
my fiancé is who

3 years later

Iruka -And this concludes the your time in the Academy can I please have these three students come forward Naruto Uzumaki , Sasuke Uchiha, and Neji Hyūga

All- yes sensei

Iruka - you are going to meet your sensei at the entrance of the village

15 minutes later

( Outside Village gate )

Naruto- well I'm glad you're my team but I wonder who Is going to be our sensei I mean with the three of us we should have someone who is actually able to teach us something —-

Sasuke - will you be quiet for now and let's just see what happens when he arrives

Hiruzen- I'm already here

Neji- look on top of the gate

Neji - I must say that I didn't expect someone of your caliber to be our sensei but I am very excited for the opportunity

Sasuke- we have a former hokage as our sensei but why ? I was expecting someone more I don't know younger

Naruto- yeah sorry Grandpa Hiruzen I love you but would you be able to take us on missions not only are you to noticeable but you are an old man

Hiruzen- You youngsters may be the future of the village but I was once the strongest person in the village you brats may be ahead of your time but I am sorry you three are not experienced in the shinobi :0world you brat raised in the safety of your Clan's protection

Sudden quest : First Lesson

Impress Hiruzen and defeat him In battle

Reward: ???

5 hours later

Neji - I've finally woken up after that beating from that old man hey system what are my rewards

System - [ Error. ] all rewards have been given to more suitable hosts [Alert ] one reward has been given it has been distributed amongst your existing abilities

Neji- what huh what does that mean system you've been given a

Neji- system could I use the same chakra I've been saving to help them both meet the conditions for this quest

System- well you can't achieve this right now with your current abilities but in the future you will be able to

Neji - I see so we just wait so now can I get my rewards

1 week later

Hiruzen- ok today is the day we take on our first mission 7 but before that there is a new addition to your team

Naruto- huh but you said that our team was not like other teams we are the strongest of our age group that's why we were chosen to have you as our sensei

Sasuke- and you said that this was because of the connection between our Clans and that the three of us were going to be the next heads of our clans so who could you add to our team that would fit that criteria

Hiruzen- well think about the clans that are here

Naruto- well we have the Uchiha Hyūga and the Uzumaki the only one that could be —- Nooo gramps don't tell me is it her please don't tell me it's ugly brute man girl cousin of mine ( turns around. ) ——-

Sakura - is that how you feel about me Naruto you shouldn't treat family like this ( Bam ). ( Naruto goes flying)

Hiruzen- let me introduce to you your new team member the heiress of the senju clan the granddaughter of my former student Lady Tsunade this young lady is a genius kunoichi who has mastered all basic skills in medical ninjutsu and don't forget that while being a senju with enormous chakra reserves she has by far the best chakra control of the four of you

Sakura - thank you for the introduction sensei I am happy to be apart of this team with you guys and I hope we can get along especially you Neji Hyūga

Neji- huh why me

Sakura - well because from this day forward you are going to be my fiancée

Neji- Huuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!!