
Otaku Reincarnation

In "Otaku Reincarnation," meet Kenneth Ponce, the high school superstar, hailed as the next basketball sensation by numerous media outlets. His world came crashing down when he was unexpectedly dumped by his girlfriend, leaving him utterly disheartened. Lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice the looming truck that was about to change his fate forever. As the impact took him by surprise, Kenneth's consciousness shifted, and when he regained awareness, he found himself in an entirely different realm—a world of magic, unlike anything he had ever imagined. Now, armed with newfound powers and surrounded by mystical wonders, Kenneth embarks on an extraordinary journey filled with unexpected challenges and magical discoveries. Will he find a way to navigate this enchanting world and unlock the secrets of his magical rebirth?

Karunezune · 奇幻
9 Chs

6. The Disturbance

The town of Goodwill bore a striking resemblance to my hometown, or perhaps it felt more like the city where I spent my teenage years. The name itself, Goodwill, held a strange familiarity, as if I had stumbled upon a piece of my past in this enchanting world.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed Ruby's concerned gaze as she called out to me, "Kāru? Are you okay?"

Startled by her voice, I quickly snapped out of my daydreaming and met her concerned eyes. "I am okay, big sis," I reassured her with a smile. "I just got a little excited for the test with Teacher Guinevere."

"If you say so, come here hold my hands." Ruby reaching out for my hand. I quicken my pace to grab her hands.

As we walked together, I couldn't help but marvel at the unique educational system in this world. Unlike my previous world, where we had to follow a fixed path through kindergarten, elementary, high school, and so on, here, children were granted the freedom to choose their subjects.

Mathematics, languages, livelihood, sports, and health were some of the options available, each offering valuable skills and knowledge. The advanced subjects came later, allowing the children to explore and develop their passions and interests. I won't have to learn math since I was born in it, Duh...

Ruby's soft and delicate hands intertwined with mine, a contrast to the strength she gained from practicing sword styles with our father, Karune. Her question took me by surprise, and for a moment, I hesitated to answer.

"Uhh... I haven't seen mother that much," I began, my thoughts trying to piece together my feelings. "Father, meanwhile, was always there to teach me things and spend time with me."

I paused, considering my words carefully. The truth was, despite Katalina's absence during most of my babyhood, she occasionally kept tabs on me, especially during the night. I couldn't deny the bond I felt with her as my mother.

"I think it's a tie between you and father," I finally answered, trying to be diplomatic. It wasn't an easy decision to make, as my heart felt a connection to both Ruby and our father. Each of them held a special place in my life, and I didn't want to choose one over the other.

Ruby's smirk widened, and her affectionate words warmed my heart. "I like you too, Kāru. My lovely little brother," she said, her crimson eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Growing up as an only child, I had never experienced the bond of a sister or brother. In my previous world, the pressure of the household often fell solely on me, and I longed for the warmth of sibling love.

As we continued our walk through Goodwill, I couldn't help but notice Niana stealing glances at us from the corner of her eye. Whenever I looked her way, she would quickly avert her gaze, as if trying to hide her curiosity. It intrigued me, and I wondered what thoughts lay behind those shy, expressive eyes. Maybe she has a crush on me?

Guinevere's voice cut through the air, filled with determination. "This is it. The disturbance, or more like a distortion," she announced, halting in front of a narrow alleyway.

Ordinary humans wouldn't be able to perceive it, but thanks to my secret classroom teachings, I had learned Partial Passive Identification. With this ability, I could discern distortions and disturbances that others couldn't. However, focusing too intensely on my surroundings sometimes led to unexpected and rather embarrassing sights.

As I inadvertently focused too much, the world seemed to blur momentarily, and my gaze unintentionally went beyond the surface of reality. I found myself face-to-face with Beatrice and Elizabeth's undergarments. Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I quickly lost my balance, landing awkwardly on my butt.

My cheeks burned with embarrassment, but I quickly regained my composure. I may have accidentally glimpsed something I shouldn't have, but I was not one to be a peeping tom. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but notice the popularity of white panties in this town, a peculiar observation that lingered in my mind.

Ruby's worried gaze met mine as she asked, "Kāru, are you okay?"

I stood up, grasping her hands to reassure her, "I-I was just surprised by the distortion," I said, trying to brush off my awkward moment as casually as possible.

Guinevere's eyes widened with curiosity, "Did you say you can see it?" she inquired, her interest piqued by my remark.

"Yes, it's like the wall is whirling and spinning, and it's disorienting," I explained, trying my best to convey my experience with the distortion. Is Partial Passive Identification really that challenging to master?

Guinevere approached me and firmly held my shoulders, her gaze intense and serious. "When did you learn Auto Identification?" she inquired, her curiosity mixed with concern.

"From the books in the library, but I've only managed to learn Partial Passive Identification," I replied, trying my best to maintain eye contact and steer away from any distractions—like her cleavage. The awkwardness of the situation wasn't lost on me, and I hoped I wouldn't embarrass myself further, those are F cups.

Guinevere let out a sigh of relief as she released her grip on my shoulders, chuckling lightly, "I thought I'd be in trouble for a moment there." Her eyebrows raised playfully as she continued, "Kāru, are you using it for...?"

I anticipated her assumptions and quickly cut her off, not wanting to let her imagination run wild. "No," I replied firmly, "I didn't learn this minor eye ability to peek at underwear or anything like that. I use it to identify things, like the distortion we're investigating."

"Guinevere chuckled softly and inquired, 'Are you sure? Lizie and Beatrice are right in front of you in that moment?'

Lizie's face flushed a deep shade of red, her eyes locked onto me, and she blurted out, 'WWHAT? Kāru, ARE YOU-'

"N-no! Big sis, I have no intention of using this in a perverted way. I just want to identify things," I sighed, hoping she'd finally understand.

"Don't worry, Elizabeth. No one would want to see your pan-" Zach's sentence was cut short as Lizie swiftly delivered an uppercut, landing hard on Zach's nose, stopping his words in their tracks."

Dude got packed and racked. Gotta give credit to Lizie he knocked the shit out off Zach.

Beatrice chuckled, though a trace of concern appeared on her face, "You shouldn't have said that, Zach. You know Lizie is VERY sensitive."

Niana went to check on Zach, while I stood beside the distortion, curious about its origin.

The alleyway was incredibly narrow, allowing only a Toyota Corolla to fit through. At the end of the alley, there was a stone wall or so I initially thought.

The swirling distortion occasionally shifted but always returned to its original form. Determined to see what lay beyond, I focused intently, but my efforts were in vain as the figures inside remained obscured.

There were at least 6-10 mysterious figures, each carrying something long on their waist, likely swords. First anime fight for me?

Guinevere leaned in closer and whispered, "Can you see them, Kāru? The figures?"

I nodded, whispering back, "Yes, teacher... I can see about 10 of them, and they seem to be carrying either swords or something else."

The commotion caught the attention of the other kids, but Ruby approached us, asking, "What's happening?"

Guinevere quickly hushed her, speaking in a low voice, "There are people trapped inside that distortion. It appears to be an Emperor-ranked dimension with a type C classification. I suspect someone powerful is behind this."

Ruby's voice quivered as she whispered, "Is there going to be a fight?"

Guinevere's expression turned serious as she nodded, "There will be, but I couldn't take them on by myself. As a Water-Priest, I fear that the Emperor-ranked opponent could easily match my abilities and lead us to a stalemate."

"So there isn't a huge gap in ranks?" I inquired in a hushed tone.

Guinevere nodded again, her eyes filled with determination, "There is a significant gap, but we must consider all variables. The opponent might possess greater speed and physical strength, making it a challenging encounter. It would be a statement of power and skill if I manage to hold my ground."

"Do you think we could win if Ruby and I joined the fight?" I whispered, my curiosity getting the best of me.

Guinevere carefully observed me, her gaze assessing, "I can't say for sure, as I haven't seen your abilities in action. However, Ruby is a Directional-Master."

I knew what that meant - Ruby had achieved a Master ranking in one of the Primal 4 Sword Styles: South, North, East, or West.

Ruby looked at both Guinevere and me, her expression filled with concern for my well-being, "Kāru, I don't want you to get hurt. If you do decide to join, promise me you'll rely on magic, not swords, okay?"

I nodded, assuring her, "Okay, I promise."

With determination in her eyes, Guinevere unsheathed a rapier with a brilliant blue gem in the middle.