
Please Don’t Serve Me On A Platter!!

An office lady somehow got reincarnated into the game she was working on as the villainess who was destined to die miserably in the End. Oh what should I do!?, runaway or- huh why is the heroine keep looking at me like that? *Breaks end*

P_Tato · LGBT+
40 Chs

Oh what is happening?! CH.22

*Two days before the Welcoming Party*

The upcoming scenario will be a tough one, that's why before it begins, this class was added as a leveling phase for the game.

The location was in the underground floor of the Academy. The room was dark and barely lit. In the middle of the room has an alter, surrounded by four pillars. The altar was written over with some sort of sigil, and a huge wooden chest, lock and draw bolts that were made of gold, with straps folding down, placed on top of the center.

"Alright class, gather around.." A middle aged woman spoke. She wore a black robe with long sleeves, a long blue cloth, falling over her shoulders. Her short curly white hair was covered by a big welsh hat.

"My name is Donna Gras and I am your ritual professor. I will be teaching you all about the art of evocation magic and knowledge of the mythozoology. I know you guys are excited for the upcoming party, but don't forget about your studies , okay? And today is also a special day as you'll be receiving your first familiar." Donna said.

She then moved aside to show us the chest.

"In this chest contained an egg. When you opened it, each person will get a different egg. Let me explain, all of us are different and unique from one another, so as our mana, preferences, personalities and include down to our souls. Your pet and you are connected, as such, the distinctiveness that will shaped your egg will vary for each individual." Donna explained.

"For instance…" Donna snapped a finger, then a chunky black cat, with two tails came out from the corner of the room with its eyes closed.

"This is my familiar, Loaf." Donna said.


"Mrs Gras, that cat's kind of resembled you." A student yelled out.

"Exactly.. this is how the chest will work. The egg you received will depict a part of you. If you were to find that it has no similarity to you, then it's probably related to somewhere deep in your subconscious or desire.., so don't fret about it." Donna said.

Murmurs started to go around the room, discussing on what animal they might get.

"Alright everyone, settle down.. let's go around the room and each of you, one by one, come up and open the chest." Donna said.

The first person to get up there was a bubbly girl with pink twin tails hair. The chest looked ominous, so she was a bit nervous to open it.

"Augh…" She lifted the lid opened and picked something out. In her hand was an egg , the size of a sport ball that's red in color.

"Now imbued your mana within." Donna said.

As she focused her mana into the egg. The air surrounding the egg started to glow and in an instant, the egg cracked.. a little paw emerges out. The whole egg slowly cracked all over, showing a creature that of similiar to a quokka, but with pink furs and tiny fairy like wings on its back. Everyone was in awed by the sight.

"Woah.. That's… Adorable!!" The girl said joyously. She started to embrace the creature and soon, the mood of the crowd were elevated as well.

Donna smiled. "So, who wants to go next?"

Everybody began to raise their hands, eagerly awaiting to open the chest.

Each cracked was different, some are big, some are small, and some were even fit into the whole chest. Some were made of rocks like shell and some shell was soft and tender like plastics. All kinds of creatures that looked familiar to their masters came out, no matter shaped or sized, the owners were able to recognize and accept it as a part of them. The room's spirits were alive and when a particular girl got up, it went quiet. All eyes were focused on her pale like figure as she walked up to the alter. People were anticipating on what's to come, the blooming witch herself, getting a pet? What legendary creature will she get.

"Pfft.. I can't wait to see what kind of freak of a monster she will get?"

"haha.. A goblin, maybe?"

A few girls were snickering at the back of the class, waiting for Irene to get shamed.

"Miss Briar.. I've heard a lot about you… well, step right up." Donna said.

As she touched the chest, all the mana around the room started to shift toward the center, then beams of light started to hurl out, blinding the whole room. The egg was shining golden for a moment, then as it slowly cracked, some sort of glowing purple liquid, oozed out with shiny glitter like substances. Everyone and especially, Mrs Gras was shocked. What could it be?

As the shell's fallen apart, a graceful winged creature, with a long sharp beak came out. It has white feathers, and purpled eyes for the tips of the tail, similar to a peacock.. wait isn't this-

"A moon phoenix?!" Donna blurted out.

A moon phoenix, just like a normal phoenix, it is an immortal being, but it does not burn to death and rises from their own ashes like one. On the contrast, a moon phoenix cannot use fire, but instead, they can control the tides of the ocean and change the regulations of the moon. Under the blanket of the night, it can even make the stars rain down upon the world. Legend has it, if a moon phoenix was to die, then the world will be engulfed under the endless blue sea with it. This creature was only known as a children fairytale, and was never recorded in history… this is the first.

Most students were looking confused and couldn't understand how special the creature is. Donna on the other hand, almost faint at the sight of it.

"Oh… in my life time, I would have never imagined to witness such a magnificent being in front of my eyes..unbelievable.." Donna said in disbelief.

Everyone started to talk again, discussing whether if all of this is as truly as grand as she said, but the sight of the creature in front of them says it all. Such a creature was never discovered before in this world, it must be mythical.

"Mph! A-anyway, is that all? Has everyone got their pets?" Donna asked.

Ah I was so immersed in watching, I forgot I am also getting a pet.. I raised my hand up.

"Oh?.. Miss Corvus.. yes please come right up.." Donna said with a bit of a disappointed look on her face.. not just Donna, but everyone was glaring at this lady, the disgrace, heading up to open the chest.

Even I was curious. In the original story, Kannavis wasn't even able to open the chest itself. Because she has barely any magic, it wasn't enough to activate its fanfare. Familiars are deeply connected to our souls, it is almost a reflection of us, but now that my soul is in Kannavis's body, will it be different?

*Badump, Badump.*

Damn it, why am I nervous..


As the lid opened, there in this huge chest, was a small egg, barely bigger than a chicken's lay. It was cream in color with some moss spots. People were even baffled by the sight of it. Earlier, they just witnessed the birth of a mythical creature, and now, in front of them is the most anti climatic egg they have seen. It was so bad that they can't even laugh, just the look of pity around the room…. Damn it, wouldn't this have been better if it was empty?

"…uhh g-great, Try imbuing the egg with your mana then.." Donna said stutteringly.

I tried my hardest to focus on whatever little mana I had in to the egg. Seconds went by, then turned in to minutes… there was still no sign of the egg hatching.

" Umm.." I said nervously.

"Right… there are some rare cases.. but it can happen. Some eggs would take a while for them to hatch, maybe a few days or weeks even… please take good care of it, Miss Corvus." Donna explained, trying to cheer me up.

Ahh.. alright. I've now changed a bit of the plot, the Kannavis now has a pet, but what is in here, I wonder?

"Alright class, I think we'll end this here today. Have fun at the ballroom's of champions.. and good luck to those who will be competing in the Maytime Festival. Take care of your familiar well. It is only a newborn now, but these familiars will rapidly grow into adulthood in a matter of few years or even months." Donna said.

The class was dispersed. As I walked out with my egg, someone followed behind.

"Miss Kannavis!" Monica called out to me.

"Oh.. hey." I said with a dead face.

"Oh miss Kannavis your egg… It might be small, but I'm sure it is something special!" Monica said.

"Y-yeah.. thanks." I can't seem to respond well with this.

"By the way, that commoner.. how can someone like her receive such an amazing familiar?! She must have done something to twist it; other wise, she wouldn't be this lucky." Monica said as she stare at Irene who was being surrounded by a huge crowd, admiring her pet. At one point, she even gave me a anxious glance, like she needed help.

"Ughh.. look at her. She even gives a dirty look, mocking you, Miss. This arrogant witch! Let us go and teach her a lesson!" Monica said.

Uhh I don't think that's what she was trying to say..- I thought to myself.

"Ah~ students! What are you doing, gathering in the hallway? You're blocking others people, you know~" suddenly Hedera came.

"Mmm.. Is there something happening? Why are there so many people here?" Cercis came too, from the other side.

"W-what?! Your highness?"

Suddenly the crowd moved aside, leaving three people in the center.

"Your highness.." Hedera said cheerily.

"Professor Ophis." Cercis bowed to greet Hedera.

Eh.. this is weird.. Why is Irene standing in the middle of the two male leads?!

I hope you all enjoy the readings tonight. Truthfully, I haven’t written any chapters these past few days. school schedule is stuff, I might even have to take a long break after this.. but I’ll try my best to post, so I hope all of you will tune in to read. Thank you~

P_Tatocreators' thoughts