
The Birth

Once upon a time, in the heart of Africa, on February 27, in the early 90s, a boy named Ndukwe arrived into this world. He was born with green eyes and a curly hair. This trait is not common with Africans, and none of his ancestors had a green eyes or curly hair; it makes him different and rare.

Pastor said "Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward (psalm127:3, On the day of his dedication) and urge his family, congregation and society to accept Ndukwe as one of them just the way he is.

Ndukwe's parents were very religious (Christian) and hardworking. Mr. Kalu was a Businessman while Mrs. Kalu ( Ngozi) was a secondary school teacher. Both of them were educated, but Mr. Kalu chose to continue his dad's legacy and Textile business.

Mr. Kalu got married to Ngozi (Ndukwe's mother) when he was just 24 years old, while Ngozi was 19 years old. Both of them were Raised in a small village named Abiriba pronounced [/E`biriba`/]// is an ancient Enuda kingdom in Abia State, in southeastern Nigeria, traditionally an Igbo speaking region (rich kingdom endowed with both human and natural resources, The kingdom has been in existence for over 600 years and is ruled by a Paramount Ruler known as Eze). Mr. Kalu was from Ameke, while Mrs. Kalu (Ngozi) was from Amogudu village.

Abiriba is made up of three main villages: Ameke, Amogudu, Agboji and it operates a monarchical system.It operates on a tripodal system where the Eze of each of the three communities come together to form the Enachioken-in-council with the Eze Ameke as Enachioken(King) on the basis of first among equals.

Mr. Kalu and Ngozi attended the same school, Enuda High School Abriba, and became lovers. They got married at a very young age (24 and 19). But it took them over 10 years to be able to have a child. After a long try and search for a child, God finally blessed them with Ndukwe who was their first child.

Ndukwe is a precocious child, who has the ability to understand things that a 50-year-old man would not understand. He was just 10 years old at that time. But it was as if God invested knowledge and wisdom inside of him that scares everyone around him.

He began to walk when he was 4 months old and started talking when he was 9 months old. The first word he said was " God is Real." His dad was scared, but his mom knew that her son is special and remembered what the pastor had said on the day of his dedication. And they should accept him just the way he is.

Life is more than Riches and wealth

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