
Overlord Harem System

Look for this fanfic in fanfic section with the same name, I have started to update that one weekly. Thank you for the support. _ _ _ _ _ _ A/N:There might slow progress in regard to romance but there is harem tag so It has some snu snu moments but not in the starting. There are actions after certain chapters everyone pervert likes. So don't be disappoint about it I will get there eventually as I am also man of culture... The anime,novel or comics world which I will be using in this work will be those that are not adapted in fanfics much or not at all so look forward to it. First world::Trinity Seven Second world ::??(still not decided if you want to give your opinion on deciding the world then give comment on Reviev section). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "I don't own anything except the Mc and some 'inserts' characters " "I'm very novice in writing so tips or helping hand are welcomed" Comment on the below links and show your support: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077283168912 Discord: Abysalyounglord#0640

Abysalyounglord · 奇幻
53 Chs

31.Getting First waifu and Hidden mission


A/N:Restriction has lifted from this work now you free to vote everyone...

Show me how enthusiastic you can be...


(Mc Pov)

"Fhew.....time fly fast when you are meditative state that's why those Wuxia or Xinxia people sit like statue for centuries without feeling bored" I open my eyes from meditation and breath out turbid air then remember the novels from original world about arrogant cultivators cultivating for centuries without feeling like time haven't passed even one bit.


Then I heard the sound of door opening so I closed my eyes pretending to be meditate.

I knew who just entered my room as I have given invitation to one girl.Let her be sat there waited for to get herself comfortable.

"Ummn..Ko'..." For some time I only felt stare at face then heard pleasant all to familiar melody and thought what sweet way call someone.

"o" Once I open my eye and saw Yui in pink nighty seethrough which didn't hide much and under it wearing what I call rather provocative and sexy as hell bra & panty.I for some time admire her figure and repeatedly nodded in head in mind with imaginary nosebleed.

*Smooch!*(kissing sound)

Then suddenly I got kissed by her which made me frozen for few seconds then I also responded making amature Yui experience what real kiss feel like.When I got the chance I attack with my toung inside her mouth and explore like enthusiastic explorer who can't rest until he explore every nook and cranny.

"Huff..huff...Ahhh Ko' it felt good I need mo.....re..." We parted because of lack of oxygen then I took deep breath and calm myself then look at Yui who is huffing and muttering something to which I heard then look at her eyes cloudy and filled with lust.

So I make her sit on my lap then snaked my hands in her waist to rest in her smooth stomach as her back of her head rested on my chest and my chin on her shoulder then we hugged for while sat there in silent to enjoy each other company.Then I saw that Yui has calm down.

"Where that nickname came from and toady you lot more bold, aren't you" I said to her to which she blushed and pouted at me.Seeing her cute reaction amuse me.

"I won't let you go today until you give me your honest answer" Seeing her eye having strong determination and desire I had urge to say what are you talking about but I kept it in my mouth as I was afraid it might hurt her and I know she has worked her courage to face me.

"Hmmmn" I made pondering expression to tease her and also thought inside my head as to how to bullshit so she can accept me and my dream harem idea.

"Okey..okey..I won't tease you but I do wanted to tell you about my dream so even after listening to that you can give me answer"

Telling her till here I started

* talk no jutsu*

How I have a dream when I was child that when I become adult I'll have very big family.So I won't be alone and have lot of people to care about and in return care by them.

I started this because I knew she lack friends and needed company feel what she lost during the isolation.So I get my soon to wife happy and I am also happy.

Then while later seeing considering and agreeing to it as from her saying she will get lot of friends to play with.

"I like you a lot and you have occupied a place in my heart so without you around me I will feel as If I missing some part of me.

So would you like to go out with me and be my lover for eternity" I said lot of non-sense what came to mind then in the end I said what I felt deep from my heart and soul.

I am also feeling little nervous but I need to man up and say this so I waited for her response but I got crying girl in my embrace then got pinned down on the then sit on my stomach saying something about show with action then kissed me It happened in a few seconds that I bared get what is going on.

*slurp!*slip!*(kissing sound)

When it got escalated to kiss from normal chaste to french then tongue to tongue and exploring each others mouth with extream vigor I then got my sense back and fought back gaining total victory making her moan time to time.

After a while we catch our breath then l just hug her on my embrace and let lay on me to rest for while.


After a while slow or regular breathing came from Yui so I adjusted her to be in comfortable position.

"Good night and sweet dreams My little wife.." I wish her night and peck on her forehead to wich I got smile from her sleeping face.Then lay down and try to close my eyes then 'Sys' notification pop up saying I have to see it.


I call it inside my mind and open my eye to something which siriously made me surprise as I never expected to get this.

[Hidden Quest:Go get a wife or two as a future Overlord of Harem and not having a single wife would be disgrace.

Requirement:Minimum Harem members or wife's to get - 4.

Rewards:????(it depend on the overall your capability).

Penalty:Strips of System If you show you have not the capability to get even four wife's then how can you able to become Overlord of lot of wife's.]

[Congratulations host for getting your first ever lover....


Congratulations you have got gift pack for getting fist lover.


Host do you want open it now.]

'Yes,do that I might as well see what I got from it' replied to 'Sys'.

[Affirmative host,opening the gift pack....

..Congratulations for getting - Luck stat unlocked.

..Congratulations for getting - Charm stat unlocked.

..Congratulations for getting - Harem Affection meter unlocked.

..Congratulations for getting stats:

Luck - 20

Charm - 30

OH points(Overlord Harem Points) - 50.]

'Woa Sys, I got show many of them but I got questions ro ask now,

I can get Luck and Charm and know how it works but can I toggle. It on or off,also what's Harem Affection Meter works and what are OH Points or how do I earn tose more cor what its use was.

[Replying to host questions:


OH Points - Their use is same as System Points but OH Points are more valuables(like 1 OVerlord Harem Points -- 1000System Points) and its only way is by doing something related to your harem.

Harem Affection Meter - Which will show you real time affection your harem have on you and also your position in their heart then it categories it like that lover,wife or Enternal Love.

Sys note:Charm stat can be turn off in the future but after you will have very ordinary presence in front of everyone except the people you call family.]

'Umu...I didn't think that I'll get to trigger hidden mission and get so many good thinks out of it' I thought in head then again seeing this I am also overjoyed but at this time I want to hug my wife to sleep.

"Sleeping face looks even more cute" then one more gave her peck on the lips then closed my eyes with one hand in her waist hugging her tightly other one in her head then fell asleep..




A/N:Hello everyone I see that you have not commented much and given support to this poor Author-san breaking my heart.

Now my kidney hurts so please show some support to cheer up Author-san so his kidney won't hurt.

Enjoy the chapter...

Let me know If I forgot to add something and don't forget to leave comments or Reviews.


Chapter is short because Author-san hasn't any squit Idea about relationships.

He is also a wizards and few years or so he might turn into sage being vergin.







Abysalyounglordcreators' thoughts