
Pirate One Super Power Every Day (One Piece)

(With the same boat) If you do one every day, you can randomly get superpowers from people who enter the world of pirates, and if you join the main character group, what will happen as a result? Luffy: “Sugoi! Lam Bac, let us jump from the sky once again!” Coby: “Please definitely don’t!” Zoro: “Every day at 12 o’clock, I must leave Linbei’s room!” Nami: “This is a mess, let me meet you right away…” Akainu · Slap Kaz: “Bastard Lam Bac, turn me back into a man! The old lady uses her ability once, big auntie once!” bigmom: “Children, come to see your father!” Lam Bac: !!! This really doesn’t exist!!!

Big_Big_0235 · 漫画同人
322 Chs

Chapter 139

Lin Bei kicked Witton to death in the face, and a group of soldiers also kicked at Welton after solving the pirate minions, venting their dissatisfaction.

even Witton's son and grandson in wheelchairs stood up tremblingly, walked slowly to Witton's side, and kicked two feet.

this face, the father is very filial to the son.

Eventually, Witton died of a lap kick.

Dr. Henzo frowned and found Lin Bei

"I just thought of one thing, if Witton dies, it will definitely affect the future, so we change history!"

Lin Bei did not pay attention to it, because he found that Witon's son and grandson had not disappeared, and even these soldiers had not disappeared.

which means that although they have traveled back in time from the future to fifty years ago, those of them who have traveled back in time will not be affected by time.

As for changing the future, isn't that right?

Witton is dead, and he can change to a more obedient person to build the passage, so that this hindhand can be guaranteed to work fifty years after they enter the rainbow fog.

Lin Bei's chosen target was Dr. Henzo in his infancy.

he asked the elder Henzo to send all the scientific research results to the young Henzo, and used the acting skills of the imperial uncle to control the young Henzo, gaining fifty years of allegiance.

During these fifty years, the younger Henzo will continue the trajectory of the elder Henzo's life, constantly studying the rainbow fog and building passages.

of course, this time he didn't have to collect taxes to build, and Lin Bei left a jewelry worth 100 million.

in order to protect Henzo, Lin Bei found Rabbani again.

he could see that although this kid was fierce, he was indeed a potential piece of material.

he gave Rabbani the order to protect Henzo and the island of Luluja.

Linbei's original words are

"constantly getting stronger, and protecting the island and Henzo by all means."

Rabani, who is controlled by the acting skills of the imperial uncle, will faithfully carry out Lin Bei's orders in the next fifty years!

but what Lin Bei didn't expect was that after he and Luffy left Lulujia Island to find Rainbow Mist.

In order to carry out Lin Bei's order to protect the island and Henzo, Rabbani joined the navy with all the imps of the pumpkin pirates.


When Lin Bei was about to go to sea again, the water arrow turtle had already returned to his original place because the time for summoning had arrived.

Without such a high-quality means of transportation, Lin Bei, Luffy Usopp and Robin could only find a random medium-sized sailing ship on Luluja Island and take Dr. Henzo to sea.

Dr. Henzo must be taken away, and for fifty years, he built his own machine to find rainbow fog, which could give an early warning whenever rainbow fog appeared nearby.

only, the perceived range is small.

but even if the range is small, it is easier than Lin Bei blindly finding it at sea.

And, since there is this machine, can't it continue to develop and expand the detection range?

"It's so hard, every step in science takes time and luck!"

probably fifty years before I figured out how to improve the machine. "

Dr. Henzo sighed and shook his head, Lin Bei's request was not that he could not do it, but their requirements for time were too high.

Lin Bei put his arm around Dr. Henzo's shoulder and said with a smile


About this, maybe I can help you solve it."

By the way, how many times do you think you have to be smart to solve the problem of the detector? "

Dr. Henzo blinked

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

people have limits, no matter how amazing you are, it is impossible to make me smarter. "

Lin Bei almost said it, then simply don't be human.

"It's not something you need to worry about, just say that you think you are several times smarter to study it."

"... If I could be five times smarter, no, six times smarter, I would be able to develop a machine that would expand the detection range.

even, I can study the rainbow fog thoroughly! Find your way back.

this is simply impossible. "

"Who says it's impossible?"

Dr. Henzo:???

he looked up and found that not only Lin Bei looked relieved, but even Usopp and Luffy relaxed.

Usopp patted his chest

"Yes, how did I forget Lin Bei's trick."

Dr. Henzo would have thought of a solution if he used that trick. "

Dr. Henzo: …

So, what the hell!

you say!

Riddler get out of One Piece!

Lin Bei patted Dr.

Henzo "Don't think so much, just follow me, I will make you smart."

Robin, do you know any islands with relatively high mountains nearby? "

Robin doesn't know about the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, so in fact, she is now confused like Dr. Henzo.

but Lin Bei will not do useless things, what he commands, she will do.

As the person who reads the most, Robin is not as good as Nami in sailing, but she is also a person who can sail alone in the first half of the Great Voyage.

she soon found an island with mountains in her memory by recording the pointer.

it only takes two days to pass from here.

After calibrating the route , everyone is back on the road.

If nothing else, two days pass, one day gives Henzo an epiphany, the fourth day you can find the traces of rainbow fog, and on the fifth day you may go back.

there was hope, and Lin Bei's heart was put down.

after all this period of tension, he was finally able to lean on the side of the ship and close his eyes to rest for a while.

Luffy and Usopp are back to being carefree.

deck, Luffy says that although this is not the Melly, they are pirates!

how can it work without a pirate flag on board?

so he began to draw the pirate flag of the hat group with Usopp, and after drawing it, hung it generously.

Lin Bei glanced up at the flag, his heart moved slightly, saying, if he encountered something on this road, he would have some name.

Wouldn't the Straw Hat Pirates have been rewarded fifty years ago?

When they return to fifty years later, the people of the Navy will have a pair of bounty orders, and what kind of shocked face should they be when they find out about the bounty order fifty years ago?

it's interesting to think about.

"Navy!" See the warships of the Navy!

several! "

Lin Bei sat up sharply from the deck, I make up!

wouldn't it be so coincidental, he just thought about it, things can come true!?

was there any great figure in the Navy fifty years ago?


in other words, how old was the navy of Karp's generation fifty years ago?