
Overlord: The Witch And The Sorcerer

A confused Overlord arrives in a New World lost and alone; see how he will deal with all kind of situations while becoming the obsession of a certain Witch Princess whose destiny will be changed forever by a chance encounter! *** { For Support or Want to Read ahead Join:- www.patre-on.com/zerosenpaiwriter } *** {Discord Link:- https://discord. com/channels/573240827963244582/862360983035838465}(without space) *** I do not own overlord or this fanfic all credits goes to its respective owners. fanfic owner:-'ZeroSenpai' from fanfiction. net [https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13646184/0] support the author by follow him on fanfiction. net so that author can upload new chapter a little bit earlier.

GenV · 漫画同人
21 Chs

Chapter 17

"How do you feel? Are you hungry?"

She blinked a few times. she surely didn't expect that. Was he playing dumb? But what would that accomplish? He already had all the advantages, there was nothing she could do to stop him.

"Umu, I didn't think the shock would be so great you would not be able to speak. I thought you lot weren't bothered by violence."

He muttered to himself. She had to agree on that one. No Eight Fingers' agent would be concerned about the use or the sight of violence. He was now thinking she wasn't able to speak.

This was bad. If he thought she was worthless he had no reason to spare her life. She concentrated and used all her strength to open her mouth.

"I-I… a-a-am… f-fine…"

Those three words were all she managed to bring out. She couldn't see his reaction due to the mask covering his face.

"I see. You seem pale. Maybe something to eat would help you."

He said with his usual deep tone. With another gesture of his gloved hand, he summoned what seemed to be a bowl of hot soup and placed it on her lap.

As soon as the sweet smell reached her nose, her nausea became hunger. She immediately took the spoon with her right hand, but her trembling hand couldn't bring the soup to her mouth without spilling the majority of it back in the bowl.

As soon as the magic caster noticed her trouble, he took the bowl from her lap and the spoon from her hand.

She looked in despair as her meal was taken away. She probably looked like a beaten puppy right now.

The magic caster used the spoon to take some of the soup and then pointed the full spoon at her.

"Here, open your mouth."

She didn't let him repeat himself and immediately opened her mouth to take in the spoon.

The hot soup was a blessing for her dried mouth. She felt the delicious fluid go down her throat and warm up her cold trembling body.

The magic caster continued to feed her spoon after spoon until the bowl was empty. He placed the bowl and spoon on a nearby table before returning to her.

Now she was more confused than ever before. Why would he feed her? Why wasn't she in a cell instead of this comfortable bed? What was his goal with all of this?

She still feared the person in front of her. She could feel something was wrong here, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

"Now that the conditions are more favourable, I think it would be a good time to begin our talk."

He said in a business-like tone. Hilma couldn't do anything but nod in agreement.

This was going to be the discussion that would decide her fate and she needed to give it her all to ensure her survival.


Hilma Cygnaeus was born from the union of her mother and her father like all other children.

The unfortunate thing was that her mother was a high class prostitute under Eight Fingers and her father, whose identity she learned when she was 8 only because he came back to have fun with her mother and didn't care if Hilma watched, was the third son of a poor noble house.

She grew up between whores, some willing and some just broken toys for the enjoyment of the most sadistic customers.

She learned how to please a man at the age of 10, courtesy of her mother, and lost her virginity at the age of 12.

Her mother was beautiful, but she had wasted herself with drugs.

She slowly lost her beauty and as she began to lose customers, she became paranoid about turning into one of the broken toys.

She made Hilma work in her place.

Those years were the hardest. Hilma remembered how the faces of those men… no, those pigs, would haunt her in her nightmares.

Fortunately for her, her mother died of an overdose only a year later. She remembered as she watched cloaked men bring her body away.

Her lifeless eyes, the smile of ecstasy still plastered on her face. Only after two years did she learn that her mother's body had been brought to another customer, who felt like having a different experience that day, before burning it.

That day was the day she swore to never touch a drug in her life. And to conduct such a life without drugs has been hard… oh so very hard. She wanted to end it all sometimes.

Those pigmen continued to haunt her. More and more faces were added to her nightmares.

This could have broken a lesser woman, but Hilma was no lesser woman. She refused to break. She refused to end like her mother, a plaything for a sick pig.

When she wasn't haunted by her nightmares, she began to dream of greatness, of reaching the top and looking down on everyone else.

Her mind steeled, her body softened for the enjoyment of the pigmen. She felt the fear being replaced by indifference.

Disgust became hate. She will reach the top no matter what. She will endure everything to achieve it and then she will crush them all like the insects they were.

During these long years, she advanced into the corrupted side of the Kingdom. Step by step, position by position, she rose in power.

She finally managed to make contact with Ampetif Cocco Doll. At the time she met him, he worked as one of the managers of the greatest brothel of Ro-Lente.

In only a few months, he became one of the fingers as the chief manager of the brothel section.

She used her contacts with him to get even more important jobs. She became a spy, an assassin. She began to be noticed by the Eight Fingers leaders as a capable woman.

During that period of time, she was finally ordered to kill her father. Surprisingly, the contractors for this assassination was his family. They had finally discovered how he stole money from them for his sick pleasures and wanted him killed.

It was truly ironic, that she had been the one to put poison in his drink as he was too occupied smacking her ass. She remembered the sick pleasure welling up as she saw the pig drink the wine.

How she was turned on as he began to cough and fell on the ground, hands around his throat. They burned him like all the others.

She continued to live. Her life was devoted to reach the top and nothing would stop her. And then the day came, when she was ordered to poison and abduct a magic caster that only arrived in the city a few weeks ago.

He established a business that began to move an incredible quantity of money. Not to speak about the influence he was gaining in the Adventurers' Guild.

They had always been a thorn in Eight Fingers' side. If they took control of his business, they could partially influence the Adventurers' Guild.

In the best possible outcome, even control it and make it part of their organization.

She obviously accepted. If she succeeded in the job, she would surely reach a position among the Fingers themselves.

Maybe they will give her old Lube's occupation. He was the leader of the drug dealing section and wasn't really liked by the other Fingers for his attitude.

He thought himself above them because he was older. They would gladly eliminate him to make place for her.

All those dreams of greatness, power and domination were now shattered. She lied on the bed the magic caster Satoru, her target, provided her. Probably the most comfortable bed she had used in her whole life.

She was now a captive. She failed her mission and even if she managed to escape, Eight Fingers would not forget it.

Failure was not permitted. They would of course continue to use her skills, but she would no longer have any possibility to reach the top.

She felt a shiver going down her spine despite the warmth under the blanket. It was already night outside and the magic caster Satoru already left her alone in the room.

Satoru. She didn't know what to think of him. No one ever treated her with such gentleness. He was no pigmen like the others.

He didn't try to force himself on her, even if she was a prostitute. The worst thing was that she couldn't get a grasp on his character.

During their conversation, he asked about her. Did she have a family? A home? Was she being exploited? He sounded almost concerned for her wellbeing. Not even her parents ever cared about her.

Was he aware of her mission? At first, she was sure of it, but now she felt confused. Was this all a tactic to make her lower her guard? Or was he truly unaware about the plot against him? If it was the latter, she still had a chance of succeeding in her mission.

She just had to take him by surprise, maybe by seducing him and then incapacitating him. If she learned one thing about men in all her years, it was that no matter how powerful they were, when they were done they were done.

No man would have the strength to harm a mosquito after they consumed all their lust.

With those thoughts she closed her eyes and fell asleep.


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