Kaito Miller, a Japanese-American college student and explorer, found himself reincarnated in the world of One Piece ten years ago. Meeting Garp, a Marine on a mission to eradicate pirates, Kaito became his apprentice. Over the next decade, Kaito lived the life of a Marine soldier, embarking on thrilling adventures and fierce battles throughout the Grand Line. However, the World Nobles incident shattered his faith in the Marines. Severely injured, he escaped and joined Luffy. Kaito became Luffy's vice-captain, accustomed to the role of the level-headed planner for his often impulsive captain. Kaito's penchant for calculated moves and his ability to foresee potential challenges earned him the respect of his crewmates, reminiscent of the legendary vice-captain, Beckman. With reference from MTL Novel Reborn One Piece: Vice Captain, I've taken the liberty of rephrasing this excerpt to provide a more engaging and coherent narrative while maintaining the essence of the original story.