
Percy Jackson: Zeus's Bastard Child

In this fanfiction set in the world of Percy Jackson, we follow the story of a young demigod who discovers his true heritage as the child of Zeus. Unaware of his divine lineage, he navigates the challenges of being a teenager in the mortal world until a series of supernatural events reveal his extraordinary powers. He is soon whisked away to Camp Half-Blood, a training ground for demigods, where he must learn to harness his abilities and embrace his identity. Alongside his newfound friends and allies, he embarks on a dangerous quest to fulfill a prophecy and protect the world from impending doom. Faced with mythological monsters, unexpected alliances, and his own internal struggles, he must prove his worth as a hero and uncover the truth about his family's past.

Marcus_Adderley · 作品衍生
54 Chs

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Dionysus was utterly defeated. That much they can't deny.

Everyone from the camp was having an existential crisis right now. To see a God fall down; defeated, was truly a baffling sight. And they were not the only one having that same reaction.

The Gods on Dionysus's side was also having a hard time to accept the fact Dionysus was defeated.

"It's my win." Marcus declared.

And now Marcus could leave with the bolt on his hands and no one would be able to complain.

But Marcus was forgettung something.

"Dionysus lost but… it doesn't mean 'we' lost," Athena said.

Gods are prideful creature, but for someone who is the goddess of wisdom pride can be sacrificed if need to achieve the right result.

Athena tapped her spear into the ground and suddenly tendrils made of divine energy sprouted from the ground and wrapped around Marcus.

"What is the meaning of this!?" He shouted. He was furious, he won fair and square yet he was being detained.

"Yes, you may have won but you have not sworn on the river styx, it means your deal was never valid in the first place," She said, destroying Marcus's hope.

Marcus of course was aware of swearing on this river styx as he did it earlier but something inside of him, that he somehow knows that come from her maternal side keeps him from preventing on swearing on any Holy Grounds.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!'

"Do you gods know no honor!" He shouted. Trying to salvage his situation by attacking what Gods pride the most.

"Kid, Dionysus is the one you strike a deal with not us," Hepheastus said slowly, landing to the ground, then he snapped his finger and suddenly five automaton appeared from the sky and landed to the ground with a huge bang.

The light of the sun reflected on their bronze armor emitting a dangerous glint but it was not their imposing appearance that unsettled those who were present but the glint of intelligence on those automaton's eyes.

They fell on their knees, giving respect to Hephaestus, their creator, and waited for his order.

"Restrain this Demi-god," He spoked in deep and menaving voice, the automaton's pounded their arms to their chest and immediately stood up from their knees.

They walked towards Marcus who was restrained by the golden tendrils of Divine energy from Athena.

Marcus panicked, but suddenly his gaze landed on the master bolt within his hands. The Greeks claimed this weapon as the greatest weapon there is in the entire universe. To put it in perspective, the hydrogen bomb would look like a pitiful spark compared to the bolt's power. So if they're claim is true then there should be something this bolt could help him to escape.

"We had a deal! Release me this instant!" Marcus shouted, if his last talk won't work then he was really going to have to rely on this last attempt.

Seeing this indignant sight the campers and everyone present was having their view on theirr gods lowered.

If such beings can't even uphold their own words then what's the meaning of them worshiping them? If they can't even honor their words then how would they honor their actions.

Athena knew that this was everyone's thought, in fact the other gods too were aware but they must stoop low for this. To avoid something mych worse. If they can't retrieve the bolt then something much worse would happen, without the symbol of power of their king, their pantheon would be put in danger that could lead to a holy war.

Other pantheons who have been eyeing their position won't hesitate to wage a holy war for the position they hold if the bolt isn't there.

Seeing no response but the dawning steps kf the automaton Marcus shouted.

"Then so be it!" Marcus knowing that further isn't possible anymore waged all of his chances on the bolt within his hands.

He tried to recall the same feeling he had when he first held it, and with a click inside his soul he felt a connection between him and the bolt.

Then he commanded the bolt to release a powerful lightning currents and follow it did.

From the column of lightning, a powerful arcs of pure blue lightning emerged, destroying the golden tendrils wrapped around him, even causing oure destruction on the landscape.


The gods were alerted by this and they all pulled out their symbok of power immediately. Spear and shield for Athena, silver bow for Artemis, a flaming hammer for Hepheastus and a Caduseusfor Hermes.

They all pointed it at Marcus who were wrapped around in lightning. Gone was the image of the boy. Instead it was replaced by a figure of pure brilliance, he looked like he was a manifestation of lightning itself. Like a spirit or a sentient energy.

"This looks like a divine form… but it's not," Artemis, the girl who looked like a teen said. She had auburn hair accompanied with her silvery yellow eyes. She looked stunning, if it weren't for the intimidating bow.

"no… this is just the manifestation of the master bolt's power combined with his," Replied Athena.

"Then we should end this fast before he learns to control this power," Hermes said. Then he pointed his Caduseus at him and from it a beam of energy shot out.

It was the famous disintegration beam of Hermes but Marcus managed to dodge the beam.

In retaliation Marcus pointed his palm at him and launched a column of lightning the size of a pillar at him.

Hermes was taken aback by his attack and raised his caduceus to defend but upon impact he was pushed away by it making him almost end up like Dionysus.

Marcus was then ambushed in the back by five automaton each swinging their weapons at him buf in response Marcus just dodged some of it and retaliated with his own.

Hermes got up from his stuppor, though he was hit with the powerful attack he wasn't yet out. He gritted his teeth at the humiliation Marcus gave him and pointed his caduceus at him once again.

As Marcus was distracted by the automatons he didn't realize that another annhiliation beam was approaching him. He only realized it when he was struck by it.

"GAAAAAAAHHH!!" He screamed in pain.


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I will upload every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week, but if you want to read advance chapters follow me on Pat_Reon, Magnus Ragna just search it, it'll pop out but if you can't find it here's a link https://www.patreon.com/RgnMagnus?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator,

There's about 5 chapters in advance there :)