
One Piece: Beastmaster

This is a story of a guy who got transmigrated to the One Piece World, he has a system with too high requirements for operation. He was born in a small village of the One Piece world and does hardwork to improve so it's a slow pace story. The first beasts are Pokemon. Points about the story: 1 MC is not impulsive in making his name so he will build up slowly but steadily. 2. He won't become OP in 3 days because of the system but he will become good in some aspects. 3. He won't run after every one piece girl. Love interest hasn't been decided yet. *Disclaimer: I do not own one piece and its characters, it is own by oda-san* Lastly, English is not my first language, so I would request all to tolerate a little and please help me realise my mistakes by writing reviews. Thank you, Enjoy.

FT_Rhino · 奇幻
28 Chs

Decision and World

Rudeus was feeling as if a large weight was pressing him down, he tried to move but he couldn't; he looked around only to see darkness as if he was in some kind of void.

He tried to escape but it was no avail, he thought about his last memory which was falling asleep in one of the Back Cat Pirates boat.

'Did I die again' this was the question that kept on appearing on his mind; 'My life in the Berry Vine Village was taking such a good turn but this happened' he thought as he convinced himself that he was dead as he maybe couldn't evacuate all the people.

He started to remember all the memories he spent on the island, he remembered how he reacted when he first came to this world, how he thought of survival, how excited he became when he became aware of the system, his meeting with the marines, the training, the friends and finally his first summon and the fight with pirates; he thought he would feel something for killing so many people but all these felt as if it was not him now as if he had something missing in all these.

He didn't understand what was wrong with him and what that thing was which he felt empty. He looked through his memories again and again but didn't have anything.

A few hours went by; Rudeus finally came to the realization that what he was missing was a true life rather than living the moment and working towards his goals all he focused was the future which was not even related to his.

He thought; 'All I did was prepare for future but what future was I even preparing for when I don't have a dream; this world has so much to offer, so much to learn, so many places to see and so many people and species to meet. I don't want to rule, neither to have a harem nor to be a billionaire who sleeps on money, but I want to see it all what this world has to offer with my summons. I will become the greatest Beast Master and Adventurer, who has seen everything this world, has to offer.'

Rudeus felt as if his body became light as a feather, a warm sensation evolved around his body and he finally felt he could open his eyes.

Rudeus slowly opened his eyes only to see a wooden ceiling, the room was neither dark nor bright, he felt a cushion around his back, and he sat up and looked. He looked around the unknown surrounding, there was a table and chair in one corner, near his bed was a towel with a water bowel, he realized that someone rescued him from the boat and looking at how well they took care of him, he wasn't in danger atleast for now.

"Where am I?" Rudeus said as he was about to get up from the bed.

{System Notice:

Special Achievement: Blessing of the Sea

Description: Some special worlds have their own consciousness which tries to keep the world timeline intact and bless/eliminate people on the basis of friend or threat.

This world has many extraordinary consciousnesses, one of which manifest itself from the sea; 'Blessing of the Sea' would help the host to survive in sea.

Note: The blessing will be taken away on violating the will of sea; example: eating a Devil Fruit}

"Blessing of the Sea, was it what I felt, sounds like a hidden achievement of RPG game." Rudeus laughed as he said this but then he snapped as he realized something;

"System, tell me something, am I in the original timeline of One Piece and you said that the consciousness protects the timeline so isn't my presence a threat to the timeline and finally if it is so, then what would have happened if I had killed Black Cat Pirates completely?" Rudeus asked restlessly.

{This is not the 'original' timeline as due to the protection of the world consciousness it is near impossible to make changes to the 'original' timeline. 'Original' timeline maintains the stability of the other timeline by never changing.

As for the Host concern, Host does not need to be worried, as this is not the 'original' timeline; so Host presence won't be threatened until and unless Host makes any changes that threatened the vitality of this world.

As for the Host last quarry, if the Host had killed the Black Cat Pirates it wouldn't harm Host; because their presence wasn't a vital part for changing the timeline but the Host may had been warned by the consciousness.}

Rudeus expression kept on changing from shock to speechlessness. He understood that the world wouldn't harm him necessarily but might reward him if he didn't harm the timeline too badly.

Rudeus then remembered about the mission reward, he was alive so he should get the reward; "System, I want to check the mission report"

{System Mission Service:

Mission: Stop the New Pirates.

Mission Report: Success.

Mission Reward: 1 Lucky Draw [Beast], 1MP potion, 2000pts.}

"I know about lucky draw and system points but what is this MP potion, I don't remember seeing it in the SSS" Rudeus asked the system.

{MP potion: it is a vial of potion only available on certain system mission. It is a potion which can help to train MP drinking MP potion would increase MP training efficiency exponentially. It can also heal soul.

Note: The mind goes on a meditative state of consumption, so Host is advice to take carefully.}

Rudeus almost jumped in joy when he got such a reward, he controlled his emotion and asked the system; "System show me my Status"


{Name: Rudeus

Age- 8 years

Sex- Male

Strength- 13

Agility- 17

MP- 13

Skill- Swordsmanship, Archery, Sailing,…etc.

Special Skill- nil

Special Power- Voice of Heart (involuntary)


"Voice of Heart, system what is that?" Rudeus asked seeing something new in the power section.

{Voice of Heart is a special power of the voice which could induce emotion on the listener. Summoners are generally more sensitive to emotions; it is a common skill among summoners. Host has no control over it right now so it is classified as involuntary}

Rudeus was about to ask more but stopped when he heard someone coming, he waited for the other party to come inside; after some time the door of the room slowly opened as a old man came inside.