
One Piece: Rules of Justice

A girl dies and is reborn into the World of Pirates. Will she fall to the terror of the sea, or will she become a pillar of that world? Read Chapters Ahead at P@treon.com/KillerDJ2023

Kingkillerdj2023 · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chapter 6: The Hero

Star awoke the next morning, this time in her bed, as she began to think the events from the night before were just a dream.

However, these thoughts were dispelled once she rolled over to see both her mother and father sitting in chairs near her bed.

Her mother was completely asleep while looking as if she had been crying while her father stared at her with an unreadable expression.

"Star." He started, his voice seeming to have a strict edge, showing that he would get answers to whatever questions he had.

"Why did you leave the bunker? What did you do back there? Your Mother explained to me that you ate a Devil Fruit a few days ago, but what sort of fruit would give you such inhuman levels of physical strength and also allow you to choke people from a distance?" John asked.

"I snuck out because I wanted to see what was going on. I didn't know that it would be pirates, nor that they would be that evil. I saw them treating you like that, and it just made me so angry that I used my fruit to increase my strength and control the air." Star answered, seemingly still a bit frightful at what had previously occurred.

John simply pulled her into a hug, while John continued to explain to what she did wrong.

"Star. We have always known you were smarter than normal children. However, we always considered it a blessing to have a child with such intelligence and curiosity. However, that curiosity can be dangerous if you don't keep it in check. The next time a situation like this happens, be sure to follow the instructions that we give you. Your Mother nearly worried herself to death, so be sure to apologize."

John then got up while lifting Ann in his arms, the wound on his face somewhat still showing as he lifted her up.

"But I'm proud of you for standing up to evil." John added as he was about to exit from the room.

"Wait! Who saved us?" Star asked as she only remembered the word on the back of the man.

John turned around slightly and smiled as he answered

"The Hero of The Marines, Garp The Fist."


On a warship with a dog image at the forefront of it, a man stood at the front of it with his coat swaying in the wind while he spoke to someone on the other side of the transponder snail.

"A pirate crew was able to get that close to their island? What the hell was the information department doing? If I hadn't had been going on vacation, I wouldn't have been in the area!" Garp yelled to the person on the opposite end of the snail.

The snail grew an angry tick mark on it as it yelled back at Garp.

"AND WHO APPROVED YOU TO GO ON VACATION BASTARD. But you're right, we need to discover if there is a lack in our investigation department. And you need to report back to Headquarters. Understood?" The person on the opposite end of the snail said to Garp, though he simply picked the ear wax out of his ear while they spoke the last part.

"Sure, sure. I'll come back as soon as possible, Sengoku. Just don't tell Kong." Garp said, after which he hung up and returned to the cabin.

However, as Garp entered, Bogard entered behind him.

"We were unable to determine how they were able to enter sir." He reported to Garp.

"Even if the Information Department was unable to determine the location of the pirates, we should have heard something about it. Maybe they weren't the direct goal, but a consequence of whatever was done." Garp said, his usual laziness not seen at all. 

"Make sure that this situation does not repeat." Garp said as he sat at his desk.

The man who had given these orders was not the Vice-Admiral of the Marines, but the Supreme Commander of a secret division of the Marines called S.W.O.R.D.

Garp thought back on the little girl he seen jump into danger, making him smile slightly as he thought to himself.

'Perhaps the future will present a new pillar of justice to us.'