...in the dance of power, tread carefully, for its allure can blind, and its danger can consume... Naeva wouldn't say his life was ordinary. He was sure most people knew where their parents work and siblings school. He was also sure most people don't get constantly lied to by their families. Yet, Naeva quickly came to understand that he wasn't like most people at a young age. There was something seriously odd about his family. An invitation to a birthday party confirms this as Naeva discovers something he shouldn't have and the truth is shoved into his face faster than he would have wanted it to be. Suddenly, he's no longer Naeva Umbrielle, the pretty kid from the rich family. He was now Naeva, the boy who had a vampire for a brother and a whole world of supernatural ahead of him. The boy who had a legacy to build. And what's that? More secrets?
Quick Question - What would be your reaction if your family lies to you and you know they lie?
Naeva Umbrielle disliked very few things in his life. He was an open-minded person, someone who would give everything at least two chances before deciding if he liked it or not.
Even when Naeva ended up not hating something, for the sake of those around him, he kept his opinion to himself thus it wasn't common for anyone to see him display hate for anything.
However, at this moment, Naeva couldn't at all hide the intense glare of dislike on his face, not trying to conceal his hate for the male who stood opposite him, leaning against a post.
Damien McCollum.
Naeva felt stupid, briefly, because he knew Damien would be there. He saw Damien everywhere, most time watching him from blind spots and at other times, watching him openly but always with a device that could take pictures.
At such a public space as the amusement park, Naeva knew it was only too easy for Damien to watch him without drawing attention to himself.
Naeva shifts slightly as though to shake away Damien's stare at his legs but that only causes a corner of Damien's lip to raise. He felt like screaming at him but more than that, Naeva felt like punching himself.
He should have worn trousers.
Damien wasn't trying to be subtle. He had a reputation in town. There was no one who didn't know him but there was also no one willing to stand up to him.
How many times had he tried to change his position but was still followed? Naeva could only resign to ignoring Damien.
"What are you staring at?"
Naeva's shoulders dropped as relief flooded his senses. He had never been gladder to hear the voice of the tall dark-skinned guy who was quickly approaching them.
Damien turned round just as a duo of boy and girl reached them. Lien walked faster than Neville, her eyes spitting fire.
Naeva quickly rushed to their sides, Neville pulled Naeva behind him, a gesture Naeva was only too familiar with, and this time, Naeva wasn't complaining, making himself as small as possible to hide from those eyes.
"Lien, Neville, didn't think you too would show up so soon," Damien said, a smirk gracing his face.
Lien stepped forward, folding her hands in front of her chest, her glare only hardening. Although she had a small build, Lien looked intimidating when angry.
"Fuck off, Damien. Stop bothering Naeva or we'll report you to the authorities." she threatened.
Damien chuckled lightly "As though they'll do anything."
"But I will. Get lost unless you want to see my fist up close." Neville's voice came out in a low growl, a promise more than a threat.
Damien scowled and gave Neville a dirty look. Of all the people Naeva knew, Neville was one of the most intimidating ones. Even a person like Damien knows when to back down when Neville is involved.
Naeva felt Damien's eyes on him for a brief moment before Damien began to walk away. The threat was finally eliminated, and Naeva was allowed out of the protective clutch of his bodyguard-like friend.
"Fucking pervert," Lien said, glaring at Damien's back "Why hasn't he been locked up yet with the number of charges against him?"
Naeva fixed his baby pink shoulder bag. Today, he had gone all pink, soft, and fluffy like cotton candy, a decision he regretted immediately when he spotted Damien. With Neville and Lien here, he didn't feel as insecure anymore.
"Maybe because his dad is one of the richest people in this town." Naeva replied calmly.
Lien turned to him with a raised eyebrow
"Your dad is equally as rich and you don't go around stalking and taking indecent pictures of people." She released a deep breath "Are you okay?"
Naeva nodded in reply. As Lien had said, he was from a rich family, one that could easily stand on equal footing with Damien's. He could press charges against Damien if he wanted.
However, he didn't. Naeva wasn't one for violence. And if he pressed charges and won? It won't solve anything. Damien's family background could not be ignored.
Damien would only switch his method to a more physical and violent form like he had done to his other victims at school. He would be able to handle it but Neville would get involved and there was no way Lien would keep quiet.
Pressing charges meant dragging his friend into worse situations. It would only complicate things. Naeva wasn't a violent person and won't associate himself with anything violent.
As long as Damien doesn't cross Naeva's line, Naeva could tolerate him.
"I'm okay. No damage done" Naeva replied to Lien.
Lien scowled at him. "No damage indeed. You looked like you were trying to enter the wall back there." She sounded unpleased "Please let Neville punch him at least once."
"I agree to that," Neville said with a clenched fist.
Naeva almost Face-palmed.
He wasn't violent but those around him were.
He waved his hands dismissively "Ugh, okay, okay. You guys can do whatever you want to him next time he tries anything." he said.
Lien brightened up at that "Really?"
Naeva nods "Yes. Now, please let's stop talking about Damien and have a good time."
Lien giggled, rushing to his side and grabbing his hand. "Okay then, where to then?" She asked thoughtfully "Cotton candy then the roller coaster?"
"We have to try all the rides. We can come back here again next time, say, for your birthday?..."
Naeva let Lien lead them through the large gate of the amusement park and they were immediately met with even more people. Naeva didn't mind that though. He only focused on Lien's voice as she rambled about what they would do next time they came here.
There won't be a next time though. Not a next time for Damien to stare at him and get punched by Neville. Nor a next time for them to come back to the amusement park.
Not even a birthday party like Lien's had planned.
And those thoughts hurt. To think he'd imagined his sweet sixteen and the not-surprise party Lien would throw him in her bedroom. He'd imagined how he'd gasp and be stunned as though he hadn't known about the surprise.
He'd imagined spending the rest of the holiday together and resuming school today. Many things. Naeva had imagined many things and they would all only be just that.
An imagination.
He hadn't told them yet and didn't know how to. Lien wasn't one to take bad news well and Neville, well Naeva didn't know how Neville would react. Perhaps he would be relieved he won't have to look after Naeva anymore. It'll be a burden off his back.
No matter what way they react, though, Naeva planned to tell them today. Well, at the end of the day.
He only hoped they wouldn't be too angry at him. They'll still want to keep in touch after he's gone. For now, Naeva was going to enjoy today to the fullest. He'll cross the next bridge when he comes to it.
They had fun during the day. After trying almost every ride at the amusement park, they went to a seafood restaurant, then took a tour of a few malls, and finally ended up at a cinema.
The night was aglow. The crescent moon shone its silver light across the sky, stars spread to infinity.
As they lay in an open grass field, listening to the songs of crickets and watching the stars, Naeva's previous worries return.
He glanced to his right where Lien laid. She'd be upset. And Neville? Naeva couldn't guess how Neville would react.
Naeva was tempted to not say anything. It'd be easier to just pack up and leave. Less emotionally draining. Naeva considered doing that for a while. However, he knew better. Would Naeva be able to face them again when he returns? He wouldn't dare to.
Lien would never forgive him.
Naeva slowly moved into a sitting position, his hands supporting his body. He looked to his left and right where Lien and Neville were. Neville had his eyes closed as he rested while Lien nodded her head slowly to whatever song she was listening to on her phone.
"Guys," Naeva called, managing to almost choke on the word.
Neville was the first to respond. He always seems to be on alert. Lien took off her ear pods and sat up. She looked at him questioningly, waiting for Naeva to continue.
"So..." Naeva started, picking at the grass as he spoke "I have something to say."
Lien moves closer to him and Naeva ducks his head.
"Are you okay?" Lien asked.
Naeva heard the worry in her voice which only served to make him feel more worried about how the night would end. Neville hadn't said anything, Naeva noticed. Then again, Neville never talked much.
Naeva glanced at both of them before his eyes returned to the grass. The worried look on Lien's face made him clench his fist and grind his teeth to gather up his courage.
Then he exploded.
"I'm moving away!" He almost screamed the words, eyes tightly closed "I'm going to the same high school my siblings went to for senior high. I don't want to go there; I swear but my parents won't listen no matter what I say. I didn't tell you earlier because I'm scared you won't want to keep in touch anymore and I don't want to stop being your friend. I'm sorry, please..."
Naeva jerked up when Lien screamed his name, his words cut off. His eyes watered as he looked at her glaring face. Naeva's eyes sank even more; she lightly punched his shoulder and the first tear dropped.
That was it. Naeva's body shook, tears he desperately tried to hold fell one after the other till he could barely see what was in front of him.
Lien's eyes widened and she closed the distance between them, using her fingers to wipe his tears.
"No, no, no, no. I didn't mean it like that. You were talking too fast and I couldn't hear what you said." Lien rushed out her words. "I'm sorry."
Naeva stopped crying but he didn't move out of her hold. Lien didn't seem angry. Taking in her expression, she looked worried. Naeva took in a deep breath before repeating.
"I'm moving away soon. I'll be attending the same school Nyx and Saden attended for senior high." Naeva said slowly.
Naeva watched Lien's expression for anything that'd indicate she was angry but found none. Her face did fall; however, a sigh escaped her lips. Naeva frowned after a few seconds of silence. This wasn't at all the Lien he knew. The Lien he knew would have been stunned for a few seconds before yelling at him for a few hours.
"You knew?"
Naeva watched her eyes drop from his face, sliding to the grass below. Lien sighed again. Like a deflated balloon, her shoulders dropped as she hung her head low, her dark curls covering her face.
"Neville told me," Lien said, her voice heavy with guilt and shame almost inaudible.
Naeva's eyes snapped to Neville who only shrugs at his unasked question.
"Your dad told me." Neville simply said.
"It isn't Neville's fault." Lien quickly put in after Neville spoke. She looked up at Naeva with eyes full of guilt, the way Naeva looked at her earlier.
"Nev wanted us to talk about it but I didn't want to rush you. I'm sorry, Nav."
Naeva's breath caught in his throat. They knew all this while they knew. Why didn't they say anything? Not even a sign or a clue. They didn't act out of character; nothing gave them away.
"How long?" Naeva asked his hold on the grass.
There was a moment of silence in which Neville and Lien glanced at each other before Lien replied.
"A Month."
Naeva jerked up from his position on the ground and ran away from them, clutching his stomach. He crashed to the ground a few steps away, hurling out everything he had in his stomach.
A month. A whole month.
Naeva hadn't even known about it for a month yet and he was the one leaving. He had only been told a week ago by his parents but his friends had known about it for a month yet didn't mention it.
Naeva felt sick. He panted when there was nothing more to throw up. His stomach was empty and somehow his heart was even more empty.
Neville came to support him as he stood up. Naeva let the boy lead him back. He was too weak, too tired to struggle against Neville. To think he had spent the last week worrying about something that wasn't even a secret.
"Are you okay? Do you need to go home?" Lien asked once they were seated again.
Naeva shook his head in reply. If he stood up and left now, he'd only kill himself with negative thoughts throughout the night. They had to solve this problem before they left each other for the night else it'd only become an elephant in the room.
"I'm fine," Naeva replied and gave them the pointiest looks he could come up with. "Why didn't you guys say anything? I spent the whole week worrying about how you'd react. Do you know how stressful it has been? I thought you'd both hate me."
"I'm sorry." Lien repeated "I just didn't want to force you to talk. I knew you'd say something eventually so I didn't see any use in rushing you."
Naeva sniffs, his shoulders dropped. He was too tired to argue with her. Lien's intentions were good as they always were. He couldn't find it in himself to stay angry at her.
"You're not mad at me?" He asked
Lien gave a reassuring smile "Why would I be mad at you? I know you don't want to leave but your parents are adamant about it and I heard you had a pretty nasty argument with them."
A grin itched onto Naeva's face and he laughed, his body shaking "Nasty is an understatement."
Lien's grin widened "Nav, just because you're moving to the other side of the world doesn't mean we have to break up. Phones can be used for long-distance relationships too, you know."
Naeva threw his head back in laughter. "Let's keep this platonic, shall we?" He said amidst giggles.
"Oh, shut up."
Naeva turned to Neville who had been watching them silently. Neville still didn't have much of an emotion on his face but Naeva was used to that now.
"Are you okay with long-distance relationships as well?" Naeva asked.
Neville shrugged, "You're not getting rid of me easily." he answered.
Lien rolled her eyes and spread her hands wide "Hug?" She asked, throwing her hands around Naeva in a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you so damn much and although Nev won't say it, he'll miss you too."
Naeva smiled softly, burying his head in her shoulder. They didn't break up. Even though they won't be able to meet like this again, he would still have phone calls and messages to look forward to. Naeva won't be alone.
Somehow, those comforting thoughts only managed to make him cry again. This time, however, he didn't cry alone.
A few hours later, Naeva waved goodnight to Neville who had taken him to Naeva's house.
The door made little to no sounds as it was pushed open, the cold handle biting at Naeva's palm. He stepped through, pushing it close behind him.
Naeva looked around the living room. There was no one in sight which was good. He quietly walked towards the stairs, his toes barely touching the ground. After he chatted with his friends, mostly Lien, of course, they cried a lot, ate some chocolate bar Lien somehow had with her, and cried some more.
Although Naeva was confident about his physical appearance, all that crying didn't do him any good. His eyes were puffy, eyeliners smudged, and his face pink. In other words, Naeva looked like a hot mess at the moment.
Naeva carefully placed his right leg on the first step, thankful the stairs didn't make any noise and was about to follow up with his right leg when fingers wrapped around his arm, jerking him back.
He squealed, stumbling backward into a hard chest. He didn't need to look back to know who had caught him. So much for going unnoticed.
"Are you trying to sneak into your room?" Came Saden's question before he released Naeva's arm.
Naeva smiled awkwardly, back still facing Saden.
"No. I just didn't want to wake anyone up." he replied, hopeful that Saden would believe him but knowing better.
Saden frowned "It's not even ten yet. No one's asleep," he said "Are you hiding something? Turn around."
"Can I not just go to my room? It's late and I'm tired and need to sleep. Remember we have that big party we have to attend tomorrow and I don't know about you but I'd rather be well rested for a six-hour bus ride…"
Naeva sighed and turned around, folding his hands across his chest, a glare on his face "What?" He asked, sounding as unhappy as he felt.
What was it with this family and always poking their nose all over his business.
Saden's face softened "Have you been crying?" He asked
Naeva dropped his hands to his side with a sigh. "Yes, I had a chat with Lien and Neville and we might have cried a bit" he brushed his fingers over his eyes, staining them with wet eyeliner "or a lot. Can I go up to my room now? I'm dirty and tired."
Saden nodded "Go ahead." he answered
Naeva gave him a small smile "Good night." He greeted, turning around and climbing up the stairs.
When he got to the fifth step, however, Naeva suddenly stopped, remembering something that had been bothering him since he was with Neville and Lien. He turned around. Saden was still at the bottom of the stairs, watching him. Naeva looked at him questioningly
"Speaking of Neville," he started, Saden listening to him "did you know dad told him about me moving school a month before he told me?"
A frown formed on Saden's face; his head full of brown hair tilting slightly. "He did?" He asked in a voice full of wonder before understanding grew in his emerald eyes "Oh…that's probably because he's your…"
He suddenly paused, the half-spoken sentence capturing Naeva's attention "My what?" He asked.
Saden only shrugged, "Your best friend." he completed, nonchalantly.
Naeva hummed as he nodded at Saden's words. Lies. He didn't need his eyes to twist to know Saden had lied. His suddenly nonchalant attitude gave him away.
"Well, good night then." Naeva said, turning back around and climbing the remaining steps to the first floor.
Naeva locked the door behind him when he got to his room. Leaning against the door, he let out a deep sigh, his face turning into a blank mask. He took in the view of his room.
It was a simple room, unlike most would imagine, but he had lived in it since he was three and had created many beautiful memories there. The room was painted light blue with a touch of gray, and red light creating a purple hue.
Naeva slid down the door, folding his leg in half and hugging his hands around them, resting his chin on his knees, curled into himself.
Today has been tiring, draining him both mentally and emotionally. The lies. Too much, far too much. Naeva almost didn't feel the first teardrop roll down his cheek as he stared into the distance.
How long were they going to lie to him?
How much have they lied about already?