
Nations Harmony Academy

The Western Nation and the Eastern Nation are the majority race that occupy the face of the Earth in different dimensions. These two Nations,often quarrel with each other because they want to prove who is better in all aspects. To ensure that the two nations can understand each other, they agreed to establish an academy that will be attended by both students of each nation. Where they can understand the culture, language and procedures of both Nations and thus become a symbol of harmony of both Nations. That what them expected .... unfortunately even their students are a thick head as them own Nations and act like how their own nation behave like proving who are the best on very aspect. This story about A young girl who was a new eastern student who appear to be a mix blood and she keep this thing secretly from other because fear begin target by other students or worse by someone evil thought... Note:The Cover are not Mine soooo if anyone who own it want me to take it off Dm me;)

CyprianNasat · 奇幻
4 Chs

Nations Harmony Academy

The Western Nation and the Eastern Nation are the majority race  that occupy the face of the Earth in different dimensions.

These two Nations,often quarrel with each other because they want to prove who is better in all aspects.

They had once been at war with each other in the past and it was only sacrificing innocent lives.

After the war ended, where no one became the winner of the war.Realizing that what they have been doing all this time is just a silly thing, they have signed a peace treaty so that the matter will not happen again.

To ensure that the two nations can understand each other, they agreed to establish an academy that will be attended by both students of each nation.

Where they can understand the culture, language and procedures of both Nations and thus become a symbol of harmony of both Nations.

That's what they expected but .... the students who attended the academy seemed to disagree at all in all matters.

Student positions? .... both students from both Nations want to take it all in and trigger a fight.

The classroom? .... Everyone refuses to look at each other and often pranks each other to the point of fighting.

Not to mention the meal time ..... it's very chaotic.

"This is my experience when I was at the Academy before .... very, very noisy."

A woman in her 30s told something to her daughter.

"Why did it happen? .... Mother? ... shouldn't the academy have been created, to strengthen the relationship between the two nations? ..... isn't anyone taking action on it? "

"It's more complex than you see, even if I'm explain it... you still don't understand much about it."

"Ehhhh! .... explain! ... I want to know!"

The girl wanted to know about it more with the question mark in her eyes.

The girl's mother just laughed a little and refused to tell her.

"Hmmh .... fine! .... I don't want to know about it anymore!"

The girl was a bit sullen with her mother for not wanting to tell her.

"I'm sorry .... Rieal .... if you're old enough later .... you'll know ... yes ... you'll know ... huh ... huh ..."

Rieal's mother suffered from shortness of breath because she have had breathing problems since time since her young time.

"Are you okay .... Mom? ... I'm sorry .... I ..."

Rieal looks a bit anxious and worried about her mother's condition.

Rieal's mother shook her head and asked Rieal not to worry about it.

"This is normal .... for this to happen to me .... if your father is with us .... nevermind me,I'm sure the decision he made was....better for both of us."

Rieal who heard her mother say so just keep quiet.Rieal has never seen her father from birth until now.

What Rieal knows is that, his father is a westerner while his mother is an easterner.Where it make herself mixed blood between westerner and easterner.

Rieal actually wants to know how the two of them met and got to know each other but every time she asked her mother about it,Her mother avoided answering her questions.

"Rieal ... it's enough for the two of us to talk .... tomorrow you have to get ready to leave for your academy tomorrow .... after all you will stay there for a few years ...."

"Yes I know .... hmmm"

Rieal was thinking about something in her head.

"Mom .... if I'm at the academy later .... am I a west or east student? .... because I have mixed blood"

Rieal said so while pointing to the color of her blue eyes.

Rieal mother who heard this then remembered something.

"At the Academy later, you will be an eastern student ....because you were born in the east ... and for the color of your eyes ... I gave you this thing."

Rieal Mother gives Rieal a black box that her mother took from a table they were chatting.

"What's in this box? .... is it like a small glass? .... what's the point of this thing?"

Rieal who looked confused while looking at the contents of the box.

"It is a contract lens!.... you can change the color of your eyes to black like me! ... with this you don't have to worry about yourself as a mixed blood."

"Eh? .... why should I worry?"

Rieal has a bad feeling hearing that.

Rieal mother face expression changed dramatically and more serious.

"Rieal .... listen here ... don't ever tell me that you are mixed blood .... if they know .... you will be in danger .... so you have to be careful about your identity .... "

"Like what happened? .... I kinda want to know...."

"You will be expelled from the Academy .... and also they will find out who their parents are and .... surely our lives will not be peaceful...."

Rieal looked at the contact lens she was holding and realized why all this time they both lived far away without many visits from others.

Rieal know that if they could find out where she was .... their Nation would definitely looking for them and done something worse to them.

Rieal nodded then told her mother that she would take good care of her identity as long as she was in the academy.

"In that case .... I will protect my identity as well as possible .... I hope "

"Don't worry about it .... I'm sure you can do it .... after all it doesn't matter who you are .... make as many friends as possible there and experience all the experiences there .... because going into academy  can only be felt once in life."

Rieal just let a sigh then gave a nice sign with her finger.

After that,Rieal returned to her room and went to bed to get energy to leave tomorrow.

"It should be a place where I feel like studying and feel what it's like to be a student....well .. as long as I'm careful I'm sure everything will be A-okay !"

Rieal with full confidence about it went to bed and prepared for tomorrow.

Next day....

That morning Rieal put on her casual clothes and tied her hair into a ponytail shape with a hair tie.

Not to forget too, she also put on the contact lens given to her by her mother.

"Wow....My blue eyes ... they are gone "

Rieal sees herself on mirror that her blue eyes are gone .... well it's just begin covered contact lens and she knew it.

"Rieal! .... are you ready? .... because soon your driver will arrive!

"Yes mother, I'm ready !...."

Rieal then carried her bag with a large bag in her hand.

"All right! ... I'm ready! "

Shortly afterwards, Rieal's driver arrived and before leaving, Rieal hugged her mother and said goodbye.

"Goodbye Mom ... during the school holidays, I will come back here ... "

Rieal looked at his mother from outside the vehicle as her say it.

After a few hours on the trip.... Rieal arrived at the academy .... and she saw that the academy was much bigger than she thought.

"Wow .... this is very exciting to look at it...."

Little did Rieal know that being at that academy would be the most memorable experience on her whole life.