them is still full of trees but this time there are rocks and vines included.


Suddenly Houndour howl towards Mark signalling him ro follow it before it started running towards a place full of vines with rocks around it

" Whats up buddy what do you find" ask Mark towards Houndour

But rather than answering its use ember to the vines infront of them burning it slowly revealing a cave entrance

"You really found something aren't you Goodjob buddy, common let's check it out" Mark said before going inside the cave with Houndour following him.