The authorities are striving to cover up the existence of an island in the center of Rumah. Reeva and Jeff try to find out the truth behind it, but at what cost? And what else will they discover? Or perhaps better said, who else thinks like them?
In X76, there was a great war between the four kingdoms Kritor, Harea, Versys and Palais. The four kingdoms became greedy and longed for more power by harming the others.
Therefore, mankind sought for Guardians, charged of ending the war.
Courageous men and women stood up and protested against the war and tried to stop the send armies, successfully. They made the kingdoms' rulers understand: Everyone was suffering under the Great War and there were no winners.
The Guardians showed people how they could live in peace again and teached the kingdoms to focus on their people. Therefore the Guardians were honored for their idle behavior and their act should be marked in history: From that time on, "Guards" were trained to ensure that peace, safety and free development. Some Guards work as police officers, others act as idols and role models to the world. They try to solve everything as non-violently as possible and are directly subordinate to their kingdoms. But as the Guardians had all kind of nationalities, a special category was formed: the Imperial Guards. They are the symbols of the first Guardians and every Guard who works hard and shows his light to the world can become one.
Since then, all violence and shameful deeds that harm common good are deeply abhorred and severely punished. As Life is valued deeply, there is no sentencing to death. Instead, they are send to Sector 1, where they are exiled for life.
After the Great War, Versys, which contained of two big islands, was split in a half and the smaller island became Tentra, the prison-island. There, Sector 1 lays. Sector 2 is another big prison which's inmates are temporarily banished. And the last sector, Sector 3, is the home of all people that are born on Tentra and haven't committed serious crimes. They are free to leave Tentra at any time. Tentra is ruled by the Tentra-family and gives its best managing the underground sectors by teaching their descendants all about Tentra from a young age.
Another rule is to never cross the middle of Rumah. That is because the middle is a great magnet field which causes airplanes and ships to turn crazy. There happen also many storms and other catastrophes. Many lifes have been taken that way.