
Our Memoirs

Rhenea Thompson , has always lived her life behind a mask, her smiles always hide her pain while her eyes glimmer in despondent sadness, She is a famous painter known as Rhe.T Her artwork is sold at galleries for millions. she grew up without parents and lived in an orphanage, yet she survived through it all but she knows that she's a terminally Ill patient with limited time. Her green eyes that shined, Now looked like dim emeralds. her pale golden hair glimmers like melted gold in the sun, her smooth porcelain skin is covered by her clothes that hide her tiny scars both inside and out. Life always seemed to have a problem with her. Xavier Ford has been a studious all academic achiever, he's gained awards for his excellence in all subjects his whole life. Graduated at the top of his class, and a PhD in brain tumor He is Rhenea's attending doctor and her own personal villain His blue eyes shimmer like ocean waves behind his golden spectacles and his warm light brown curly hair is like chocolate in the summer Life for him wasn't perfect but he always tried to make the most of it

FluffyLuscious · 现代言情
9 Chs

chapter 6

Rhenea held his warm hands as she leaned slowly in

Their faces were less than a few inches apart

Their eyes were glued to each other as they gazed into one another's souls

Xavier slowly leaned in covering those few inches

His lips touched hers.

His arms were around her, as assuring and gentle as he was.

She felt a rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left her feeling limp.

She felt a warmth spread to her very soul as butterflies entered her stomach

He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world.

His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.

They still held hands,

But Rhen's face was blushed red, a rush of embarrassment hit her as she thought that they were still outside the hospital in the garden in public

Her hands immediately let go of his and she covered her face

" What happened " he asked her teasingly as he saw her face red

" Shut up " she said

But her voice sounded weak when she said that

He couldn't help laughing more,

Xavier felt that he had never laughed more in his life than he had when he was with her

" Come on then, why don't we go back to your room and watch some movies instead?" He suggested to Rhen

" Yeah " she replied in a low voice still covering her face

A deep chuckle rumbled through his chest as he tried to silence it

" Don't you need to hold my arm and the IV, how will you do that if you cover your face " he teased her again

" Shut up!" She yelped in embarrassment

She quickly grabbed his arm and took her IV and stood up with his support

After standing up, she immediately glared at him for the rest of the walk.

After they reached her room,

Xavier could still hear her grumbling about him as she stuffed her face with popcorn

He knew she couldn't taste it, but having popcorn while watching a movie was a tradition that she wouldn't forsake even if her tastebeds couldn't taste

He could still feel her sweet taste lingering on his lips

His hadn't stopped smiling even until they were back in the room watching a movie

Slowly he reached for her hand and held her preciously as he gave her a kiss on the cheek gently to calm her down

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have teased you so much " he said

He didn't know if he was right or wrong but either way,

he would still fold to whatever she wanted

" Alright.. but you'll have to give me another kiss" she said weakly and a bit embarrassed at being coaxed like this

He leaned in to give her a kiss on the lips when he suddenly felt her palm stop his path.

his eyes widened as he looked at her,

" ON THE CHEEK " she said as her face turned red

She could feel his warm lips on her palm it made her palm feel itchy

Xavier leaned back only to grab her palm and give her a kiss on it before he immediately changed his Target to her cheek

She was so surprised that she wasn't able to react before he had given her a kiss on the cheek and the nose

'Thi- this scoundrel' she thought how could he take so much advantage of her when she was dazed

She threw popcorn at him immediately after she recovered from her daze

A little popcorn fight has ensued between a doctor and his lover ( a painter and her lover)

Eventually Xavier lost the battle of popcorn,

immediately after she started teasing him about it

Xavier's shook his head helplessly and sighed but his eyes were doting when he looked at her smile.

Affection dripped from their eyes and smiles bloomed on to their faces

And this very scene, was painted vividly by Rhenea