
Not Fit For Freedom

"Are you sure?" "Yes, I am." Water Glaze is given an opportunity to go into any novel world he has written and he has chosen "Author's Trouble" in which the main character is reincarnated into there novel. ================== A/N: I rewrote the whole story and this is the 3rd and final one. Do comment if I make any mistakes.

Untrusted_Author · 奇幻
4 Chs

0.2 - About The World

‹Author's Troubles› is the story world Water Glaze selected to be reincarnated. It takes place in a world named ‹Watze›.

Watze was a special world as it absorbed all the surrounding worlds in it's universe and remained as a single world universe.

At the beginning when Watze absorbed the surrounding planets there wasn't a single day when a war didn't happen between the different races for land and power.

The people of all races were screaming for an hero to unite the world. But every hero was either killed or disappeared without any traces left. That was until Isabella Salvation a single human girl came out of nowhere and destroyed every race's leader and united the world.


After reincarnating Water Glaze was infront of a women who was beautiful with her green hair and attractive green eyes which were the same as him.

As soon as Water appeared infront of her he didn't even give her a chance to get suprised and said to her

"I love you. Let's get married."

All that poor girl could say was "Huh?"

"Wait! wait! wait! Let me get my shit together and process the situation."

The girl shouted.

"Yes, feel free to take your time. But no more than an hour ok?"

"Some weirdo suddenly appeared infront of me and proposed to me out of nowhere and he's making a face which says he'll die if I reject him?"

The girl muttered to herself.

"Being called a weirdo by the girl you love hurts you know?"

"Wtf!? You heard that?"

"Yes, loud and clear"

"Hmm... So, who are you?"

The girl ignored everything else and started asking the weird boy about himself.

"Oh! I'm Water Glaze and I'll be your future husband if you allow me to."

"Yay, that didn't work."

"Well, that's too bad I guess."

'He is handsome enough to be my husband I guess? But I don't know anything about this guy. What should I do?'

The girl though seriously.

"Take good care of me from now on husband."

Maybe she wasn't thinking that seriously after all.

"Yay, I'll do that."


To be continued...