
Never again will she be weak

She built empire from scratch to the top three international around the world in 20 years, lost everything and left with not even a penny. She and her brother and sister where from one of the 4 big family in country A , because of their enemies jealousy, hate, greed, they were kidnapped and lost for away from country A and was brought back at age 19 . They did not know how many enemy they had because of that they suffer they were frame they were even kick out of their family and suffer a lot after that, the enemy killed her, they kill her sister and brother is, they killed her children, and Took everything that belongs to her, after knowing some of her enemy, she tried to take revenge and died trying. What happened when God take pity on her and gave her a second chance to redo it all ? What will she do? Will she take her revenge? Oh well, she not go back and live her life as she want ? Cover in not mine

Twin_Jolie · 现代言情
4 Chs

See you in 4 years

When Jolie got home, she was happy that her grandmother was still alive, because she remembered. 4 years from mow her grandmother was murder. Jolie thought it was because of her her grandmother was kill, but the truth was far from it.

After talking to her grandmother Jolie went into her room to take some rest because of her rebirth she has not gotten some sleep before she can sleep, she was wake up with a loud bang of her door opening.

She looks up to see her twin sister and little brother look at her weirdly she gives a confused look asking" what do you guys wants "

They look at each other like they were talking with their eyes. I just look at them waiting or one of them to speak.

"Who was the first and last person you slept with." My twin sister Jovie asks.

I answered without thinking "aurora ".

"No way "they both said looking at me with disbelief in there, I look at them still confused after seeing the confuses in my face my little brother Dave said." That have not happened yet "that all he had to say for me to understand them. And we all started crying without saying anything after 10 minutes of crying we stop crying and hug each other. "So, you both got reborn to?" I ask them they both just nodded.

"So, what are we going to do before the stone family find us?" Jovie asks.

"First of all we need to get stronger and have more power than the 4 big family in Asia. Dave I'm going to send you to USA in two month and you Jovie, I will send you to France. " I said to them they both understood what I mean by that.

"I both this year power-ball tickets" I said to them.

" you remembered where the women bought it" they both ask at the sam time.

"Yes the lady was in front of me when she bought the tickets I was buying a water bottle after coming out of the hospital so when I just got out the hospital today I ran and bought 50 tickets to make sure I get it because I was 10 minutes early " I said to them

" danm you got Lady Luck on you that day" Dave said

" I will give each of you 1 billion dollars before you go abroad you have two month to write down your 10 years future plan and investment that you did or remember that made up roar in the country you at and make sure to not appear on television but make sure they know your name but not your face stay behind the scenes, and make sure you get in the special forces in the Amy in your country and at list have a captain rank before coming back to Asia one month before the stone family find us , and Dave from to day erase anything that can threaten are enemies make are backgrounds are simple to throw are enemies of guard, we only have to with each other after that we are all on are own." I said to them with a serious tone.

"What about you , don't forget you got kidnapped 1 year from now are you still planning on getting kidnapped "Dave ask because he was the one to find me and tip the army about my whereabouts.

"Yes that how I met my grandfather from are mom side so yes and make to tip them 4 years later ok there where 1 month away from creating the the bullet proof serum and the strength serum too ok don't forget ok" I said to Dave yup he the number one hacker in the hackers alliance in Asia.

" what I did not know I'll make sure to do what you tell me " he said

" ok I tell grandma you guys got a full scholarship from a different country and I got 500,000$ for saving a little girl From a rich family so remember what I told you guys now leave to sleep or and find someone you trust to be your right hand and a assistance because we not in legal age yet I already know whom I'm going to get Landon twins Blake and Jake somas sure to get someone that loyal to only you and good night " I said before getting in bed.

2 Month later

Jolie and her grandmother just came from the airport after sending Jovie and Dave to the airplane, grandma is still sad but happy for them .

"Grandma the new house will be ready in a month " Jolie said to grandma Sofia

" ok I'm going to sleep make sure you go to sleep early so you can grow up " she said laughing while going to her room

Jolie took out her phone and call her assistant Jake to get an update about her stocks and company that was just opened a week ago she call the company <king group > the outside world only knows that the chairman of the company is miss king and nothing else and the acting ceo is Blake Landon.

After talking to Jake Jolie went to her room to finish her ten years planed for her company her company will have part in every industry her memory are really good she can remember everything she saw or heard.

After a week Jolie give Blake a big book it the size of a dictionary on top of it it's said the company 10 years plan and on the back of it was a last number for a emergency there was just a name hacker king .

After that Jolie made Jake enlisted in the army and he left after a month and Jolie cut blake from talking to her for 10 years and she will call him when the time is over leaving him with 3 billion dollars After that day Jolie day was send like it was before.

1 year later

A 11 year old girl was walking in a alley to get home when a van stop in front of her but a bag in her head and carry her into the van and speed away he phone that was on the floor was open on a text message the she just send a minutes ago 'see you in 4 years ' after the van disappears a man came out of the shadow and took the phone and put it in his picket and walked away while whistling while he disappeared in the darkness.

Thank for reading

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