
I Want Us To Be Friend 2

"who are you looking for"lu bachang words startled su mei

"I thought I saw a picture flash light directed at us"su mei answered scanning the crowd

"even if someone took pictures of us it not harmful"lu bachang spoke as he scanned the crowd but found nothing suspicious then returned his to su mei

she cleared her throat then asked"what is it you want to discuss with me?"she hit the nail on the head

"uh...actually it is about what happened between you and your family,that is if you want to talk about it"he knew what he asked was her private life,but it was what he could think of at the moment,the shade of green in his eyes changed from normal green to a shade of sea green,su mei thought 'how does he do that,weird'

"there is nothing to hide anyway,it is obvious that I want to get revenge on that family,my mother ran away when I was just 1 year old,so I was told,my ex-father xia tang married his lover xia lei and she bore him a girl and that was xia xi,for years I neglected,left out in everything and I was ugly,so ugly that a mirror would break each time I look myself in it,seriously it would just break,when I turned 19 I had a boyfriend cheng tan,he always made feel special,but xia xi set me up that I was having a love affair with someone else,you know I was so ugly that I thanked my creator for making me have cheng tan as my boyfriend,but did you know cheng tan believed xia xi,now am thinking cheng tan was with me so he could get on my 'father' good book when he later knew that my'father' and I were mortal enemies he started to act distant,anyway let me continue 2 weeks later I found out they were dating"su mei scoffed and said"I wasn't devastated,no,I wasn't at all,I decided to stay from home and stay at my college hostel,during the holidays,I went back home,I didn't know xia xi wants me kicked out of the house,so she framed me up for trying to kill her,my father believed her,he almost got me arrested,but xia xi begged like she was in the right,but told my dad that she i scared that I would try to kill her because am angry that she is dating cheng tan,my foster father threw me out of the house,froze all of my accounts,,I turned to his relatives I thought they were my own,but they turned their backs on me,I was wondering why,now I see why because I wasn't xia tang real daughter,frustrated with my life I tried to kill myself by jumping off a building,as I was about to jump off,someone grabbed me back and gave me a hard slap,it was the su family second son su lang,I didn't know he followed me,he said his mind told him to follow,he took to his family house,I narrated everything to them,they adopted me,changed my name from xia mei to su mei,now they don't even know that am not a real xia in the first place"she paused and continued"I just wish that I don't even have a family,I they would have died in an accident,it would be pleasing than to see my parents abandon me in a hell of a house"su mei cursed

"don't say that"lu bachang told su mei

"you don't know how it feels like,to know you the family you have been living with are not your real family and that your parents abandon you to suffer"

10 facts I know about You

1. You can't see yourself without looking at the mirror

2. You can't breathe with your tongue sticking out

3.You didn't only do it,but you realized that you look like a dog

4.You are laughing right now

6.You are going to read the next line,no matter how hard you try not to

7.You skipped number 5

8.You just checked to see if there is number 5

9.I caught you& you are smiling right now

10.I just made you read nine facts not ten and you are agreeing with me ^-^

moneyhoneycreators' thoughts