
OP From The Start ( New World )

After saving Earth, Yao Yan goes to the other world through a warm hole because of Earth's security.

DaoistRuan · 奇幻
20 Chs

Chapter 14 . Breaking the Void

suddenly Yao Yan turned towards Yun Yun and looked at her and a strange devil smile appeared on his face

" what.., what are you thinking" seeing his face she taken back.

Yao Yan slowly approached Yun Yun and said something softly to her.

Upon hearing this, Yun Yun's mouth fell open, "No, no, I am too weak right now," Yao Yan jumped into the pond before she could say anything .

Yun Yun clutched her forehead, "This guy is also quite fearless, isn't he afraid to die?"

As soon as Yao Yan started walking towards that small island, Suddenly he felt a very powerful suppression, and suddenly a very terrible and strange energy came down on Yao Yan with a force from behind.

It was a huge snake with black smoke coming out of its body, which made an energy attack on Yao Yan from behind

The body of that snake was very huge, that snack had five heads in which each head had a different type of dominance power. there was a strange mark on the forehead of that snake, it seemed that the snake was under someone's control and was stationed there to protect that strange piece .

As soon as that snake threw an attack again its deadly poison with stange energy to Yao Yan from its mouth, although Yao Yan dodged that poison, but as soon as that poison touched the water of the pond, immediately that whole pond turned black and blue due to poison.

Yun Yun's face turned pale on seeing this, she was scared because Yao Yan also had somewhere to put his feet and the water in the pond had become very poisonous.

she unknowingly ran from there to yao yan ,

Before Yao Yan could restraint Yun Yun not to come there , Yun Yun came in front of Yao Yan and took the Python's Deadly Attack on herself.

Although Yun Yun took that attack on herself, but that snack was at the peak of Qi Emperor leve who was one level lower than Yun Yun , but his poison which was made up of a strange energy, his attack was so terrible that as soon as that attack fell Yun Yun fainted in an instant and blood splattered from her mouth far and wide.

Even a few splashes fell on the piece of strange energy that flew in the air, but Yao Yan did not know that the attack of that snack would be so terrible that it could even injure a Qi Supreme.

Seeing Yun Yun in such a bad condition, Yao Yan became very angry, and he angrily said, "I took you for a joke, and you hurt the one who was saving me , she was a beautiful woman too , do you even know how rare to meet a beautiful woman now a days . "

"Now you have to die, system unseal some seals" yao yan said angrily

Then suddenly there was a terrible atmosphere all around, the air there was so heavy that maybe a powerhouse could stay there for a while, otherwise it would die immediately.

There were red black clouds in the sky all around, the whole atmosphere seemed like death God had actually descended on this planet.

In the surrounding thousands of kilometers, animals and birds, even no insects were left, all were killed immediately under that powerful suppression.

Seeing all the environment, it seems that it is not a earth but a Hell where the king of death is standing.

As soon as the snack realized that it had messed with the wrong guy, it tried to run away, Yao Yan smiled " hmm, wanna run away"

As soon as Yao Yan raised his hand and pointed a finger at the snake, "a very thin, threadlike beam of energy shot out from there and landed on the snake's back."

The energy seemed to be attacked by a Cultivator of the Qi practioner realm, but as soon as that beam hit that snack .

The whole world suddenly came to a standstill, as if time had stopped there, as if the laws of this world had stopped working.

There was a strange sound all around as if a glass was breaking, but it was not the sound of the glass breaking, but it was the sound of the void breaking, thousands of kilometers of sky around that snake was broken like a piece of glass.

Stars, planets, and even black holes on that void were visible, that little attack was so powerful that the planet could not handle the power of that attack, and the void around it broke.

Yao Yan saw that he had taken too much power And the planet will not be able to bear this power of his. , immediately he sealed his power again.

after a while that void automatically started recovering again,

Then he looked at Yun Yun in worry, as he looked at Yun Yun, he was stunned at the sight,

That sight looked very beautiful, as if a goddess was standing there in front of Yao Yan, seeing whom even God himself would be tempted .

Yao Yan was a little dizzy when he saw her, it was as if someone was controlling him, and there was a strange and relaxed feeling of being in control,

Yao Yan was not able to control his emotions even if he wanted to, his powers of thinking and understanding were getting weaker.

He was wondering that there is such a power that can control even him.

Then suddenly his attention went to the island on the other side, where that strange piece was flying in the air.

And his eyes widened in shock