
Path to be the strongest

Morganth was crippled in an accident. But after few months which he spent on bed on Earth mana awakend. See how he embarks on the path to become the strongest entity in the universe with the help of the system. _____________________________________________________ Since seventh chapter quality is increasing, as I've learned sth about writing. English isn't my native language so if you see any mistakes you can pinpoint them so i will improve them. Also Antihero tag doesn't mean that MC will be attacking if it doesn't give him benefits, which in volume 1 it will be pretty much all time. Names will be generated using ChatGPT.

Miechol · 奇幻
24 Chs


"I had finally arrived at the academy"- a sigh of relief escaped my lips - "I remember the days when I was bedridden, crippled and yearning to walk again. The past two weeks had been a little grueling, but at least they'd yielded an abudance of herbs. If my alchemy skills were up to par, I could save some of those pills for my parents." -

- Walking toward the entrance, I muttered to myself in a hushed voice. The grandeur of the academy's façade was awe-inspiring. Soon, as I approached the reception desk, I sawa young lady in official attire sat, who was already at 12 level. That means that there will be a lot of geniuses, geniuses at least for an Earth standard, here, as a mere receptionist was at this level.

"Hello. What is your name and purpose?"- the receptionist inquired politely.

"Hi. I'm Morganth Darkshadow and I wish to enroll to the academy, primarily for the cobat class." - I replied confidently.

She nodded but cautioned, "I understand your ambition, but you must be aware that with your current strength, enrolling won't be feasible. Most applicants are nearly at level 20. Even though several months have passed since mana awakened, you remain still at level 1. It's time to embrace reality and accept that you may lack talent in cultivation." - she said in an exceptionally nice voice without a hint of disdain.

I maintained my composure, responding with a touch of arrogance, "Well, since you've been kind to me, I'll respond also in kind. Know this; despite my lack of combat experience, my raw strength rivals that of someone at level 25, which is a peak of Rank 1. Lecturers will be competing to teach me."

A glimmer of intrigue shone in her eyes as she smiled and wished me good luck. "For sure, you possess great confidence. I look forward to seeing your claims become reality."

"I don't need luck!" I shouted back, striding confidently toward the meeting point where acceptance tests would be held.

Upon reaching the gathering area, it became apparent that the receptionist's words held true. Most applicants were close to level 20. Only around a thousand hopefuls from all of Europe remained, suggesting that the less talented or ambitious had dropped out. The strongest among them stood at level 22.

I couldn't help but notice an approaching figure. "Ah, of course," I thought with a mocking grin. "He must be here to make trouble, acting like some arrogant young master. But I can only see an arrogant snob."

"Trash! What are you doing here!? Don't you know that this is a place for those who will be accepted into this academy? You've clearly lost your way. Leave, so you don't pollute the spiritual energy with your talentlessness."

Before I could respond, an old man, unmistakably the academy's principal, arrived with five adults, likely lecturers. "Silence!" he commanded. "We'll begin the tests shortly. First, let me explain the rules. Whether you get into the academy will depend on the duels, which will be conducted one at a time until only a hundred of you remain. Those defeated can reattempt the entrance test next semester. Good luck! For our first battle, we'll start with our strongest participant, who thinks that he is so strong that he came as a level 1, hehe." - he said while laughing. - "You can choose you opponent, so we won't be said to be unfair, hehe."

With a smirk, I replied, "Thank you for the opportunity. I'd like to choose him," pointing at the level 22 opponent, who just wanted to find trouble with me.

He swaggered over, taunting me, "Trash, I didn't expect you to have the guts to challenge the strongest here with your pathetic cultivation. But that won't stop me from enjoying beating you."

"If you're calling me trash, what should you call yourself?" I retorted mockingly.


"Silence! Take your positions. The duel will start in 5, 4, 3..."

During the countdown, I rapidly conjured a name for my new spell which would be fireball. Though I could win physically, I wanted to humiliate him and demonstrate my abilities in order to quicken the test for myself and get the chance to recive more swordmanship lessons. Soon I found a suitable word for this spell. As soon as the principal said "START!" I shouted and aimed my hand at my opponent.


A hush fell over the hall as the fireball struck him. The only sound was the distant screaming of the 'arrogant snob.' Once the onlookers' minds had calmed, the principal spoke, "Impressive performance! You are admitted to our academy. You may choose your desired classes. But can you explain what was that firebal?"

With a smug smile, I responded, "It's a simple spell. What do you mean by what is it. As for my classes, I only want an abundance of swordsmanship lessons."

[You've aquired a new spell *Infernostrum* -> 10%(Fire)]

[Mana -10]