
Overbearing Power

Follow Robin, A hot-blooded arrogant boy, on his journey of survival and hunting down big bad monsters. One day when Robin was in his high school math class, the world started to change. One moment there was a massive thunder strike splitting the sky open and the next the school was being attacked by goblins. When Robin leveled up and got strong and bulky, he didn’t want to be a hero or a villain. He wanted to get strong enough to get rid of anyone who stood in his path and smash their skulls open. What to Expect: OP MC Arrogant MC Little To No Romance No Harem Game Elements Giant Muscular MC Base Building Monster Pets

theFlyingDog · 奇幻
35 Chs

Chapter 8 - Goblins Are Weak

Everyone was shaken from witnessing the slaughter of the senior students, from the 25 that got out only 11 were left. The area close to the auditorium where the fight took place was full of blood and bodies.

The bodies were severely damaged the unarmed gobline's basic way of attack was biting and the goblin warrior broke the bones with his blunt weapon. This resulted in a lot of bite marks and disfigured corpses.

A lot of the students were not able to take this and started throwing up, there were even a few who fainted. The one who was facing the worst of this was Mr. Frank our PT teacher, he was the one who lead the students toward the gate. The guy was broken when he saw this scene.

While I was talking to friends telling them about the system and leveling up, around 8 teachers came to me to ask about the same thing.

I told them how the system worked and how killing the monsters can make us stronger. They were a little suspicious about it at first and kept asking me too many questions, so I just pointed at the students who activated the system recently and told them to ask about it to them.

It might be because of my low EQ, but I didn't feel obligated to keep answering all their question. I helped them out before because I felt like it and wanted to test out my strength.

I knew how much trouble it would be if I wanted to be their hero, and did everything they asked of me. I was relieved that there were 4 more people with the system now.

But it was not as same with my friend at least for Walter, Lily, and Jessica. Well now that I think about it, Jessica was not with us when I tried to find her, I saw her with her boyfriend a little far away from our group.

I tried to convince Walter and Lily about leveling up, I am sure that they are going to end up dying if they don't level up fast. I didn't bother to go out of my way to ask Jessica since she was busy with her own thing.

Walter and Lily were adamant about not fighting goblins, I tried my best to convince them to but they still refused to do it. At last out of frustration I went and dragged one of the remaining goblins by the neck and held it facing toward them and asked them to punch as hard, as they can at it.

Everyone else was confused at what was happening but I didn't bother, and let Walter and Lily get a few punches after which I snapped the neck of the goblin and threw it to the side.

*Forest Goblin Lvl 1 Killed*


It seems my theory was right and the experience share was based on the damage contribution.

Which means Lily and Walter go 10Exp each.

Walter: "I see can some text in front of me...is this the system you were talking about"

Lily: "Yes I see it too!"

"Did you guys get any skill as a reward for killing the goblin"

Walter: "No I don't see anything like that"

Lily: "I don't have anything either"

Neither Walter nor Lily got a legendary skill as I did, so it seems I only got that because of being the 4th person to kill a goblin.

Oh, now that I think about it I haven't checked my status after the fight.


Name: Robin Vaulter

Level: 4

HP: 540/540

MP: 0/0

Exp: 195/294

Race: Lesser Human

Class: None

Skill: Unwavering Body Lvl 1(L)

, Identification Lvl 1 (C), Power Punch Lvl 2 (C), Staff Mastery Lvl 1 (C), Pain Tolerance Lvl 1(Common)


Strength: 28

Vitality: 27

Defense: 10

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 3

Willpower: 4

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 3

Free Attribute Points: 10

Free Skill Points: 2

Woah, that is too much. I already have 28 strength. I asked both Walter and Lily about their stats and the average was around 5.

So for an average human, the normal strength would be 5, and mine is 28 which is way above what a human could possibly get.

I had 10 free attribute points so I decided to put 4 points on strength, 2 points on vitality, 2 points on defense, and 2 on agility.

I was starting to like using the staff, so I put both my skill points on staff mastery.

Upgrading stats and skills both have a distinctly different feeling. When I get a stat boost, it feels refreshing it's like every part of my body gets more resilient with each stat point and it fills me up with even more energy.

But when upgrading skills, there's a weird sensation, it's like my mind is being filled with knowledge. It's almost like I have been doing the thing for a long time.

After upgrading staff mystery to level 3, it felt like I had been training with the staff for ages and there was this knowledge of how to swing the staff more efficiently. And even my muscles go accustomed to the feeling of swinging the staff.

Alright, let's see what my stats look like now.


Name: Robin Vaulter

Level: 4

HP: 580/580

MP: 0/0

Exp: 195/294

Race: Lesser Human

Class: None

Skill: Unwavering Body Lvl 1(L)

, Identification Lvl 1 (C), Power Punch Lvl 2 (C), Staff Mastery Lvl 3 (C), Pain Tolerance Lvl 1(C)


Strength: 32

Vitality: 29

Defense: 12

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 3

Willpower: 4

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 3

Free Attribute Points: 0

Free Skill Points: 0

With my strength, vitality, and defense I don't have to worry about goblins at all right now. I should be able to take on 10 warriors together without any problem.

It was a few hours before dusk so some teachers and students, who lived close to the school were talking about going to their homes. But the fear of encountering more monsters was stopping them from doing so.

I too wanted to go back and check on my family, but my home was far from the school and if I went on foot it would be dark before I get home, and that was before the apocalypse happened. Now, I am not even sure what kind of monster waited in the path. Plus the overgrown vegetation was another serious problem.

I could barely see the highway from the school, it's not because it was at a distance. The highway was really close but now there were giant trees surrounding the highway.

The trees were planted at the side of the streets, which were only around 6ft(182cm) before, have now turned into 30ft(913cm) tall giants.

I saw the teachers coming toward me with the two seniors that I talked with before. There were two more students with them one girl and one boy, I guess they are the other senior students who activated the system.

Mr. Jacob: "Robin we all were talking about getting out of the school and going home, but first we wanted to go and check out the administrative office and the principles office before doing that.

And you are the one who has experience dealing with the monsters so we wanted you to come along with us."

I didn't really have a problem going with them, since I wanted to check out the area myself. But going along with these people will mean me babysitting them.

But I couldn't say no since one of the teachers among them was Ms. Monica, she was my Biology teacher. Ms. Monica was the hottest teacher in the whole school. I won't lose a chance to impress her.

Thanks for reading! Let me know in which areas I could improve and make the novel better.

theFlyingDogcreators' thoughts