
POKEMON: Guardian Heart

MC transported to the WORLD OF POKEMON and lives his life how he wants to. Traveling the world, fighting Bad Guys with Pokemon, Investigating his Parents Deaths. while helping to support his Little Sister and her dream of being a Pokemon Master. Frustrated with the different types of Pokemon Fanfics out there that are all about just completing Pokeleagues and such. I decided to make my own that hopefully won't fall into the same ideas as others.

The_Runic_Chef_457 · 漫画同人
24 Chs

The Start of "Gold"


Lan quickly made his way to the Pokemon Center where he saw a red sports car parked out front with a lot of cheerleaders in it. They all seemed to be waiting for someone and Lan definitely had this person's smug face come to his mind.

Lan just walked past the car of fangirls not even bothering to take a look at them. Some of the girls took glances at Lan and whispered to their friends. Lan smirked a little getting his ego stroked by what he overheard but shook his head as he didn't have any time for that kind of stuff.

He went through the sliding doors where he was met face to face with a person he had started to become annoyed with.

Gary"Idiot watch where you are going you almost scuffed my shoes"

Lan just grunted "Look whos talking idiot" while preceding to walk into the Pokemon Center

Gary stood there fuming. "No one has ever called me an idiot or talked back to me. You, I challenge you to a battle."

Lan paused while he was laughing at this childish antic "Sure 1v1 when my Pokemon are healed"

Gary smirked and went to go and flirt and talk with the crowd of people that where gathering due to the presence of the cheerleaders.

Lan quickly got his Pokemon healed by Chancy and Nurse Joy before immediately heading out of the building. He was then confronted by a crowd of people who were all behind Gary and his crew.

Lan smiled but it was hidden behind his scarf.

Gary saw his opponent just standing there and mocked " Are you too intimidated by the Crowd? You are just a Wuss and wannabe trainer. I name is Gary OAK(clearly emphasizing the Oak Part) and I am going to be the champion"

Getting applause from the crowd.

Lan snorted and said "Let us go to the field and start. I don't have time to babysit."

Gary with the utmost confidence brought his car around to the back of the Pokemon Center where there was an empty battlefield.

Once everyone got there the area became packed with people.

Gary stood on the other side and tossed out his Pokeball with a dramatic "Let's go NidoKing, Crush him!" and NidoKing's Roar which got a stir from the crowd.

Lan just picked up his third Pokeball and tossed it out.


Lan's Scyther looked around to where it was at and then turned to who had released it. Lan just stared at it a while subtly using his Aura to release some pressure. Scyther nodded acknowledging its trainer and turned to stare at its opponent.

Nidoking who was being ignored by Scyther started to get angry.

Scyther calmy just gazed at its opponent.

Gary yelled "King use <Earthquake>!"

Lan just stood there and shook his head. "The grandson of the Professor huh. Should have studied more."

Scyther just started flying using its wings and hovered in its spot. It cocked its head to the side as if questioning its opponent.

All of the trainers and civilians were astounded at the power of the move and could barely stand under the shockwave of <Earthquake>.

Lan "Scyther use <Agility> and <Quick Attack> and attack"

Scyther immediately followed its commands and built up its speed using <Quick attack>. It attacked with slashes against Nidoking's hard body. There were four or five attacks per second.


Lan nodded and ordered, "Scyther Dodge using <Double Team>"

Suddenly there where five or six scythers on the field while NidoKing was covered in Lightning it shot out multiple strikes of Lightning. Most of them landed on the arena grounds.

One-shot strayed from its mark and it headed towards the section of cheerleaders.

Lan eyes opened and immediately used his Aura to greatly enhance his body.


A small crater formed where Lan had been previously standing. In everyone's eyes, he seemingly teleported.

Right, when the <Thunder> was about to hit the leading cheerleader Lan appeared in front of her holding out his hand to ward off the attack.

People screamed but when the attack made contact with Lan's hand it was seemingly eaten by bluish sparks that danced around his hand.

The battlefield was silent for a sec before Lan announced "This battle is over. Scyther Return." He returned him to his Pokeball and started to walk off.

Gary yelled "This battle is just getting started. Where do you think you are going?!!!"

Lan quickly turned around and stared at Gary who became intimidated by the pressure of his opponents stare.

Lan slowly said "This battle has been over from the start. First off I can tell your NidoKing is recently evolved and is not used to its large body. Secondly, since my Scyther attacked certain parts of your pokemon lets say the knees..."

Gary took a look at NidoKing's knees they where wobbling and had cuts on the front and back of them.

Lan continued" This greatly weakened your NidoKing because it was recently evolved. When it was a Nidoran and Nidorino it was solely used to being on all fours and now its whole body it only on its two legs. My scyther is older and has more experience in battles while your Pokemon is young and arrogant much like yourself."

Gary snarled and gripped his fist "I am not. I am an OAK"

Lan "Point Proven. Lastly, No open battle should be continued if a Pokemon can not control the power of its moves jeopardizing everything and everyone around it."

Lan finally vented and now turned and walked through the stunned crowd who had yet to recover from the shock.

Gary yelled after the mysterious trainer " What is your name?!!"

Lan" Call me Gold"

After Lan left with that statement someone in the crowd yelled " SO OAK wins He left!"

The confused audience started clapping and chanting Gary's name. All of them joined in except Gary and the Cheer Leader who Lan had saved earlier as both of them were looking in the direction Lan had left.


Once Lan made his way out of town to a small lake he replaced his shirt and stored almost everything into his inventory. He called out his Pokemon including Gyarados, Quilava, Bulbasaur and Scyther.

Lan fed them and let them out to rest for a bit before they headed for Mt Moon in the distance. Quilava and Scyther were being dragged by the naughty Bulbasaur to wake the resting Gyarados which they resisted to. Scyther had quickly integrated with the group as it liked strong Pokemon and battles and that is what the group talked about when they were not battling or caught up in Bulbasaur's schemes.

Lan just meditated for a while breaking down the <Thunder> that absorbed into his body. He circulated his Aura throughout his body during the meditation allowing his mind and body to clear up and make slight advances.

When he was done he smiled and returned Gyarados and Bulbasaur while keeping out Quilava and Scyther. "You two are going to be out and battle everyone on the way there." He then brought out two weighted vests and gave them to the Pokemon.

"These will help you get the most out of training. The weights won't work for the other two since they don't rely on their speed as part of the battle prowess." His pokemon nodded and Lan smirked. He then said "Let's reach Mt. Moon by nightfall" while pointing to the large mountain in the distance. He then activated his Aura and took off running leaving his stunned partners behind struggling to catch up.

That's it for today. Another shortish chapter because I missed a couple of days updating. I enjoy hearing from all of you. So please Comment and Review the book.

I will be releasing more chapters in the following days so keep on the lookout and drop some stones.

-Ham out

The_Runic_Chef_457creators' thoughts