

Find my other work on AlphaNovel App - Search Zarkia Blair WARNING: [MATURE CONTENT] This synopsis is for VOLUME 1. Anna, as a lecturer, isn't supposed to have a romantic relationship with students. However, one day, she meets Oliver, who is aware that Anna is his lecturer at the same campus. For Anna, it's love at first sight, while Oliver knows that Anna is his mate. After exchanging numbers in the store where they first met, Oliver invites Anna on a date. That's when Anna, at the age of 30, loses her virginity to 19-year-old Oliver, who happens to be a hellhound. Their journey begins when Anna experiences strange developments on her body and realizes the perks of being involved with a 19-year-old student who's a hellhound prince.

Zarkia_Blair · 奇幻言情
83 Chs


"Why me?" Molly asked with a confused face and tone and now confusing Kimo with his response.

"After taking a long to respond is this what you had to respond? I mean who is Mike? And I am currently asking you not Anna and Jonathan, and do not tell them that I asked you," Kimo stated with his elbow resting on the frame of the car window, staring at Molly.

Molly made a loud sigh and throwing his hands up high making Ethan to chuckle, and he said, "Okay! I guess, I am the right person to tell you, I understand." He said then bite his nail.

"Molly, answer me fast before Anna and Jonathan come here," Kimo said whilst looking at Oliver who was on his way to them.

"Jonathan had a boyfriend called Mike, and Mike he was a nice, loveable and caring guy, I mean he fooled us all not only Jonathan, not knowing he's a walking under the sun, cold and evil vampire, I mean he's not a vampire per say, he's a heartless and abusive guy, and good looking too, I won't lie." Molly stopped talking when he heard a loud laugh from Ethan making him to smile also while Kimo was raging in anger.

"And then what? Please spare me more details, just get straight." Kimo said with anger.

"I thought you wanted to know him more. He was abusing Jonathan, everyday beating him. He ends up in hospital twice because of him, he's the master of manipulation and also untouchable, no matter how much we reported him to police station he would always come back and now I don't know where he is, but I am perfectly sure that Jonathan knows where he is because he is still stalking Jonathan." Molly sated boldly.

"Thank you very much, I will find him." Kimo said as he removes himself from the car.

"We will help you, as long as he's in the country, we have to." Oliver and Ethan said.

"Where are your mates? We have to leave." Molly said and Oliver gave him a stare then Molly gave him a stare back.

"Girl, I was talking in my sleep, talking to Mike that I even mentioned his name and Kimo heard me." Jonathan said whilst I am with him in his room folding and packing his clothes inside a bag.

"No ways! What did he say? Tell me the exact words he uttered to you; I mean Kimo." I asked with fears in my eyes and tone.

"You're scaring me, he just comforted me and assured me that he won't abuse me because I told him that it was just a nightmare since he was abusing me, but he asked if Molly knows about him, and I said yes." Jonathan said and I gazed him, my face was so steady that he also made the same face as mine.

"Molly he's going to spill all the news and if Kimo knows more about Mike, I tell you, it will be over for Mike. These two are overprotective, since they are half human beings." I said whilst helping him because Ethan just hooted the car, and we can also sense Kimo coming.

"Are you tow done?" Kimo asking.

"Yes," Jonathan shouted back as we get out from his bedroom whilst carrying Kimo's bag also.

Kimo spanked Jonathan's butt right in front of me so I had to cover my eyes whilst running out from the house.

"Babe, you know that I love you?" Kimo said with a slow seductive walk.

And Jonathan was blushing and said, "Babe, we will be late."

"I just want to kiss you and feel you before we leave, it will be quick, I promise." Kimo said and pulled Jonathan against him then pressed his lips hard on Jonathan.

But Anna mind linked Jonathan with a scream that he nearly bites Kimo's lips by flinching.

"Anna, just mind linked me and screamed in my head so they are waiting for us babe, we will continue when we come back, tomorrow." Jonathan said.

"Tomorrow it's far, I will have you at the farm." Kimo said with a wink and picked up the bags by himself whilst Jonathan he's carrying his side bag.

It took us two hours to arrive at my farm because the hellhounds were busy stopping on the way, every time we come across something that surprise or intrigue them, and we are so tired. They would go out from the car and run in the woods for long minutes whilst we are waiting for them in the car and it's a pity for Molly because he's not a hellhound, he had to stuck with us in the car and he told us that Kimo asked him about Mike, and he told him what he knows.

My parents were so excited to see us arriving and I dint know there was so many changes at the farm side, like me Molly and Jonathan we were so amazed how the place look now. my dad has so many cattle, like every livestock has increased in large numbers.

"Welcome, and feel free to view." My mom said after we took our bags inside the house, and our bedrooms still looks the same and super clean.

My bedroom and Jonathan's bedroom are big than Molly's, but he will be sleeping with his Ethan. Me and Jonathan we are giving our mates a tour, we are behind them as if they are the ones giving us a tour so we decided to just shift away from them, so that we could go and check the stream, we always went there to play.

When we got there, the stream it was a bit larger now, and also beautiful as if someone is taking care of it, then we sensed someone coming and is someone unfamiliar, we know every worker at the farm and there's absolute houses nearby. We heard the footsteps coming closer and closer until we heard shuddering, a face popped when the male flipped the long grasses which were hiding his whole body to our surprise, we did not fear but we were so mesmerized by his beauty, the man was beautiful and yet handsome. His whole body was like, he was made of steel, very well shaped, the long and black beard were resembling well with his chiseled face. He was so masculine and tall; he dropped our jaws with our mouths wide open and sparkles in our eyes. And the moment he starts to let out his deep male voice, we gulped so hard.

"Hello beautiful," he said, and we couldn't answer him back because his handsomeness captivated our minds and voices.

He walked slowly toward us, and he was wearing army brown working suit, but only the trouser, he had a very dark black tank revealing his chest out and broad shoulders, all the biceps and triceps showing with the veins all over his skin.

"Are you a human?" the shocking question a person could ever ask, and I did, and he just smiled at me, making his cheeks to reveal his cute dimples.

"I mean yeah, and I get that question a lot. I am Timothy and what are you two doing here?" He said whilst looking at me with a smile on his face.

"We just arrived at the farm, so we thought of coming here, were we used to play when we were young," I said, and Jonathan was so quiet, and I don't blame him. Not that we want him, we are just so mesmerized by his beauty and handsome, he looks like an AI.

He walked slowly with his eyes on Jonathan's, and I was like no way, and Jonathan he was just so steady, he's heart beating so fast, and I felt like I was missing something, there's something I want to connect but I can't. there's strong bond between this two and I can't figure out what it is but what I know is that Kimo won't be happy about this.

"Do you know this guy?" I mind linked Jonathan and he said he doesn't know him, but he can't move, he feels like his body has been trapped, I can't even scream I want to scream so bad.

"You haven't recognized your real powers, right? I know that deep down there, you want to shrill but you can't and with that shrill you could kill weak innocent people." The guy became like an evil person in a second.

"Are you trying to control or compel his mind?" I said with a sharp voice.

"I know your pregnant. You're pregnant and please be careful not everyone won't be pleased that you're carrying a strong powerful baby in there and same as you, don't undermine the powers you have, you have to go back to the island to perform the last ritual for accepting the baby before it's too late and your parents has to be there, I mean everyone." He said then turned his eyes away from me to Jonathan.

When his eyes met mine, my soul, heart, mind and body felt trapped, I couldn't move an inch. I felt like I was holding my breath for too long.

He whispered on Jonathan's ear and said, "You are a banshee! So, scream."

I have never heard Jonathan screaming like that. Making me to kneel down with both of my hands on my ears, it was the loudest shrill I have ever experienced. When he stopped after few seconds, the mystery guy disappeared and Oliver with his protectors came running toward us. As I was about to explain, a very sharp pain on my left side of the belly causing me to scream and whimper that I nearly fell, and hit the rock that was next to me, but my mate caught me before I could fall.