

 **Chapter 1023: What Will Happen at 200% Fusion Degree?**

Luo Qiankun didn't like tea or alcohol. His greatest hobby in life was simply sitting still.

He could sit motionless for a thousand years.

Lin Moyu left the star formation and came before Luo Qiankun. He respectfully saluted and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you, senior. Otherwise, this junior's breakthrough would have definitely encountered problems."

Lin Moyu's heart was as clear as a mirror. He was very aware that without the star formation and Luo Qiankun calling him over, even if he had tried to break through in the starry sky, there would have been an energy shortage.

At best, the breakthrough time would have been greatly prolonged, possibly taking months or even years.

At worst, the breakthrough would have failed or been incomplete.

Especially when facing the curse of the great world's runes, without the support of vast energy, Lin Moyu might not have been able to overcome it.

His talents, spells, would have been greatly weakened by the curse of the great world's runes.

For this, Lin Moyu felt nothing but gratitude in his heart.

Luo Qiankun slightly raised his eyelids and said, "Sit down and speak."

After Lin Moyu sat down, Luo Qiankun continued, "If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask. Perhaps this old man can help you understand."

Lin Moyu did have something on his mind, so he didn't beat around the bush and asked directly, "Senior, the fusion degree of my spells has exceeded 100%, reaching 110%. Does the senior know why?"

Luo Qiankun didn't think much of it and smiled slightly, "They are all stellar-level spells, right?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "Yes."

Luo Qiankun patiently explained, "The biggest difference between stellar-level spells and planetary-level spells is twofold. One is that they can bear laws, enhancing the power of the spells. Two is that as the level increases, stellar-level spells will continue to grow stronger, constantly breaking through limits, while planetary-level spells cannot do so."

"The fusion degree of your stellar-level spells has exceeded 100% because they have become stronger and can also bear more laws."

"You can try it out and see how many laws your spells can bear."

Lin Moyu sensed his own soul. Since reaching the True God realm, laws had fused into his soul. Now his entire soul world was permeated with the aura of the law of immortality.

A grayish-white mist of the two forces of the law, life and death, spread throughout his soul world like a thin fog.

The spell stars were also enveloped by the laws.

Lin Moyu tried infusing the laws into the spell stars, allowing them to bear the laws.

The entire process went very smoothly, and the spell stars quickly absorbed the laws Lin Moyu sent over.

1%, 2%, 3%...10%.

Lin Moyu infused all the laws he controlled without any issues, unlike before when the spell stars could only bear 1% of the laws.

Lin Moyu realized that the curse power of the great world's runes, although not completely eliminated, had at least retreated.

For now, it would no longer affect him.

He could finally allow his spell stars to bear laws like a normal cultivator.

The power of his spells would be greatly enhanced.

Lin Moyu felt that he now had the ability to directly confront the ninth tier of the True God realm.

For a True God of the first tier to directly contend with the ninth tier was almost unheard of in the great world.

At least Luo Qiankun had never heard of such a thing.

Seeing the joyful expression on Lin Moyu's face, Luo Qiankun didn't ask about his specific situation. Instead, he continued speaking on his own, "As your realm increases in the future, the fusion degree of your stellar-level spells can further improve."

"Until the fusion degree reaches 200%."

Luo Qiankun's words piqued Lin Moyu's interest, and he immediately asked, "What will happen at 200%?"

Luo Qiankun's eyes carried a hint of a smile as he pointed towards the star formation.

Immediately, a large number of light spots rose up within the star formation.

The light spots varied in size, brightness, and clarity. Some light spots were even vague and elusive.

At the same time, Luo Qiankun explained, "These light spots are like celestial bodies."

"The most common are planets, such as resource planets and life planets."

"Those with more light than planets are stars. Planets orbit around stars, and life absorbs the light and heat from stars, forming star systems."

"Apart from these, there are many other uncommon celestial bodies in the starry sky."

"For example, dark stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes..."

As Luo Qiankun spoke, Lin Moyu saw each of these celestial bodies one by one.

Luo Qiankun used the star formation to demonstrate in a very vivid way for Lin Moyu.

As long as one wasn't a fool, they could understand.

The War God Hall was quiet, with only Luo Qiankun's voice echoing.

At this moment, Luo Qiankun became a teacher, and Lin Moyu was his most attentive student.

Lin Moyu had seen these celestial bodies in data before and had heard of them in his previous world.

But he didn't have a clear understanding of them.

At this time, Luo Qiankun explained the characteristics of each celestial body clearly.

Dark stars are the opposite of stars.

Stars emit light and heat, bringing life to the starry sky.

Dark stars, on the other hand, absorb light and heat, emanating an aura of death - they are stars of death.

Apart from these, there were also white dwarfs and neutron stars, which were very special celestial bodies originating from stars but stronger than stars.

Stars also have lifespans. At the end of their lifespans, stars will undergo an ultimate transformation, using their final essence to try and reach another level.

The result could be one of three possibilities. The first is a failed transformation, completely exploding into nothingness, with perhaps some stellar essence left behind to nurture a new star.

The second result is also a failed transformation, with the star transforming into a dark star from then on. A dark star would spread death throughout the entire star system, turning it into a dead domain in an extremely short time. The most troublesome aspect was that dark stars were difficult to detect, and by the time they were discovered, one would already be deep within their influence.

The third possibility was transforming into a white dwarf or a neutron star. These two celestial bodies were stronger than stars but could no longer emit light and heat like stars. Any ordinary lifeform would be killed within their radiation range, and their power was even stronger than that of dark stars.

Lin Moyu's heart skipped a beat, "It turns out the starry sky is so dangerous."

Luo Qiankun smiled and pointed his finger again, causing all the celestial bodies to disappear, leaving only a pitch-black vortex-like object.

Lin Moyu strained his eyes to barely make out its existence.

It was like a whirlpool, slowly rotating and devouring everything around it.

Lin Moyu said in a low voice, "This is a black hole?"

Luo Qiankun nodded, "Correct, this is also one of the most dangerous celestial bodies in the starry sky. No one knows how it is formed, but even the weakest black hole can devour a God King."

"A stronger black hole, even I wouldn't dare enter."

Lin Moyu asked, "Has no one ever entered?"

"Some have entered and also returned."

"But those who have entered have kept their mouths tightly shut, saying nothing."

Lin Moyu was slightly startled, then immediately understood.

Those who could return from a black hole were all incredibly powerful beings.

Who could force them to speak if they didn't want to?

But from this, it seemed that black holes must conceal some secrets. Otherwise, there would be no need for such secrecy.

Luo Qiankun said, "Do you know why I'm telling you all this?"

Lin Moyu was no fool. If he still didn't understand, he would truly be stupid.