
Path to become a God { Hiatus }

A handsome high school boy got hit by truck-kun and meet God get 5 wishes and Reincarnated into an anime world . . . . I will update whenever I'm free . . . . . I don't own any of the characters and some other stuff except the characters that I created . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st world That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime 2st High school dxd

19 Chs


<A/N before we start I forgot to say that this is an alternate universe so something might be different like personality gender etc so plz don't accuse me of being a shit writer>

After we left the school we started to walk home and talking along the way. I realize that Kiba was also following us. I guess he trying to see if I got any bad intention against Rias. I then ask Rias

Izumi - Are you in any club Rias

obviously, I know she is but I ask anyway

Rias - Yes I and Akeno are in the Occult Research Club. Are you and in any club yet Izumi-Kun and Yukina-Chan

Yukina - Not yet, we might join the Kendo club though so I can spar with Izumi again and defeated him

Sona - ( Oh so Izumi know how to use a sword interesting I might get him to join my peerage )

Rias - How good are you at using a sword Izumi

Izumi - I was the best in my old school

Izumi - ( obviously a lie I didn't go to the Kendo club even once in my previous life. and I would be the best In this world )

After talking about who knows what they arrived at the house Izumi was a bit shocked

Izumi - How didn't I see this massive mansion yesterday next to my house

Of course, nobody answers him

Izumi - well whatever I see you all later, let go Yukina


Akeno - AraAra ( with her hand touching her mouth. Yes I always wanted to put this in )

Yukina - Yes we even sleep in the same bed ( with a smug face lol )

Izumi - Yes look like I forgot to tell you

Rias - WAIT you even sleep in the same bed!!

Akeno - AraAra

Izumi - yes yes Yare Yare

Rias - The-then If that the ca-case Let m-me and Akeno stay w-with you too

Clearly being the most handsome in the world even make the most beautiful girl in school fall for him too

Izumi&Yukina - Impossible

Rias - Why yukina is allowed to stay with you and I see that you're not dating each other clearly

Izumi - umm well let see ah yeah we don't have a lot of money and space in our place

Izumi is trying very hard to find an excuse

Rias - I can take care of those things and if you don't want the school council to know about this you have to do it

Izumi - * sigh * well whatever I am too tired for this but you can only move in after a week understand?

Rias&Akeno - Understand, well see you tomorrow

Izumi - ( why is my luck so shit I thought I had infinite luck )

Izumi - see you later

After they finish taking Izumi and Yuki walk into the house. After they both walk into the house Izumi was pushed down to the floor by Yukina she said

Yukina - You know Izumi I have a weird feeling in my chest whenever I'm with you I always feel happy when I'm with you and whenever I see you I just want to kiss you but whenever I see you with another girl my chest hurts so much why is that Izumi? ( she said with a sad sound )

Izumi was surprised but kept calm

Izumi - I think that is called love Yukina

Yukina - then do you love me, Izumi

Izumi - I love you too but you have to know I won't only have one woman for myself and

Yukina then pulled him close to her then she kisses him for about 5 minutes after she finished kissing Izumi she separate her lip from him ( you can see saliva separating from their mouth ) and she said

Yukina - I don't mind you having a lot of girls but you can't forget about me

Izumi then pull her close to him and they kissed again but this time it was a passionate kiss

After a while, they finish their kissing

Izumi - Then, please be my first wife Yukina

Tears start to run down from Yukina face but it was tears of happiness then she said

Yukina - Yes Izumi

< A/N I won't make him have sex till he turns 18 so in your faces sucker >

After that, they didn't even bother to take a shower and went to the bedroom then they lay down on it. Izumi says to Yukina

Izumi - I don't have any dating experience so I might make some mistake

Yukina - I also don't have any dating experience so we can learn together

Izumi - Then let sleep or we might be late for school tomorrow

Yukina - un ( like almost making a yes sound )

Izumi - Goodnight Yukina

Izumi then went over to her and kiss her softly

Yukina - Goodnight Izu

Then they went to sleep soundly






< A/N I won't drop this but I might be busy or too lazy to update so don't think I will drop this just yet and sorry if this chapter is shit cringy and stuff plz don't hate me and also join my discord mudda fuka you can see the appearance of a character or even have a slight chat there it in auxiliary I see ya later then bitches >