On a night of seeming enchantment, young Tinashe finally meets the love of of his life. She who has remained nameless and faceless until this night of seeming enchantment, the gentle voice who has kept him awake on many a restless night gently be speaking quietly to his heart, when he has lay awake, tossing and turning in bed, thinking of her.
On the outskirts of the city,"Tinashe(24) is chatting with, old Bere(53) where they sit on stools while Mrs Bere is sitting on a reed mat.
"It is good that you are back, Tinashe".
"It is good be back uncle", Tinashe replied smiling warmly.
"Unfortunately all is not well at home", said Bere. "The dark cloud that does not bear rain is a bad omen. What it brings is evil".
"What is it", Tinashe asked his face a mask of concern.
"Ever since the separation between your parents, the situation with your father has been getting worse,until now", Bere went on to explain.
"What has my father done this time, uncle?" a concerned looking Tinashe asked.
"Your father has taken up with a girl who is even younger than your little sister whom he intends to marry".
"What!?" asked a shocked looking Tinashe.
"That's not even the worst part, he intends to give your inheritance as an engagement gift to this child bride of his!"
"What!?", a shocked looking Tinashe exclaimed aloud in disbelief.
"That which has always belonged in the family, being handed down through the generations from father to son, ensuring that the family and by extension the clan has always been taken care of through the ages is in danger of being given into the hands of strangers".
"That is the calamity that hangs over us all like a dark cloud. That which has sustained the family is about to be given away, endangering the continued well being of the family".
"That is what I called you here to tell you", said Bere, "I felt it my duty to let you know what has been going on in your absence".
"But uncle is there nothing that you can do?", Tinashe implored Bere.
"My hands are tied on this one .It is not my place to act but for you his son to act. After all it is your inheritance that is about to be stolen. In fact we your family, as well as the clan demand action, we your family demand that you act!"
"Uhm! added Mrs Bhere with finality".
"The ball is in your court. It is up to you to decide on a course of action. I can only support your decision", said Bere.
"I promise, I will act", said Tinashe.
"Uh hm", contentedly nodding his head.
Later that afternoon, at the offices of Marova import and export, people set on chairs lined up in a corridor outside the reception waiting to be interviewed. Nomalanga walked in and went straight to the reception.
"What a relief to see so many people still seated outside, I was beginning to get worried. I thought I was late for the interview", Nomalanga remarked to the receptionist Tariro.
"Actually not at all the interviews are yet to begin. Mr Marova is engaged in an overseas business call, hence everyone is still waiting", replied Tariro pleasantly.
"Oh good", went on Nomalanga, "by the way you said he was single?"
"Actually I didn't, so stop fishing", Tariro smiled up at her friend.
"Ok I admit I was trying to trick you, but what's his marital status?", asked Nomalanga.
"I thought you came for a job interview, what's his status got to do with you?"queried Tariro curiously.
"I hear he is devilishly good looking", pressed on Nomalanga with a mischievious smile playing on her lips.
"Hold it right there, he is an old man", said Tariro smiling at her friend.
"Ok so he is an old man, I get that and that's fine too", proceeded Nomalanga.
"I know that tone remarked Tariro playfully what are you getting".
"An old goat like him has plenty of old wool that can keep a girl warm in these tough economic times", Nomalanga smiled mischievously.
"You're hopeless", said Tariro,
The office phone on Tariro's desk rang and Tariro picking up the receiver put it to her ear.
"Yes sir I still have the file containing the list of successful candidates", said Tariro speaking into the receiver."Ok say, on my way".
Tariro stood up and picking up a folder on her desk headed to Mr Marova's office.
Tinashe arrived at Marova Import and Export. He went straight to Mr Marova snr's office and entered without knocking.
Both Mr Marova and Tariro looked up at Tinashe as he stood in the open door way.
"Sorry for not announcing myself, there was no one at reception", Tinashe explained as his father looked and Tariro looked at him in surprise.
"Let me talk to my son for a while, we can carry on later", Mr Marova said pleasantly to Tariro.
Tariro turned to walk out of the office and bumped into to Tinashe as he walked in and dropped the folder.
Tinashe quickly dropped to one knee to pick up the folder just as Tariro stooped and picked it up.
Tinashe momentarily stared into Tariro's face as she looked up from the floor. In that moment his heart raced like a thorough bred, time seemed to stop. As they both rose to their feet, Tinashe was left staring after her as Tariro walked out of the office carrying the folder in her hands.
"You wanted to see me", Mr Marova's voice broke in calling Tinashe back to reality.
"Who was that?", asked Nomalanga as Tariro settled herself in her chair at reception.
"That was the Mr Marova's son whom I had been told was studying medicine abroad".
"He is fine, commented", Nomalanga.