
Path to the strongest hero

Ray and his classmates meet an unfortunate accident during their school field trip. They are summoned by the gods and are asked to defeat the demon kings Follow Ray's adventure as he travels through the vast unknown, facing challenges, making new friends and foes, and defeating the demon kings ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my first time writing a book and taking it seriously. I will try my best to make it as good as I can. Leave reviews and give me some power stones

God_of_Cap · 奇幻
6 Chs


Ray read the quest once again. Now he had to find a place to keep him safe from the animals that roam on this island and that too before dark. But right now he felt very thirsty. He started walking in one direction, hoping he would find some drinkable water.

He soon heard the voice of running water.

'Yes a river.' Ray thought as ran towards the sound. Soon he came to the river. He knelt down and scooped the water by his hands and drank it. "Ahh! That was refreshing." Ray exclaimed. Ray heard his stomach grumble.

"I better find something to eat fast."

As Ray said this his caught a sight of a bush with red berries.

Ray plucked a few them.

[Sweet berries

Berries that are commonly grown in wild. They taste sweet and are edible.

effect: Recovers some health.]

Ray popped a bunch of them in his mouth and ate.

Ray felt a small surge of refreshing energy.

Ray plucked some more stuffed them in his pockets.

'Ok, now I have to find a place to seek shelter before it becomes dark.'

As Ray was searching for a place to seek to shelter, he stumbled upon a old, beaten down,

wooden hut, not far from the river.

'Great! If there is a hut over here means someone lives here. Though it looks a bit old and abandoned.'

Ray opened the door of the hut.


Door made the sound as Ray entered the hut, and was greeted by a disappointing sight. Ray looked around the hut. In one corner, a wooden counter was made. It probably served as a kitchen, as Ray could see soon metal utensils lying around covered in dust.

In the other corner some dried grass was piled together and covered with big leaves of trees. It was supposed to be a bed. Besides the bed was a small table along with a stool.

Ray walked towards the stool to see a dusty a book.

As Ray opened the book, systems voice was heard.

[Quest completed.]

[Rewards shall be given]


[As this was the host first time completing a quest

5xp shall be granted.]

[5 status points]

[10 extra points for first time completing a quest.]

[New skill: please select one from below

Iron fist


Blood poison


Ray was taken by surprise to see so many messages pop up.

Even though Ray knew what status points were and what they used for, he still decided to ask.

[Status points can be used to increase your attributes.

Following are the attributes and their functions.

Strength: Increases the power in physical attacks and boost physical based skills.

Speed: Increases the coordination of body.

also decreases the rate of time taken to attack.

Vitality: Increases health and damage the body can take during a battle.

Endurance: Increases the stamina and durability of the body.

Intelligence: Increase the rate of which you learn things and increases magical damage and mana pool.

Luck: Increases the chance of finding things and decreases the chance of losing limbs. ]

Ray read it all and a clear overview of it.

'Right now I should focus on health and endurance.'

Ray allocated his points and looked at his stats.



Name: Ray Alden

Level: 1(10/100)

Race: Human


HP: 40/40

Mana: 0

Stamina: 25/25

Strength: 13

Speed: 12

Vitality: 20

Endurance: 12

Intelligence: 11

Luck: 2



Now Ray looked at the list of skills displayed in front of him.

'Give me the description of each skills'


Iron fist: Clads the hands in iron it increases the users power.

Auto-regen: Automatically regenerates the users wounds using mana.

Blood poison: Users blood becomes poisonous to other organisms.


Ray read it all and thought.

'Auto-regen is out of question as I don't have any mana. System why do I not have mana?'

Ray asked the system.

[ Its because the host is still not came contact of the mana. As to how to come in contact with it, the host has to figure it out himself.]

'Damnit! So what's the use this system.'

There was no response.

'Ok so that makes it remain two options.

Although Blood poison sounds nice, it's not worth spilling the blood for, not yet. So its Iron fist I guess.'

Ray thought as he selected the skill.

Suddenly the information about the skill was displayed.


Iron fist: Clads the hands in iron it increases the users power.

Stamina taken- 5 for each fist.

Remains until the hands are balled into fists


Ray sighed. Nothing was free even in this world.

Ray decided to test his new skill but before that his attention went back to the book on the table.

Ray picked book and dusted the book with his hands.

The book read 'Diary.'