
Chapter 518

"Is that seriously the only reason why you came over?" Cedric asked Alexi angrily. 

"Yep. I even have a mini army waiting outside your gates. I thought Aiden had gotten to you." Alexi said with a nod. "Hey, I'm suffering from second hand embarrassment here too. I don't want to walk into my friend having sex with his wife on top of their car!"

"Can we just agree to never talk about this again?" Cedric said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." Alexi said in agreement. "I don't want the others teasing me about how much of a cockblock I am?"

"Well you are a massive one!" Cedric told his friend. 

"I know I am." Alexi said with a grin.

"Disgusting." Adrianna said as she joined them once more, this time she was in much more sweats and one of Cedric's shirts.

"Wait, what do you mean the others?" Cedric asked as he gave Alexi a confused look.