
Chapter 38 I will teach her a lesson

"Are you very famous.....very famous.....famous.....famous....."

This phrase kept echoing within the small, dark room…


A room full of petrified individuals looked at Miss Victoria Talkington, the beautiful alien in front of them.

As the personal assistant of Shawn Clegg, a fan so devoted that she spent the whole afternoon queuing, the claim that she had never seen any movie acted by Shawn was shocking!

Who gave her the courage to work here?

Suddenly, a light laughter broke the deadlock.

Franklin Clegg, the aloof and untalkative CEO of the KL Group, gave a chuckle, saying, "Interesting."

Surely an interesting woman.

When he first met her yesterday, he thought she was but a powerless shell, depending on her good looks and charming personality for employment.

Yet today she thoroughly impressed him.