
One Punch Man: Light Human

A man is sent into the One Punch Man universe. Fortunately, he gets some powers to help him on his journey of becoming a hero. Semi-OP protagonist Slight AU elements (I noticed that there was a disturbing lack of One Punch fan-fics. So I created my own. First time writing, so any feedback is welcome)

Golden_Eye · 漫画同人
10 Chs

New Neighbor and Exam




(Asahi POV)

Standing on the roof of the hotel. Z city surely is one hell of a sight. To actually see this place with my own eyes makes all the difference.'Finding Saitama shouldn't be difficult, I just need to scope the area with my observation haki until I sense his strength.'

"Yata Mirror"

My body takes on a golden glow as I transform into light. Reflecting off the tall buildings I travel across the skyline at speeds that shouldn't be possible. The wind pushing against my body, 'This is awesome!' My childhood dreams of superpowers is finally true.

After a couple of minutes of soaring across the city. "Argh!" A sudden searing pain assaults my head. Forcing me to stop my light transformation and land on top of a building. The cause of this pain is clear: an apartment complex stands in front of me. Emanating an aura that is overwhelming my observation haki. 'Only one man could have such immense power. Damm, It seems that I have to tune down my observation haki when I am around Saitama'

With my now clear head I set my eyes on the entrance. In a sudden flash of light, I reach the gate. Pausing and taking a deep breath, 'Calm down, You're only going to live next to the strongest person on the planet' Walking inside, my attention fixated on the receptionist stationed at the front desk—a young woman with blonde hair, her appearance seemingly that of an ordinary human.

"Hey, I was looking to see if you have any units I can stay in" She seemed a little shocked that anyone would want to live in this part of town but gained her composure, "Yes, we have plenty of available units, I can give you a tour around to see which unit suits your needs best." We walk around the units until I tell her to stop. "I would like this one" The unit was the one next to Saitama's.

"Wonderful, now follow me as I get the paperwork for you" Back to the front desk, I sign the paperwork needed for my rent. "Now, here are your keys, do not lose them or it will cost you extra" She said with a smile. I extend my thanks as I head to my new apartment. Entering my unit and setting my suitcase down, the sudden realization hit me,'I have nothing to put in this apartment. Man, I need to go shopping'


Exploring the streets of Z city is an unforgettable experience. The area around my apartment is a ghost town but the rest of the city is quite lively. Shopping for clothes and food was easy enough. My account balance lets me purchase anything I need. Zipping away in flash of light. I reach my apartment and put away all the groceries, but more stuff needs to be brought.

After two hours of shopping for various things. I chose to spend the rest of my evening assembling the furniture. A considerable amount of time was spent trying but failing to set up the TV. With all that finished, there is one thing I should probably do before it gets too late. 'Talk to Saitama'

Taking a gift basket that I purchased from a shop. 'I hope it does not go awkward' I stop in front of his door and knock. It soon opens and reveals the bald man himself. "Hi, my name is Asahi and I just moved in next door and I thought I'd bring a little something to say hello"

Saitama blinked in mild surprise at the visitor but quickly returned to normal. "Oh, okay, my name is Saitama" he responded in a monotone voice, taking the basket without much reaction. He glanced inside briefly before looking back at Asahi, a hint of curiosity barely noticeable in his blank gaze. "Thanks."

"You're welcome! I thought it'd be nice to say hello since we're neighbors now." I replied with a smile trying to maintain a friendly atmosphere.

Saitama simply nodded, his expression unchanged, giving off an air of indifference. "Sure, have a good night" he replied in his usual detached manner, before closing the door without another word, leaving Asahi to return to his apartment feeling slightly confused by the encounter.

I sigh 'Well, that could have gone worse' Thinking of future scenarios 'Seems I need a different approach, maybe be more direct. That worked for Genos.' I head back into my apartment and decide to get some sleep for the first time in this brand new world.


Stirring up from my slumber, the sunglight invaded all parts of my room. Getting up and stretching, I feel a surge of determination wash over me. Opening the patio to enjoy the sun on my skin, I embrace the view for a while then head back inside.

As I enjoy my breakfast, I turn on the news to hear today's broadcast. "Breaking News, a demon level threat as been identified in Y-City! All people in the vicinity have been told to evacuate as heroes enter the scene" The harsh reality of this world sunk in.

'In a world as merciless as this, I need to step up and become a hero soon. It's the best way I can truly make a difference.' Retrieving my phone, I swiftly searched for how to enlist in the Hero Association, eager to take the first steps toward contributing to the fight against monsters.

Fortunately, there is an Hero Certification Exam today and all I need to enter is just to show up. 'Well, I know what I am going to do today.' The mere idea of getting my hero rank filled me with excitement for the upcoming exam. Now dressed with my brand new clothes, I head off the exam site at breakneck speeds.


The atmosphere around Hero Certification Exam was crackling with energy. A diverse group of individuals from every conceivable background, each harboring aspirations of donning the mantle of a hero. The venue itself thrummed with life, a cacophony of voices together in excited conversation, filling the space with an air of eager anticipation.

A resounding speaker voice echoed through the venue, commanding attention, "All participants, please proceed to Section A for the written examination." The mob of people quickly crammed their way into the auditorium as they readied themselves for the first part of the assessment.

(Asahi POV)

Looking down at my paper, my face turns serious. 'I have to do well if I want to get a good rank' The first few questions tell me a harsh truth. 'This is not going to be easy, I can see why Saitama struggled so much with this'


"Time's Up!"

With that I turn in my test and begin the path to the fitness test. I gain a devilish smirk,'Now for the fun part' Instructors split us apart into two lines. Positioned at the forefront, I brimmed with confidence, prepared to complete this physical assessment with ease.

Eventually, my turn arrives. Stepping forward to the white line, I face the instructor who holds up his clipboard. "Alright, let's start with lateral jumps for 30 seconds, and begin!"

Swiftly activating my devil fruit power, a bright golden aura envelops me, and my side jumps turn into a blur, propelled by my now weightless body.

The whole room fell into a shocked silence, as people saw speed that surpassed all the previous participants by several magnitudes. Most bewildered was the Instructors as they have had experience with many participants yet not at all this fast.

The instructor regained his composure, jotting down notes as he steadied himself. "Proceed to the weightlifting," he directed, gesturing towards a series of bars, each varying in weight. Positioned before the largest bar, I assessed its weight estimating it to be around 10 tons based on its sheer size. With a determined grunt, I hoisted the weight above my head, the effort apparent in the visible flex of my muscles.

"That's enough. Follow me," the instructor's astonishment still lingering in his face, he guided me toward a lengthy track. "Next up, the 1500-meter dash! Start at the sound of the gun," he announced, his eyes fixed intently on my impending action.


At the sharp report of the starting gun, I instantaneously condensed into a radiant beam of light, streaking across the track and reaching the finish line in a fraction of a heartbeat. The stunned silence that followed spoke volumes, as the instructor and the assembled members watched my return.

The remaining tests that followed were a breeze, ranging from vertical jumps to a whack-a-mole challenge, a punching test, and a series of other weird trials. Following the completion of the test, I was directed to the locker room to change and await my results.



I scored a 89 on the exam. 'I know that I passed that the physical it must be the written part that set me back points.' It doesn't bother me as now begins my journey as a hero. An announcement blares over the speaker. "A seminar for successful applicants will begin at 16:00"

'That's my cue' From there I locate the classroom. Finding a seat among the various other heroes. As soon as everyone sits down, someone steps up to the podium. "Congratulations on passing; you are now officially registered as heroes. HOWEVER, you still have much to learn about what it truly means to be a hero," the man, also known as the A-rank hero "Biting Snake Fist," commenced the lecture on various protocols and expectations mandated for members of the Hero Association.

After what felt like the longest three hours of my life, we were all dismissed, each of us now burdened with the newfound responsibilities that come with being a hero. Stepping outside, I flash away into the distance.

Weird Chapter, the scene with Saitama was shorter than I expected so I combined it with the Hero Exam.

Also check out DivineMelon’s fans fic OPM: Normal Neighbor

Golden_Eyecreators' thoughts