
Path Of War

The year is 2025. A devout Christian named Arthur Bennett wins a lottery to participate in a revolutionary virtual reality experience at a high-tech company called Elysium. The program utilizes a unique VR pod to immerse users in a world based on a popular anime. As the other participants—a mix of personalities with varying degrees of anime knowledge—prepare to enter the simulation, Arthur remains the only one who has never indulged in anime. Upon entering this new world, he discovers an unsettling truth: pain is excruciatingly real, despite the creators' claims of a dampened pain response. He eventually finds himself trapped in prison, unable to log out, and demanding to be released from the program. Calls go unanswered, and the world of ninjas becomes a nightmare where hunger, thirst, hygiene, and even death are all real. Angered that he was deceived, he abandons all sense of logic and vows to become a villain no one would have ever anticipated.

AkitoTakahashi · 奇幻
128 Chs

I Accept

One week later.

Seven days have passed since Arthur's relentless pursuit of power. There were times rain lashed on the village, turning the training grounds into a muddy quagmire, forcing him to abandon his attempts at perfecting his healing techniques.

Yet, amidst the setbacks, he still grew. He had learned a variety of new medical ninjutsu.

One such acquisition was the body activation jutsu. It paled in comparison to the technique being used with "dark chakra," offering a slower, less dramatic form of healing. But it had the benefit of requiring only a single hand sign and consuming little chakra.

It was a practical option for him to use during his physical training. On top of that, he learned the following medical techniques: regenerative healing jutsu, poison extraction jutsu, chakra dissection blade, cellular activation jutsu, and cell activation jutsu.

That brought the total number of jutsu he knew to fourteen.

While all these new techniques didn't heal with lightning speed, they did push his body beyond its natural limits. Exhaustion came slower, injuries mended at a more accelerated rate, and his physical potential seemed to expand with every session.

However great the body activation jutsu was, it by no means was perfect and had a price to use—intense concentration. If at any time Arthur lost focus during its release, the technique wouldn't continue healing.

His meetings with the others still occurred.

Each player felt increasingly bored because of their easy mission. Most of them were stuck rescuing kittens stuck up a tree. Others were delivering lost puppies to their owners.

Arthur forced himself to offer fake smiles and head nods, his insides churning at him every day.

Team 7 had already departed on their mission to the Land of Mist, and Alice and William managed to get approval from the village elders to tag along. Their excuse was based on the suspicion that Tazuna's request didn't add up.

Regardless of what they were doing, it didn't stop Arthur's relentless training. When not perfecting his jutsu, he pushed his body to its absolute limit. His fighting style was a patchwork of kickboxing, wrestling, and a smattering of karate from his time on earth. It wasn't taijutsu, but it was good enough.

The body-activation technique proved to be his biggest ally. He trained for hours on end, hardly ever fatigued. One thousand push-ups turned into two thousand, two thousand turned into six thousand, and so on.

Day by day, his muscles screamed at him both before and after workouts. But thanks to the jutsu, the burning agony never spiraled into debilitating pain. He trained under the sun and at night, hardly ever sweating until hours passed. Every time he felt like collapsing, he activated the jutsu and grew stronger!

He learned to manage his chakra reserves, pushing the activation point further with every session. His strikes gained weight beyond that of any normal person, his reflexes improved, and his body felt lighter, more agile. He wasn't quite the deadly ninja like Madara or Might Guy—far from it—but a seed of power had taken root within him.

One particularly humid afternoon, Arthur lay wasted on the training ground, covered in sweat. The very grass was turned into a puddle. His body ached in familiar places, knowing he had pushed past his limitations today, further than ever before.

But he didn't stop, despite having depleted most of his chakra.

Sweat streamed down his face like molten lead, blurring his vision as he got up to do more. His muscles screamed with each calisthenic movement, determined never to be defeated. He wasn't just pushing himself anymore; he was clawing his way towards something beyond his grasp.

Ignoring the discomfort, his mind locked in on his training.

Suddenly, a sensation bloomed within him—an unfamiliar feeling that spread through his body like electricity. It felt somehow intuitive, as if he were being rejuvenated without using any medical ninjutsu.

His movements became effortless, his body reacting with an unnatural speed and fluidity. It was as if his very muscles anticipated his next move, pushing him beyond his perceived limitations.

He felt power course through him, an overwhelming strength he never knew he possessed. A thrown punch caused the air to whistle; a kick was powerful enough to stir a large dust cloud from the earth.

Instinctually, he knew what this was: "the eight inner gates."

The eight inner gates are pressure points that limit a person's chakra flow and physical potential. By undergoing intense training, individuals can learn to open these gates, each granting them access to more chakra and enhanced strength and speed.

Opening the eight gates, however, is a double-edged sword.

While it grants immense power, it also comes with great risk. Each gate causes increasing damage to the user's body, with the eighth gate threatening to kill the practitioner after use. Due to this danger, it's considered a forbidden taijutsu.

There are eight total gates, each located at a specific point in the body. Opening all eight gates at once is known as the eight gates released formation, of which only two users have unleashed: Might Guy and his father, Might Duy.

But Arthur felt something off.

Each gate unlocked a different coloured aura, a visual indicator of the immense power coursing through the user.

Arthur scanned his body both outwardly and internally, searching for the green glow associated with the first gate. Instead, he was met with an unexpected sight—a soft, yellow aura emanating from his person.

Confusion filled his features. He had undoubtedly broken the mental inhibitions as described in the first gate, the gate of opening, yet the result wasn't what he expected.

Then a memory surfaced. The "seven heavenly breaths." This was a powerful taijutsu technique exclusive to the filler arcs. It granted a significant power boost far greater than the eight inner gates, referred to as "activations."

A character named Shira from the Sand Village used it in a fight against Rock Lee. He managed to go toe-to-toe with Lee, who had opened one of the higher gates, while he himself hadn't gone past the third activation.

Arthur was going to delve deeper into it.

Exhausted, he shuffled back from the training ground. He had a lot more to do once he restored his chakra. But for now, the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other was enough.

He rounded the corner to the street his apartment was on and saw Hiruzen by the stairs. Surprised, he gave a quick nod to show his respect.

"I wasn't expecting you, lord Third."

Hiruzen offered a benign smile, saying, "Forgive the intrusion, Arthur. I've been preoccupied with delegations lately, but I've been meaning to speak with you."

"Is it about my decision?" Arthur inquired, already suspecting the reason for the unexpected encounter.

Hiruzen's tone became a tad serious as he said, "Yes... About abandoning your role as a ninja, it surprised me once I heard the news."

"No regrets, lord Third," Arthur replied firmly. "It simply wasn't the right fit for me. And please, don't blame yourself for placing me with a team I wasn't comfortable with."

"Perhaps not," Hiruzen sighed, "but I do feel a responsibility towards you. You possess a lot of talent, Arthur. Ones that are being wasted."

Arthur's heart pounded. The way Hiruzen stated that was peculiar. Had this old character been watching him train?

The Hokage had a special technique known as the "crystal ball jutsu." It allowed the user to see someone's current activities by peering into a crystal ball after familiarizing themselves with their target's chakra signature.

This technique also works regardless of distance or obstacles, making it perfect for spying. From what Arthur remembered, Hiruzen used it to keep an eye on the village and maintain order.

Arthur himself had been careful to focus solely on taijutsu techniques during the day, saving the dead night for perfecting his medical techniques, just in case Hiruzen was attempting to pry into his affairs.

As if sensing Arthur's unease, Hiruzen continued, "Let me be blunt. I've witnessed your training on occasion. You have a natural aptitude, a raw talent that shouldn't go unexplored."

Arthur paused to wonder how much this character truly knew. He decided to err on the side of caution.

"Arthur, is there anything that could change your mind? How about going on a mission to get a feel for the ninja world?"

Arthur, caught slightly off guard, considered his question. Venturing outside the village was like asking him to obtain more power. The monotony of his current drudger had also grated on him.

Perhaps a change of pace could be beneficial.

"Alright," Arthur admitted with a shrug. "If there's a mission you think might change my decision, I'm all ears."

"Good," Hiruzen said with amusement. "Come by my office later today. I think I have a job that's tailor-made for your unique skillset."

"Oh…" Arthur spoke, raising his eyebrows. A mission suited for his "unique skillset"? That surely had to pique his interest. "Later today, it is then."

Arthur walked inside his apartment after parting ways with Hiruzen. He casually rested on the only piece of furniture inside, a futon.

First was the unexpected unlocking of the seven heavenly breaths techniques, and now was the surprise encounter with Hiruzen.

Sinking deeper into thought, he closed his eyes.

The world of Naruto was a large one, filled with various lands and characters. Whether he was going to learn from them or exploit them, he wouldn't relinquish a worthwhile opportunity.

Ninjas undertake missions assigned by their village leader. These missions are ranked based on difficulty and importance, with d-rank being the easiest and least risky and s-rank being the most difficult and confidential.

D-rank missions are often given to ninjas who have just graduated from the academy and involve minimal danger. These might include menial chores or errands.

C-rank missions are suitable for more experienced ninjas and may involve capturing animals, guarding people from minor threats, or basic investigations. There's a low chance of encountering other ninja during these missions.

B-rank missions get more serious and involve combat. Examples include guarding VIPs, spying, or eliminating rogue ninjas. They are often given to experienced ninjas like Chūnins and some Jōnins.

A-rank missions are entrusted to elite Jōnin and involve critical matters for the village or country, such as protecting high-level officials or suppressing large enemy forces.

S-rank missions are the most dangerous and confidential. They are assigned only to the best of the best and involve political secrets, like assassinating VIPs or transporting classified documents.

Completing missions is a vital part of being a ninja, and the success or failure of a mission can have significant consequences. Arthur could easily disregard whatever mission Hiruzen offered if it didn't serve his purpose.

Resting for a while, he eventually rose from these thoughts. He had a mission to accomplish, both the one Hiruzen offered and his own pursuits.

Exiting his apartment, he walked along the streets, arriving at the Hokage's building. He ascended the steps until he reached the top and pushed open the doors.

Inside was Hiruzen Sarutobi. The Hokage sat behind a large desk, a lit pipe resting between his teeth. It was a scene straight out of the story—a surreal experience Arthur didn't care for.

"Ah, Arthur," Hiruzen said, gesturing for him to come closer. "Do come in. I trust you've had time to prepare."

Arthur walked toward his desk, saying, "I have, and while I appreciate the offer, I am interested in what this mission is."

Hiruzen leaned back in his chair, taking a long drag from his pipe, and said, "It's a c-rank mission... I would like for you to travel to Takumi Village in the Land of Mist and deliver this trade agreement."

Takumi Village is a village known for its craftsmanship, particularly weaponry. They supplied weapons to ninja villages but faced repeated attacks due to suspicion during conflicts.

As other villages developed their own skills, Takumi's weapons became obsolete, leading to hard times and resentment towards the villages they once aided.

Several decades from now, a group of skilled craftsmen would resent the Five Great Shinobi Villages and seek revenge.

"Is this a mission or a request?" Arthur asked.

"You catch on quickly," Hiruzen smiled. "Whether you choose to accept or not is up to you."

Arthur didn't waste any time responding: "I accept."