
Outrun The Truth

Slow Paced. Meraki Sagepice woke up at the hospital with no memory of who she is or what had transpired. She just remained there, an empty shell of a human. That is, until a woman in a suit appeared to her and pledged loyalty to her in a blood pact. With that, a sudden and painful bloodlust consumed her entire consciousness. Who is she? Who is this woman? And why is the Sagepice family so feared? *Not my cover art.

Winter_Iris · 奇幻言情
189 Chs

Reveal (Part 3)

"What is a blood pact really?" I asked again when Jasmine didn't answer. She had this faraway look on her eyes, like she is contemplating something. 

"I don't think she's going to answer," Kefi said, crossing our arms. 

"She will," I answered, resting my head on my hands. 

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because there's something she wants to asks us too. Right, Jasmine?" That finally pulls her out of her stupor, her brilliant purple eyes boring deep into my soul.

"So, if I answer your question then you will answer mine as well?" Jasmine settled in the chair more comfortably. 

"Yes," I answered, staring at the two on the bed. How are they able to sleep this peacefully given the situation?

"Fine," Jasmine answered after a moment of thought. "I will answer your question first then you can answer mine. Fair?"