
Pokemon: Attempt At Slightly Above Mediocre

Jason was the textbook definition of mediocre, if you'd open the dictionary for the word mediocre his face wouldn't be on there since that would make him actually interesting. But just as the chance for him to escape mediocrity arose, it was torn right from him. At his worst, he wakes up the next day lost and confused in the body of a child named Mark. Jason in a world he could have only dreamed of sets his sights on becoming slightly above mediocre whilst trying to figure out who he is.

Sovora · 游戏衍生
11 Chs


"Hello everybody and welcome back to the late-night show with me, Ricky Carson! Now let me tell you there have been some crazy things today, crazy things! Listen to this people, the Sinnoh pokemon league has now realized that maybe letting 10-year-old kids go into the wilderness alone might be a bad idea. Really? A bad idea! Who knew? I sure didn't, did you?

Now Gym Leader Crasher Wake has on to give his opinion on this. He said, letting 10-year-old kids go into the wilderness alone, with only their starter pokemon to help them gives them an experience like no other. Yeah, no kidding, it's a real once-in-a-lifetime experience. Like when you get eaten by an Arcanine, truly a special thing. Well, the pokemon league statement is that they're going to take the necessary steps to review this. Only time will tell whether they'll actually take this matter seriously.

Anyways folks we are gonna have a great time today, we'll have the brilliant Quintuplets later in the evening! The dazzling and wonderful Elesa is here tonight as well! And starting us off is the spaceman himself, a visionary looking to make space travel a reality. It's the owner and founder of the Galactic Corporation, Cryus Reeves!"

Music plays from the show's band as Cryus walks out, dressed in a black suit with a black tie. His blue hair sticking up and his stern face showed a rare smile as he faced the crowd waving back at them. He stepped up on the stage to shake hands with Ricky Carson before sitting himself down.

"Well, Mr. Reeves great to have you here tonight"

"Please, call me Cryus. And it's an honor to be here, I've been watching your show for ages."

"Oh have you now? Did any of my shows inspire anything over at your company?"

"Maybe one or two, I'll make sure your name is on the side of our rocket in the future."

"Oh, I get my name on one now? How about one of those tours you always do? Would love to look at one of those rockets up close!"

"I'll invite you down to the factory once we get enough funding to develop our latest rocket. When that's done our factory will be open for public viewing for a few days, and I hope everyone here will be able to attend."

"Ha, that's great Cyrus. Now before I end up getting shouted at by your engineers for keeping you here too long, let's get into the meaty questions shall we?"

"Go on right ahead Ricky"

"Alright! How do you feel about the Devon Corporation? You know they've been trying to get into Sinnoh recently and everyone has been wondering what our genius CEO's thoughts are about this?"

"Well, the Devon Corporation has published many innovations over the years. Some may even be in your pockets right now so I can't say that I have a negative opinion of them. I've always felt that this was going to happen. It's just the next logical step for them"

"The next logical step? Well surely that can't be right, they're crossing a whole different region to fight with our businesses! Isn't that right folks?"

"Haha, yes you could look at it like. But I feel that this is a natural progression. Globalization, corporations that are big as Devon aren't going to be satisfied with their own market. There are only so many people in one region, they need to branch out, and I feel that Sinnoh might be the best option for them. There is a large gap in the device sector at the moment. Companies can't keep up with the best like Devon. So why are we limiting ourselves? We should embrace this so we as a region can gain their technology."

"But what about the local businesses, Cryus? The little guy, the family business that has been there for generations? Your own family has been working for generations! What happens to them when these foreign big corporations take over? What happens to good old Papa Reeves?"

"I believe that if companies from other regions can develop and advance their technology, why can't we advance our local businesses to keep up? To develop and evolve from where we are now? My company doesn't run on the traditional Sinnoh business model as you all know. Like how the rest of the world is evolving, so should we as businesses. We can't coddle failing business out of familial love, progress waits for no one."

"What an interesting perspective, the morning show is going to eat up what you said, haha! Alright, next question! I just spoke about how the league is reviewing the idea of not having 10-year-old kids become trainers. Possibly lifting the age to a more suitable one, your thoughts?"

"I don't have much knowledge of what goes on in the league like many of us. But I think this is a good thing that they're looking at the problems we as a society are facing. Now of course they are going to be slow in implementing it, but it's a step in the right direction."

"So could I say that you agree to increase the minimum age to be a trainer?"

"If that gets kids into schools? Certainly, Galatic Corporation could use more brilliant minds from the youth. With kids venturing out to become trainers, it makes it difficult to find the right people for the job. I can't have a person who only knows how to train Golems to manufacture an engine capable of space flight now can I?"

"Well said, Cyrus! But what do you think, will they actually do something? They've had a great track record of keeping with the status quo."

"I think that's just a symptom of the system we have. Those that control the pokemon league are the top trainers in the world. They are bound to favor policies that have benefited them during their time as young trainers. But if we as a society have pressured them enough for it to arrive at their tables means we're moving in the right direction. But will they go through with it? Only time will tell."

"So who do you think should be making policies for Sinnoh? If not the pokemon league?"

"I think it should be those who have contributed the most to society, and not just trainers but people from every walk of life. Our world is too trainer centric, and I think there needs to be a change for us to progress as a society."

"Thank you for all your answers Cryus but we are finally on to our last question!"

"And here I thought I'd get to enjoy this nice couch for a bit longer."

"Trying to skip out on work, Cyrus?"

"Isn't this work?"

"Ha! Hopefully, this is the fun part of your work."

"Well, this comes in a close second behind flying a rocket into space."

"Well, this is a big question. Many have criticized your company's mission of space travel. Mossdeep Space Center has been quoted saying 'The Galatic Corporation's vanity project to go to space does not help the space community's goal of finding out what is out there in space. We need to observe and learn about how our universe works, instead of flying the rich into orbit.', thoughts?"

"Hmph, I'm guessing this is Professor Neil saying this? Well, I must say to think we are only doing this for the rich is a joke of a statement. What the Mossdeep Space Center have been doing is pointing their telescopes into space and making guesses on what the universe is like in their sterile white rooms. Do you know why they hate my company? It's because of their failed launch of a spacecraft 10 years ago, I recommend everyone to look it up, a fascinating read on the stupidity of those involved.

We at Galactic Corporation have done more for the space community than anything they have done in the past 5 years. We have shown the world how amazing the space around our little planet is, giving them a view of how the moon looks at us. We have shown that space is beautiful and should be studied. The satellites we have in orbit have given us real data about how orbits work and allow for wireless access to databases from anywhere in Sinnoh. Even if you were at the top of Mount Coronet you'd be able to catch the latest league battle. I believe that criticism is a good thing, but such statements aren't criticism, they are just jealous statements from a failed institution."

"You heard it first, folks! Thank you for your time, Cryus! Catch us after the break for a performance by the Quintuplets and our guest Elesa!"


Mark opened his eyes to see himself back in the white void, with him were only the Tall mirror and the CRT TV to keep him company. While the Mirror was empty, he could see himself on the CRT TV fighting off the monster that Jason called Dusknoir. Now that he wasn't in his body, Jason was doing his best to keep them both alive. He wondered what would have happened if he didn't have Jason with him? Would he have died just like that?

The thought caused shivers to crawl down his spine, when he had thought of becoming a trainer he'd always hear about stories of dangerous pokemon. But he never thought that he'd meet two of them on the same day. Twice he had already been close to death's door, his motivation in becoming a trainer waning as he thought of his mom. What if he never came back to see her? How would she feel if both her family never came back?

As he contemplated this, he noticed Jason falling from somewhere above and landing on the ground. Jason let out a groan as he stood back up, rolling his shoulder as he tried to get rid of the numbness he felt. Mark's eyes widened, it was the first time he was face to face with Jason. And the man towered over him with his height, making him realize that Jason was much older than he was.

"Woah, ok this is new..." Jason said as he looked at Mark. "I guess we finally meet face to face. Though I would have liked it if we didn't have to be stuck in a white void."

Jason approached the CRT TV which now only showed a static on the screen. He smacking the TV didn't help either, without anything else around to help him figure out their current situation he looked at Mark. Now that the kid was in front of him he noticed how timid the boy was. His feet were close together, while his right hand was clutching his left arm.

"The last thing I remember was being teleported into a hospital or something, so I guess we are either dead or unconscious."

"E-erm I'd prefer being unconscious..."

"Yeah me too... that damn Dusknoir, what do you think it was trying to do?"

"Y-you know what that monster was?"

"You never seen a Dusknoir? I could have sworn it's a native to Sinnoh... Anyways Meditite seemed to have caught on to something when it slapped that mirror out of your hand."

"Yeah... and that D-Dusknoir was dragging you out of me..."

"Yeah, not a very fun experience being dragged out of a body. Let's not try that ever again, or at least not meet another hostile Dusknoir." Jason said as he rubbed his head. "I can't help but wonder why it did all of all that... probably thousands of years being chained up and now it decides to come out and eat people?"

"B-but it's gone, right? If you're here that means the Dusknoir is dead."

"No the bastard managed to slip away into the ground. Well, it's not our problem anymore, hopefully, we won't have to go into that forest any time soon."

"Y-yeah... Hey Jason, w-what if I didn't want to become a trainer anymore?"

"Huh? What are you saying now, Mark?"

"T-that what if I didn't want to become a trainer anymore?"

"... If that's what you want Mark, but you do realize that would mean our deal is broken. And seeing that it hasn't even been a day since we started I'd hope you haven't already lost that bit of confidence in yourself."

"I-It's just that... if it's always going to be like that... with all those scary pokemon. I-I don't know if I'd be able to keep up" Mark said and sat down with his knees folded. "Like just now, I ended up fainting leaving you to save both of us..."

"You're 10, Mark... You shouldn't be expected to handle the things we've gone through. I've dealt with shit before, granted it's not to the point where I'd fight ancient ghosts and lightning lions but I've at least gone through my own issues. But you haven't had the chance yet. This is still your body, and I'm just the unlucky passenger that is tagging along." Jason said as he placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. "Whatever happens I'll be there to support you. Cause at the end of the day I need you to get me out of this."

"O-Ok..." Mark said as he rubbed out the tears in his eyes. "Jason, I've been wondering... How do you know so much? L-Like knowing about Dusknoir and so many legendary pokemon?"

"Huh, well how do I explain that? Well, I guess you could say we used to see Pokemon as games back from where I'm from. They weren't actually living breathing things, just things you'd play on computers like the terminals here." Jason said as he sat down next to Mark. "When I was your age I did well in my exams and got a pokemon game for my present. It was called Pokemon Ruby, it took place in Hoenn. I started getting hooked, playing for days and nights as I thought it was really fun. But in hindsight, I guess it's because I didn't have many people to play with back in the day..."

"Pokemon as games? But then how did you all live without Pokemon? That kind of feels... empty. I couldn't imagine not seeing Lopunny every morning..."

"Yeah well, it did feel pretty empty at times, so I tried filling that void with Pokemon. Though I guess, you could say I was running away from my problems into a virtual world. I got good at it in the end, enough to get me out of a dead-end job. But then I ended up here, stuck in your body."

"I'm sorry..."

"Ah don't sweat it, kid. We'll figure this out."

An odd sound echoed throughout the white void startling the both of them. When they looked around they noticed the mirror while only showing white had an odd ripple effect on it. Like if you were to toss a pebble into a lake.

"Huh, how much would you be that's the ticket back into your body?"

"I-I don't have any money"

"I-... nevermind, go on and touch it. I'm guessing it's the way to wake up."

"Y-you don't want to be in control?"

Jason stayed silent for a while as he thought about it. Mark was holding him back, it wasn't ever in doubt. The only thing stopping him was ripping away Mark's life. If his estimates were correct they would need at least three years to get five badges. But what if he did everything by himself? Would it go down to two years? Maybe one?

But that would be years of Mark's life gone, just because he wanted to get back home. His thoughts kept conflicting as he tried to find the best choice. Worst of all, he was scared that if he held on to the body for too long, he might never want to hand it back to Mark until he was done.

"I-I ummm... I know that I'm holding you back, Jason. You caught the Meditite and you knew what to do when things were really bad. You even came up with the plan to find a way back home. I made that wish, I'm the reason that you ended up here. So... you should take it."

"Then what about you? You'll be stuck here, and I don't know if I'd be able to hand it back to you until I'm done."

"T-that's fine... I realized that maybe if you take over my body. I'd learn to be as strong as you? Like my dad..."

"Alright... I'll get this done quickly. Hopefully, if everything works out, I'll be out of your life in a year."

"I trust you, Jason, so no pressure!"

"Yeah, no pressure. Thank you, Jason"

Jason hugged Mark tightly before stepping into the mirror. This time, he was sure he'd do what he couldn't before.

Hi everyone, thanks for reading the story so far. This fanfic has mostly been a way for me to spend time doing something while I was waiting for the next chapter of my life to start. And with that date now arriving the updates to this story will slow down massively to possibly once a week if I'm able to find the time.

Sovoracreators' thoughts