
Not Human: Moon's Favor

People hate the different and fear what they don't know. He is both Being hunted, chased, and feared. How can he endure such hardship? He never killed anyone and help those in need. What for? The people he spared came to hunt him and the people he helped betrayed him, Just because he is not human.

SouthRiverSlowFish · 奇幻
1 Chs

The Curse and The Blessing

Can you call it a blessing?

Can you call it a curse?

A little bit of both, perhaps?

I don't know how. I don't know why. This is the story of me blessed by the moon and cursed by the people.

Where does it all start?

It was a peaceful day. I was bringing water from the well before I notice the other villagers were gathering at the town square. I quickly went to see what was happening.

"What's with the crowd?" I asked

"A wandering prophet visited the village chief, I was trying to eavesdrop, and when I noticed there's already a crowd trying to know what they talked about" He answered

The village chief came out of his house and took a moment to look at the crowds of curious villagers.

(Mutterings) Villagers were gossiping with unquenchable curiosity.

Chief's expression is that of someone who fears an outcome before announcing it with a trembling voice.

"The prophet had a prophecy, there will be a monster that can cause hundreds of death here at our village"

The curious crowd took only a moment to process this information. Then chaos occurred. Panic spread across all of the villagers and they demand the village chief find a solution. I stood there thinking that I might die from the monster the prophet talked about and looked up to the moon thinking it was my last chance to see it. But how wrong I was. Out of nowhere, I began feeling tickled all over my body. All I can hear was the crowd shouting and panicking around me.


When I came to my sense I had already become a giant wolf walking on two legs, I had become a monster.