
Our Kingdom system

Aron and Jessica are both getting a system to help them build a kingdom in a new world. They are getting help from their mom and dad after a 300 year long journey. (book cover is AI generated.)

Maarten_ · 奇幻
48 Chs

horses to capture or to kill

On the morning of the 4th day they had a good breakfast again. The guide was surprised, they went hunting so they should be low on food and just now they were eating a lot of meat and fruit.

Aron: Can't wait to eat something different then bunny or mammoths meat. Perhaps we should think about fishing, I'm not sure how horse meat is going to taste.

Chloe: The taste is good don't worry about that, but how would you catch fish. It just takes to much time before you get a good meal like this.

Guide: So at least some of you have some senses.

Kiara: what do you mean by that, we just love different kinds of food!

Aron: It's oke Kiara, perhaps we are a bit spoilt due to our past but we are adapting faster than I thought we would. I bet you're already thinking about capture the horses alive aren't you?

Kiara: hhmmp, not saying anything.

Just with that Aron did know enough, he was thinking the same but the question was how to convince the people from this planet. They needed a few more people to get as much horses as possible.

Aron: Kiara did you make the last signal? It's time to hunt soon but we need the others to capture horses. Killing them is not hard at all probably, wish I could see some so I could inspect them.

Chloe: So your going to do the same as the mammoths?

Aron: Sort of, with the mammoths we had the beast tamers and now we don't. It's also why I took the builder and two woodworkers with us. I will tell you more when Jack and the rest are here.

The rest of the team was following behind Aron from the distance. They lost more and more ground but they could still track him.

Woodworker: Why are we not cutting down trees anymore?

Jack: Aron found something to hunt and want us to be there.

Ivy: They did get a lead on horses so he probably got pressured into capturing them instead of killing. I know Kiara likes horses a lot.

Jack: And see that is why your coming with us.

4 hours later they finally caught up with Aron, the guide was scared to death with a group of 100 hunters now in front of him. What would he say to the cave leader, that he guided 100 people to the grasslands on the north east side.

Aron: oke we are going to need some wood to capture at least a few young horses. How more we can get how better for us. If we kill a few it doesn't matter because we promised our guide a horse.

Jack: capturing horses sounds fun, did we already spot a few horses? If so do we know what we're going to be dealing with.

Chloe: We didn't see a single one so far.

Aron did make sure the preparations for capturing the horses was in full swing before scouting the grassland for horses with a few people. They did find traces of horses but they couldn't find any horses that they.

The next day all preparations where done, and again a few people started scouting. The woodworker and builders now backtracking clearing a path to the settlement. The builder now building a few observation posts around the forest edge.

The guide was looking stunned, the most people around him where doing nothing. Only a few scouting and 3 people did do something that he didn't understand at all. The 3 people doing something he didn't understand did get protected by a group of sturdy looking hunters.

Guide: Chloe can you please tell me what is going on.

Chloe: Don't worry about what they are doing just eat until your full and enjoy the weather.

Kiara: and if the weather isn't nice just go in to one of the tents we setup before that.

Jack: That is something I can do. Setup the tents thanks for that Kiara I was getting bored. Almost started stabbing a tree to dead.

When Jack started to take out a tent out of his spatial bag the guide finally lost it. Eyes open and not responding to anything. Of course that didn't slow down Jack at all he was building up tent after tent until Aron came back.

Jack: Any luck?

Aron: Not really, it shows horses are passing but it's been days. I hope they will show up one of these days.

The next morning started the same, the woodworkers and builder slept in the hunter camp and did go back to work. Now another team did follow them for protection, and let faith have ot the could kill one bunny.

At the grassland they still didn't have any luck, people did get bored for real. Jack did tell the some of the hunters to go look for fruits and vegetables and perhaps some other animals in the forest. More people wanted to join leaving only Jack, Chloe, Kiara, Daisy and the guide at the campsite.

Jack now doing some push-ups was waiting for probably the same news again. After a full day of training Aron came back to an almost empty campsite and could only shake his head and smile at the same time.

Aron: Did any of you send them of to hunt?

Jack: yes that was me, couldn't stand it anymore. Any luck on your scouting trip?

Aron: Nope, let's hope the boys and girls have more luck.

At dinner they had some fresh fruit thanks to the bored team. They would probably do the same tomorrow and the days after if they couldn't find any horses. The next 7 days nothing special happened. On day 8 Aron could feel the ground shaking when he woke up.

He was not the only one that did wake up, a huge herd of horses was passing by slowly 300 meters away from them. Aron quickly woke up everyone, they took the pre-made fences and did run past the horses blocking their path. Slowly a circle started to form around the horses. The horses did see the humans but because they didn't intend to kill them they didn't feel the danger until they did get enclosed.

Kiara counted 10 foals, 40 mare, 2 stallions one old and one younger. Aron told Chloe to kill the old one when he would be alone and give him to the guide as thanks foe leading them to this spot.

Aron took out a lot of ropes made by the tailors.

Aron: Who knows how to use a lasso? If no one knows we can practice a lot we have 51 horses to catch.

Jack: I never did it before but let me try.

Daisy: Give me one I will show you how it's done.

Like a proper cowgirl she took a lasso and did trow it in one go on the neck of one of the horses. Aron now giving her another one and she did it again and again and jet again. The boys that came from earth looking now with a newfound respect at Daisy.

Daisy was a good hunter with shooting arrows bit now showing old skills from earth was just to exiting. In the end she did catch all except the old stallion got her bow and arrow and shot it in the eye killing it.

Daisy: That is how you do it boys. Looks after 50 times you get a new skill.

Daisy's system.

[New skill, lasso trow, lvl 5, uses rope]

Aron: now let's head back home.

That is how they left the guide behind with a dead stallion and no one to help him. So he thought, Ivy was watching him from the distance making sure he could tell his people about what he saw.